View Full Version : Emag... full auto?

07-18-2002, 01:47 AM
I read that Emags can shoot full auto, but my emag doesnt shoot full auto, is there something wrong?

Load SM5
07-18-2002, 07:28 AM
Whoever told you that was wrong. They have never been able to shoot full auto. They used to have 3 and 6 round burst modes but those have been done away with in the recent models. If you want full auto talk to Donggie from Modified Paintball in the dealer's forum about his new E-Magnum board for E-mags.

07-18-2002, 09:06 AM
yeah modified paintball does some nice work, they got the emag cycling at 30bps, the board has full auto, and some other modes, the only downside it that it voids your AGD warranty but modified will fix it i think i'm not sure, for my info check out this (http://9375.adahost.com/emagnum.asp)