View Full Version : Powder Coating?

Pile & A Half
07-17-2002, 08:07 PM
Just wonder but is it possiable that you can powder coat your body rail on an automag? Mine is kind of scratched up a bit and I want it to look a little better than what it is now. So just wondering if you can or not?

07-17-2002, 08:30 PM
Yep, you can get it powdercoated. Just make sure not to get the parts coated that touch the body or the trigger frame(use powdercoating tape to mark it off.) It will mess up the tolerences if that happens.

Pile & A Half
07-18-2002, 12:14 AM
I think I know what your saying but then again I think I might be a little off. Can you explane more if possiable?