View Full Version : lapco bigshot

07-17-2002, 01:07 AM
i got a bigshot a while back and i'm having problems finding paint that matches it good, acording to the charts PMI premiums should fit it well (thats why i bought the barrel) but the ones i tried rolled all the way through the barrel, i've also tried many other paints and can't seem to find a good match yet

any sugestions??

07-17-2002, 02:45 AM
the bigshot is a .689 barrel. that's just a bit more than what I considder "medium" bore. PMI paint tends towards the small side. .688 is usually a bit loose, .687 fits about right. It might be time to pick up an autospirit to complimetn the bigshot.

lapco SS barrels tend to be .001 larger than their alumium counterparts. Same process.. but the anno takes up some of the ID. so my autospirit is a .686...

07-17-2002, 08:37 AM
The charts are worthless. Nothing beats a real fit test.

Try Powerball pearl. If it's true that the thing is .689 bore like Nerobro says it will fit perfect. I find that a little odd though. I do not consider .689 to me a large bore. And I thought all Bigshots were large bores. I consider that medium on the dot. In a Freak kit it sure is.

If a fresh batch of Power ball is too small then I suspects its lareger than .689. But hold onto it! Someday you will run into a batch of larger than normal paint and need the thing. thats why you should have bought it not by some chart thing. paint varies too much to go wy them and they are for the most part outdated and do not take conditions of the paint into account.

You do have other barrels right? You should. Once barrel will never fit all paints well.

07-17-2002, 08:48 AM
PMI Advantage Shell is just about always .689. That's teh insert I use. IIRC Bigshot's are more like .690-.691.

07-17-2002, 10:27 AM
alright i might try the autospirit, i really like lapco barrels so far, specially for the price, but what i find wierd is that the lapco said the barrel was medium bore, so did the "charts" but it seems like almost all the paint i try rolls right through it

[edit] - where could i find some kinda tool to meausre the ID of my barrel? i've seen 'em around just don't know where to get them

Wc Keep
07-17-2002, 11:40 AM
ok one paint i found to work flawlessly is nitro duck. but this past weekend at the ao II party my .689 all american did horribly with kickin paint. i switched to my bigshot and my shot grouping was much tighter. not perfect but alright.

07-17-2002, 12:23 PM
This weekend at AOII the premium kickin was measuring .693 and the "not so" premium was .689! Go figure!!! Thats what all of us areound my tent were finding. So sounds to me like the Bigshot you have is a .693.

Wc Keep
07-17-2002, 12:35 PM
also one of the gents measured with his freak said that the 689 fit tight. but thats strange about the size...

07-17-2002, 12:41 PM
I have bigshot Alu and always shoot rp with no problems at all. Perfect fit.

Wc Keep
07-17-2002, 12:44 PM
actually i just started to think and i remembered that team colors shoot like the barrel is to big (team colors are a.688-.689 paint)and i was shooting the premium stuff.

07-17-2002, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by rfelker
I have bigshot Alu and always shoot rp with no problems at all. Perfect fit.

i've heard this alot and it made me wondered if i just got a smaller than average batch?

07-17-2002, 03:11 PM
It's the paint.....plain and simple. I would say with virtual certainty that all problems like this are the paint and not the barrel.

People always want to blame the barrel. Easier to justify in their mind I suppose.

When you buy paint you never know for sure how it's been taken care of since it was made. Heat, moisture, humidity, how it's handled.......all these things effect the size of paint before you buy it. Just because a particular vendor, or field, takes special care with it doesnt mean the people that handled it prior to them took the same amount of care.

I've bought paint that was completely perfect in a given barrel I own........then turned and bought another case from the same place and seen it roll out the same barrel.....or not even want to go into the barrel at all.

Lapco has a forum.......Go ask the "Grey Ghost" himself.