View Full Version : Marks on my Mag!!

07-16-2002, 09:01 PM
Ok, i got my mag a little over a year ago and have kept pretty good care of it but for some reason i have a couple of brown spots not very big on my mag that won't come off. Since its supposed to waterproof i don't how this happened. Anyone know how i can maybe remove these to make my mag look nicer without a new paintjob???????

07-16-2002, 10:09 PM
just exactly where are they on your mag?

07-18-2002, 04:27 PM
On the top of the body near the feed.

07-18-2002, 10:54 PM
what color is your body?

07-19-2002, 01:49 AM
sand them off and polish your whole body it looks a lot nicer

07-19-2002, 02:59 PM
If you don't wipe off paint it will corrode the body.