View Full Version : Air Tank - age limit?

07-16-2002, 06:27 AM
I'm thinking about dusting off my Mag and starting to play paintball again after a 7 year break :eek:, but I'm concerned that my on-board air tank might be out of date?

I've got an Air America system (the Fred Schultz signature reg) with a black kevlar wrapped bottle. The bottle itself has a 5/94 date printed on it (I stopped playing in about 95) - is this date some kind of 'best before' ;) or 'will explode if used after'?

Is there a finite lifespan for these kind of bottles? I've still got a big divers tank and fill rig, but I'm a bit wary about filling the on-gun bottle in case it does something nasty. ;)

07-16-2002, 08:21 AM
You will most likely need to get your tank Hydrostatically tested. Kevlar, huh. Never heard of one made of Kevlar.
The date is when the tank was made. There should be a schedule of a sort also on the tank. Likely to say to be tested every 3 years.
The ultimate lifespan for a carbon fiber I believe is 15 years.

07-16-2002, 08:52 AM
Probably isn't kevlar - just what everyone used to call them It's a standard air america bottle - black fibre glassy looking thing. :/

Thanks for the info though - don't suppose anyone knows where to get tanks hydrostatically tested in the uk?

07-16-2002, 09:07 AM
Well, welcome back to the sport.
I see that you live in the UK. I would think there might be differences in some of the specifics, but like I said you will most likely need to hydrotest the tank. I know that there are a bunch of guys here that are from the UK, but Manike is the only name who comes to mind. You could try giving him a PM and maybe he can point you in the right direction for details on what to do in the UK.

07-16-2002, 09:50 AM
yup wiht a date on the bottle of 5/94 it has missed a couple of hydrotests.... though that is not a bad thing sence it has not been used....

you will need to get it tested before anyplace will fill it... and with the 5/94 date the bottle can live untill the last day of 4/09

for everyone now remember that the bottle expires on the last day of the month prior to what the date on the bottle says....

07-16-2002, 10:14 PM
I wouldn't use it, but hey-its up to you :) Get it tested (if they will test that) Is there any visual damage on it? If not, its prob. fine, but still get it tested.