View Full Version : lvl 10 on boo-yaah mag

07-16-2002, 01:40 AM
does anyone have a boo-yaah elcd mag working with lvl 10 , id like to know before i order.;)

07-16-2002, 10:41 AM
Yes they work great. Got mine today. Went up to AGDE, where they fitted and set it up. Run about 50-100 really *EDIT* Tony, we don't cuss here, you agreed to that when you signed on. This is your first warning. Army paint through it not one break. Only problem I had was with the trigger switch sticking on. Adjusted it for a bit more freeplay at the top of the trigger and all is fine. I just fired another 50 off in my yard...and stuck my finger in front of the bolt! Really great can't wait to get out and play at the weekend.

07-16-2002, 02:11 PM
im planning on putting it on my booyah project mag.

07-16-2002, 03:02 PM
I would recommend it liigod. It totally changes the whole feel of the mag. You hear a lot of people saying how good it is on these forums, but you really need to try it for yourself, and with the boo yaah it's even better.
ps...sorry for the cuss. I sometimes forget which forum I'm on, and the rules that apply. A genuine mistake, hope I didn't offend/upset anyone.

07-17-2002, 11:59 AM
i guess boo yeah was a hit or miss product you either got one that worked or yours came prebroken mine works great and my logitech mouse has a harder triggerpull than my booyeah oh well when i get my lvl 10's ill let yah know on how it interacts with the boo yeah

07-17-2002, 04:31 PM
well ive already taken a dremel to my boyah to make it much more comfortable, as well as ive got a new MUCH lighter trigger switch in the mail, and soon im going to put in the set screws. Im guna pick up level ten. when im done it will be awesome, and then ill sell it! lol.

07-17-2002, 05:43 PM
I have a boo-yaah, I am getting a level 10 and I have a RetroValve. I'll let you know how it works out. I am not to impressed by the ReTro, though I haven't fine tuned it yet, I am getting my lvl 10 tommarow ups. I'll let yall know how it works. I have a halo too, hopefully ill be able to go fully auto at 15pbs

07-17-2002, 06:22 PM
68 classic LVL10 on a chrome booyahh ELCD with mako 4.0 elcd board. ripps , no chops 15 bps.

my hybrid, Extreme e68 LX :D

07-19-2002, 02:00 AM
Hey guys, I am working on my lvl 10 on my boo-yaah mag. I can get it to fire under semi fine, though it seems it is having issues doing bursts, and full auto. I am playing around with the shims, it does stop on my finger, so i will keep working on it, I am hoping it is not my ReTro valve, though it did work perfectly fine before i added the lvl 10, i think i just need to play around. In addition we couldn't fill the tank all the way since it was out of date, also my battery was on the low side. Well if any of yall have any sugestions LMK, until then i will tinker with it until i have it.

07-19-2002, 02:11 AM
hostage, why are you gtting a rt valve if you have a booya. id just stay with original valve. i don't think booyas go go up to 16 bps or do they? either way to me thats just a waste. if i bought the 300 dollar rt valve i'd want the reactive trigger. just my 2 cents.

07-19-2002, 02:18 AM
Well I already have a ReTro valve #1, #2 I got it for free from my field, for doing the website. Well I want a very consitent shot from my gun and the retro valve can give that that to me. Also, I have been using this frame, i dont think i can go back now, i like the mouse click firing ability, if you want a reactive trigger, put a rubberband around your trigger to hold it up front. :-)

10-27-2002, 10:54 PM
Hey Hostage did you ever get level 10 working w/ your Booyaah? I gave up yesterday after going thru carriers .5 thru 2.5. It would either leak or not shoot at all. Atfer doing some searching it looks like I may need to find a good carrier and adjust my shims. I ran 2 on all tested. I varied springs on some but not consistantly. I have a regular valve, but could switch over to the Retro if it is easier to set up. Just wondering if you ever got yours working, what's the setup, and hows it performing?

10-27-2002, 11:44 PM
is there bolt chipping with the BooYah?

Lone Brain Cell
10-28-2002, 12:08 AM
No bolt chipping with my boo-yaa lvl 10
Mine rocks,I have had no problem. and would recomend it to anyone!

10-28-2002, 08:00 AM
What's your setup Lone Brain Cell, Carrier, Shims, Spring, and are you using a regular valve or Retro? Thanks

Lone Brain Cell
10-28-2002, 05:02 PM
My setup
Regular valve, 2.0 carrier 2 shimms middle spring (Cut one).

Since I have bought my mag (2 years ago) I have always been tentitive in pulling the trigger too fast (Just in case of short stroking) I just love the Boo-Yaa lvl 10 combo, I have a cheap marker that keeps up with most Angels AND IS MORE ACCURATE!!!!

btw : I had to get a new Reg piston.

10-28-2002, 09:12 PM
Well i was a little slow but i finnaly ordered my lvl 10( i wanted to wait til agd got everything sorted out) and i havent tinkered with it enought to get it to work, i have a carrier that fits, so i put in 2 shims and middle spring , didnt fire , put in smallest spring and if would work fine but bolt was to slow you reset and wouldnt get 5 bps! so problem can be solve by recharging battery cause there might not be enough juice to make fire ( boo-yahh guys know how when you run out of battery juice that it will fire and then wont fire the next 2 shots and then fire again and so on and so on)(which i like cause if you run dry in the middle of a game you can still do stuff much like emag's manual switch but not as good) anyway, another way to fix it might be to cut middle spring so it is somewhere between length of middle and small , of corse to amount of shims might be the problem also , so many things to adjust , hmm how do i go about having adg put it in(im lazy) and i love all of you seg-z beasts. thanks for reading my ramblings of the things floating in this mystical ocean i call a mind trapped inside my brain.

10-28-2002, 09:43 PM
Thanks for the info Lone Brain Cell, but you raised another question,
"btw : I had to get a new Reg piston. "
was that needed to get level 10 working or just after you had it for a while?

Lone Brain Cell
10-29-2002, 05:03 PM
"btw : I had to get a new Reg piston. "

This was because of the increased pressure needed with the lvl 10. I couldnt get my velosity up over 250 without it venting out the back, a few bux and she's a ripper!

10-29-2002, 05:19 PM
got it qorking it was the low battery

10-31-2002, 03:56 PM
Never could get lvl x to work on the mag w/ Booyaah, thought it might have been the Reg. Piston like Lone Brain Cell mentioned, It would either leak and shoot or not shoot at all. Tried it on my Retro Micro and got it on the second try, 1.5, 2 shims, and middle spring. Thanks again for the help guys.