View Full Version : Fine tuning your LVL10 is done how?

07-16-2002, 11:07 PM
How do you adjust how hard the bolt hits the ball, ei, you can set it to not crincle a 1$ bill all the way up to chop off a digit. How do you adjust this.

I have 3 springs in my kit, the 2 longer springs won't even release the bolt from thwe seat. i have to use the brass colored one. also i had it setup and choped a piece off of my stick sqweegee.

Just want to know how you fine tune it.

07-17-2002, 12:05 AM
Ok you either need to turn your velocity adjuster down using the short brass spring or turn it up with one of the long springs in it.

07-17-2002, 12:23 AM
Do this...

Install the longest bolt spring, the carrier with one ring and three dots, two shims and the tighten down the PT tip. Make sure to fully press the carrier down in the PT so your shims don't get caught up in the threads.

Next, gas up the gun. It won't shoot because the valve needs to fill at a higher pressure to push the bolt against the increased resistance from the longer spring. Turn the velocity adjuster clockwise while pulling the trigger until you can start shooting. It should start shooting right around 260-70fps so it will be shooting good once it does start shooting. Crank it up a tad more and you should be at 300fps (it's helpful to have a chrono, but not necessary).

Now you have the setup that'll be very gentle on paint and should provide no chops/breaks with the majority of the paint on the market.

You might need to adjust the carrier size. If it's leaking down the barrel constantly, then put in a smaller carrier with the SAME o-ring. If it doesn't want to fire before 300fps, then install a larger carrier. Add shims if the bolt locks up on a ball when it pinches and remove shims if it leaks constantly down the barrel regardless of carrier size.

07-17-2002, 06:12 PM
Thanx man. i guess i need a new velocity nut, mine is all the way in and still doesn't get to 280 fps. i'll buy a nut and tourney lock.