View Full Version : Software Problems at AGD Causing Delays

07-16-2002, 06:59 PM

If you ordered the LVL10 kits and haven't received them yet we appologize. During this LVL10 beta test we completely rolled over to a whole new software package that we have been working on for over a year. This was one of the major "to do's" on my list if you remember.

The new software required everyone to learn new procedures etc. and caused screw ups and delays throughout the month. Because of this your orders got out of sinc and were not neccessarily filled in the order they were placed. As an example, we were out of LVL10 kits so the front office did not bother to enter the orders until they were in stock. The new software didn't see the orders so it didn't tell manufacturing to build enough. We are not used to how this new stuff works yet but are getting up to speed quickly.

As of now I THINK we only have a few orders left to fill. We are building more kits tommorow and should have everyone's out by the end of the week.

Thank you for your patience, we are trying very hard to make things better for everyone concerned.


07-16-2002, 07:03 PM
i ordered mine today so when approx. will it be sent out... the front office said next week, but that is contradictory to your time table here. and whith this change of software when i called they had to set up a whole new account for me... does this mean i have to re register my gun or was that info not touched... and when ordering do i have to mention AO to get it at the 65$ beta testing price?

07-16-2002, 07:17 PM
so im confused does that just mean theres a delay or that some orders didnt not get put in and it its delayed and orders are lost

07-16-2002, 07:40 PM
No orders were lost! The store sends us emails with your info on it and they get entered by hand. With the volume of orders and the new sofware they didn't get done in the proper order or time frame but we do have them. We expect to have a large quantity of LVL10 kits by the end of the week.


07-16-2002, 07:46 PM
No orders should have been "lost", they are still there, just hard to find and coordinate.

As Tom said, some of the first orders may have been shuffled to the back of the pack, that is the delay. If you ordered, do not panic. The girls are working as hard and long as possible to get things straightened out.

Remember, if you do get a Beta Test kit after the official testing is over, AGD still wants you to fully test it regardless of production time-tables. You will still get the kit with all kinds of parts to fully fine tune the LX to your gun.

Despite the LX being in full production, your continuing feedback helps AGD fine tune the manufacture process. Say in a year, YOU find a serious flaw in the 2.0 carrier and the material of the O-rings. Tom needs to know this ASAP, making you the hero (yay!) of the day.

So, be patient, orders are being filled as soon as AGD can fill the boxes and get them shipped. The darn 'ol computer is running a new sheet of music, and everyone is still learning to dance to a new song:)

07-16-2002, 07:53 PM
cool, i cant wait to get mine then.

07-16-2002, 09:49 PM
AGD, u said last chance.. if i ordered 2maro will i get it for 65? yes or no? (2maro as in 7-17-02????)

07-16-2002, 10:01 PM
Hey, no fair I want my Level 10 now! I ordered it on June 23 and it's still not here! I am calling my lawyer...

Oh wait, my E-Mag hasn't broken a ball since I bought it - and it went through AO Day in Jersey AND Skirmish's D-Day Scenario - ALL IN ONE DAY! Who the hell needs Level 10? The E-Mag is already perfect!


07-16-2002, 10:45 PM
do these "orders" include the people who sent in their superbolts???

07-17-2002, 12:21 AM
Still waiting for my LVL 10 kit. Sent in my superbolt the day after they went on sale. :confused:

07-17-2002, 12:31 AM
Little dissapointed that my lvl10 hasn't come in yet, but then I look at my old, torn up,and barely functioning squeegee and know it will all be worthwhile since I wont have to buy another one :D besides the little delay gave me enough time to put together enough money to have a very full day of testing. Thanks for giving us AOers a chance to get our hands on it first

other random thought....
Does it count as a beta test if only half the testers get their kits before the final product is going into production?

07-17-2002, 08:33 AM
Please Please Please tell me you're not using an MRP system like Manex. Our company made the transfer about two years ago, nothing but problems since. Good luck!

07-17-2002, 08:33 AM
Originally posted by MagDog68
Oh wait, my E-Mag hasn't broken a ball since I bought it - and it went through AO Day in Jersey AND Skirmish's D-Day Scenario - ALL IN ONE DAY! Who the hell needs Level 10? The E-Mag is already perfect!


I've had really great success with my E-mag if I stick to Diablo paint. I can just rip strings off with that stuff, and have never broken a ball while using it.

However, when I switch to standard Premium, she starts spewing "goop."

07-17-2002, 09:22 AM
All orders received this week are filled at the $65 beta price.

As soon as the item price is changed on the store, the new price will go into effect; for phone orders, the price change goes into effect Monday 7/22.

All Superbolt orders not filled already should go out in this next batch.

There are approximately 125 orders yet to ship. I will keep you posted on this :)


07-17-2002, 11:54 AM
Originally posted by AGD-OfficeGal
All Superbolt orders not filled already should go out in this next batch.

This includes my yet to be filled order I hope...

07-17-2002, 02:06 PM
I got mine!:p :p :p :D

07-17-2002, 03:11 PM
Originally posted by alkafluence

However, when I switch to standard Premium, she starts spewing "goop."

I have played with all types of paint, 3 month old no-name paint, Diablo, 32 Degree and Kick'n Premium that they used at the AO Party. I even had some really weird crappy paint at this event in Brooklyn that came in an unmarked box. Nothing has broken anywhere! I love this gun. I am NEVER trading my Emag in!


07-17-2002, 07:38 PM
Do you ship the LVL10 kits every day? Or just every week, like on a specific day? I know this is very annoying at a time like this but if you could answer that would be a big help. (Im going on vacation and my mail stops wednesday, I THINK - hope I get it before then)