View Full Version : flatline help please

07-15-2002, 08:01 PM
can someone tell me how to move my gauges to the other side of the reg. now that i have warp i cant read my pressures. thanx bently.

07-15-2002, 08:54 PM
I had the same problem. all I did was turn the tank upside down. Sounds kinda stupid and simple, but it works.

07-15-2002, 09:38 PM
i thought i could do that but i wonder if i can turn the gauges over? if you find out how let me know thanx again for the reply.

07-15-2002, 11:02 PM
I found there was no need to, if u hold onto your grip and look over the side of your arm the gauges (when upside down) are viewed right side up. I don't know if I communicated that correctly or not...Buy as for turning them upsidedown, give the techs a call and ask them if you can tighten or loosen the guages a half turn. I think they just screw in, right?

07-16-2002, 09:58 AM
yes the gauges do just screw in....

the holes on teh side with the input/output nipples are just a mirror image of the gauge side....
just remember before removing gauges or workin on the tankreg to DRAIN ALL AIR OUT OF TANK FIRST.... there is still air getting to the high pressure side so be safe and drain it....

now i also have a warp on the left side and my gauges on the left side.... i just loosened the ring on the reg and turned it slightly.... other then that i just top off after most games so i dont need to worry about it....