View Full Version : A new Missouri AO meet?

07-18-2002, 10:52 AM
Alright guys, I wanted to get your thoughts about this. I was wondering how much interest there would be in trying to schedule a new Missouri AO meet and greet. I saw where Ice Child had did some great work in putting one together around the St. Louis area recently, although it had a relatively small turnout. I was thinking this time in having in the Kansas City area. There are several fields here that would be a nice place to get together and play. The field my team and I frequent is Paint Games Plus North, right outside of KC, that I would recommend. It has several types of fields, good people, and good prices. We also have other indoor and outdoor fields in the KC area, although the vary in their pricing.

I could definitely check into setting a time and place up, as well as seeing if a group discount could be done. Main things I would need to know are:

1. If anybody within reach of Kansas City would like to participate and actually thinks they could make it.

2. What date would work the best for most people? I don't know if any of the AO'ers from different states would like to come in for it, but that would be very cool if so. I would suggest the date being set at least a little while after the AO Austin meet in case anyone going to that would like to come for this one.

If there are enough people who would like to see the meet get of the ground and happen I can definitely get things set up. I can also give anyone info on KC and the field that would need it too. I think there are probably quite a few AO'ers that live hours from KC that could attend if enough time was given to makes plans. Anybody up for it?

07-18-2002, 01:00 PM
Well if the Army didnt have their damned lockdown policy I'd be there. I hope I don't get Doobie as a drill sargeant, he seems mean:p

07-18-2002, 04:55 PM
A good neutral location (as in not to far east or west MO) would seem to be BattleCreek ... I have never been there, but wouldnt mind checking it out.

Speaking of PGP ... my team will be there for the MO State 5-man Sept. 22nd ... any other teams from the area going?


07-18-2002, 05:20 PM
I am all for getting togather again. Battle Creek is my home field (www.battlecreekpaintball.com) They have several wooded fields and two speedball fields. I have already talked with the owners and if everyone wants to gather there I will be more then happy to get the ball rolling. Saturday is special groups only and Sunday is open play. We could do like we did at Wacky's and plan on getting a reff and play by ourselves or go into open play. Usually we have 10 to 20 open players if not more and some really good games.

If you want to keep in in Stl or KC that's cool too. Just love to get togather with new people and shoot some paint. I think the last meet and greet even though it was a small turn out was the most fun open play I have had in a while.

Any way we go I think we should look at setting it for no earlier than Sept. My Aug sceduel is already set and it would really be hard to change it. Also I am haveing to save up as much as I can for Shattnerball.

07-18-2002, 05:33 PM
Well if the Army didnt have their damned lockdown policy I'd be there. I hope I don't get Doobie as a drill sargeant, he seems mean

(wiping tears from my eyes)
Me...mean, HA!

Only at work...Private!:mad:

07-18-2002, 05:56 PM
Well that does me a whole boatload of good. Oh btw, maybe you can answer this question for me cuz my recruiter doesn't have a good answer. Why are there 15 million different ranks for sargeant???? They're just trying to confuse me I swear. The hardest part is definately gonna be remembering which one is a First Sargeant and which one is a Sargeant First Class.

Wait no I take that back, the hardest part is the running. Stupid running.... :rolleyes:

07-18-2002, 06:03 PM
KC meet would be the best for me and my two fellow maggers. One just joined the forum and the other is thinking about it (get that?).

PGP north is a good place to meet. It's only a couple of hours north of Springfield. A few Miles Southeast of KC and many other surrounding areas.

If it's a Saturday (even Fri. and Sat.) meet, I'm there. Sunday, can't make it.

07-18-2002, 08:01 PM
Not me. Wrong side of the state. I am plnning to go play in Millstadt IL later this summer which is 15 minutes from the JB bridge in SoCo STL.. Two fields in that area- Wacky Warriors West and Xtreme PB park. Both sound nice.

if a couple of people are interested maybe we could haev another one there for thsoe who can't mae anything out that way.

