View Full Version : My mag is too good.

07-15-2002, 06:03 PM
My mag works flawless everytime.

Its boring.

Seriously. I love the gun and all, but now i want to trade it for a cocker or something just because all i can do with the mag is shoot it. At least i can tinker with another kind of gun...

Jeez AGD you take all the fun out of owning a paintball gun
:D :D :D

07-15-2002, 06:05 PM
go buy cocker parts and put them together that should give you somthin to tinker with for a while

07-15-2002, 06:11 PM
I think Punisher will make you cocker pnuematics on your mag. Costs a couple hundred (I believe, dont quote me though) but supposedly makes a soft and fast trigger.

07-15-2002, 06:12 PM
sweet....where is the Punisher at?

07-15-2002, 06:42 PM
I believe putting the cocker pneumatics on your mag will cost you in the vicinity of $400 dollars, but I don't think it can be done to EMAGS, and if you want to throw that kind of money around, sell your mag setup and buy an E.

There should be a thread around here somewhere that he tells you what he does and how much it costs, I've seen it recently, I'll keep an eye open.

07-15-2002, 07:28 PM
I traded my second 'Mag for a cocker for much the same reason. I have not been disappointed. While the cocker shoots like a dream so does my Minimag. The only thing is that I tinker with the cocker to see how it works. The 'Mag just works all the time.

07-15-2002, 08:19 PM
yeah i bought a cocker so i could through it against a tree and laugh:D

07-15-2002, 09:12 PM
Originally posted by Nemesis
yeah i bought a cocker so i could through it against a tree and laugh:D
haha yea..thats funny

07-16-2002, 12:27 AM
I think the reason why you want a cocker is, well, not a good one. If you were honestly looking for something better then that's fine. But you are specifically looking for trouble, looking for a hell of a time OFF the field, and a lot of headaches.

A Cocker is different than a Mag but both are fairly close in performance. If you want a Cocker because you want to tinker with it, then you are just going to end up making it worse. Everyone does. I have even heard stories of a person re-timing his gun 3 times (by taking it to a store) in one day becuase he couldnt resist playing with all the little cocker-toys inside his gun. I have also heard that a Cocker came with a leak, straight out of the box. That is just poor. Get a cocker and either buy parts or just leave it be.

Get a LVL10 and keep that mag. Now your talking invincible :cool:.

And remember, dont fix anything that isn't broken or you just might break it. :p

07-16-2002, 05:20 PM
I'm not sure but to me it sounds like sarcasm guys.
Whining because it works too good, with all those smiley faces, he's pulling your legs!

07-16-2002, 07:57 PM
i disagree, i am willing to bet hes being truthful. same happened to me with my mayhem, i got it to the point where it would just kind of shoot a case, no problems. i was like, well, i cant do anything without changing the parts that are really expensive to change (like, have new parts manufactured). how boring. i like fixing stuff, so if it just kind of works, its no fun. granted though, i like having a dead reliable back-up, but my main gun needs to have problems, or at least things to make better.

07-16-2002, 09:25 PM
nope i'm not joking.

I never play paintball. I've never played in a tourny, i've only been to a field once. There is no reason why i should have anything more expensive than my ray (which performs almost as well as my mag under my standards. I'm not considering quality here; its not even close.)

I really just bought the mag because of the quality, and well... i like owning expensive things! :)

The only problem is that after you finish looking at an automag, its BORING AS HELL!!

I'm looking at this Armson pump, i hope that i will be able to get it because it looks really nice.

I was thinking i could trade my mag for a ICD BKO but they only sold 2 or something cuz i dont see any for sale or trade.

I share the same thoughts with sniper.

I guess the AGD gun is like the AGD box. No bull****, just gun (or box).

07-16-2002, 11:31 PM
why do you think i put THAT into my sig:D

Top Secret
07-17-2002, 12:57 AM
I'm getting a cocker because my mags never break so I don't get to tinker with them. :D

07-17-2002, 12:14 PM

07-17-2002, 03:49 PM
if you can't duct it, **** it!

07-17-2002, 03:51 PM
that goes 2 ways though...by a cocker and eventually you will get tired of fixing it and wish you still had your mag

Top Secret
07-17-2002, 04:23 PM
Never said I was getting rid of the mags.

07-17-2002, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by rhetor22
...All i can do with the mag is shoot it. At least i can tinker with another kind of gun...

Get the Level 10 upgrade. Then you can tinker all you want. :D

07-17-2002, 05:36 PM
hence the real reliable back-up. i like having two (it actually takes more like five) guns, one to just let sit so i can have a gun that works, whenever i want it to work (i have trouble doing this, which is why i need more like 5). the other is my "main" gun, the one that i mainly tinker with, or am tinkering with at the moment. this gun changes to whatever i am working on at the moment, and the other becomes the pick-it-up-and-play gun.