View Full Version : I have got a problem, and it sucks a big one.

07-15-2002, 09:36 PM
i have just gotten back, been gone to the beach for a while, well, i have just now heard of the lvl 10 upgrades, and i have searched for the link to order it but i cant find it, is it to late?? or what, and please dont flame, i have just found out about this.

07-15-2002, 09:41 PM
i think you are too late for the beta version, but when the production one comes out you can get one then.

07-16-2002, 05:53 AM
Check the postst...tom just said you can order this week, preproduction.

07-16-2002, 08:38 AM
If you look through the new posts,last chance (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=43111) will appear. Find the thread, or just follow the link. Tom said this is the last week to get in on this.

07-16-2002, 10:52 AM
I called and ordered one yesterday!