07-19-2002, 08:49 AM
Battle Creek doesn't look like a bad place. It's closer to St. Louis however, and I'd kind of like to have the meet be closer to KC since the last one was closer to St. Louis (just for some change). I think PGP would be best, since it's not quite in KC (actually, it's considered Holden, MO.) for those that would be coming from a ways out. I agree it should be at least September, although October might be good too. September is a bit busy because they have a 3 man Autococker Open (called such because first prize is three Cockers...is this really a prize? Just kidding, lol ;) ) and the State Championships during this month. But, ya know, whatever everyone decides. I'd just like to get together and send some paint over, have you check it out and make sure it's still working. :D

lopxtc, hopefully my team will be at the State Championships if we can hustle up some $$$. I think we may be doing three man though.

07-19-2002, 10:06 AM
Where ever it is decided to be held I will be there unless work keeps me from it. I have played at PGP in Holden and liked the fields. My field brought some players up for the Command and Conquor game several months back. Dre if you were there I was the one with the Battle Creek group with the Emag and wearing the Animal Paintball Green VooDoo Jersey. We started out playing for the USSR.

07-19-2002, 10:59 AM
Nah, unfortuantely I wasn't there. I heard it was a great time and had a big turnout though. We (my team and I) wanted to be there, but schedule and $$$ wouldn't allow it. I tell ya, we need to win the lottery or become Bill Gates' sponsored team! Anyway, PGP is a nice field really. We were out there a couple weekends ago and they had a nice ultimate air course set up. It was half PGP and half Jaegers inflatables, but laid out very nice. Jeff, the field operator, member of Team Shadowmen, and all around decent guy said they were going to be making the ultimate air a permanant feature there soon. (If they haven't already) Other than that for those of you that haven't been there they have a couple woods courses, a speedball field of slat walls, and a couple of hut fields. Good variety, and pricing is real decent. Field fee is $5, air is a $1 per 1000 psi, and paint usually runs $60 a case. (Worrpaint...which is real good if you haven't shot it.) Just some info to think about.

07-19-2002, 03:57 PM
I really liked the fields and wouldn't mind playing there again. What we need to do is get an Idea of when and where so people can start planning. Perhaps set up another poll for a short time to determine where everyone wants to go. Why don't we get things started by getting some more imput from the rest of the players who may come.

07-19-2002, 04:32 PM
Yeah due to a soap opera between two players on my team, we maybe doing the three man also.


Originally posted by dre1919
lopxtc, hopefully my team will be at the State Championships if we can hustle up some $$$. I think we may be doing three man though.

07-20-2002, 11:20 AM
Originally posted by lopxtc
Yeah due to a soap opera between two players on my team, we maybe doing the three man also.


That sucks, but hopefully we'll see each other at the 3 man then. As for the meet, yeah, I agree we should get some feeback from everyone that is in the vicinity and would like to come out for it. Let's see, what fields do we need to put in the poll?

1. Paint Games Plus
2. Battle Creek
3. ??

If there are some other places everyone would be interested in, let me know.

07-22-2002, 09:52 PM
Upping this so anyone who hasn't seen it gets a chance.:D :D :D

07-23-2002, 03:04 PM

07-23-2002, 03:26 PM
Originally posted by Tack
Upping this so anyone who hasn't seen it gets a chance.:D :D :D

Thanks man! I was starting to think everyone within traveling distance of the mighty MO didn't much care about getting together. ;) Anyway, hopefully we can get some more people to sign on with interest and get one of these meets put together.

Actually, if we could figure out a date that's good for everyone maybe we could start a list of who could attend. I think date wise the end of August or the first part of October would be the best. Let me know what you guys think.

07-23-2002, 07:52 PM
Me and a few of my teammates might be able to come. We are about 2 hours from pgp in springfield so that has my vote.

07-23-2002, 09:10 PM
I am afraid that Augest is out for me, I already have my time in and with Shattnerball going the last weekend of Aug. there will not be too much of a turn out. I think we should shoot for the end of September or early Oct. The weather will be cooling off but we will still be able to play in good conditions.

As for fields, so far we have votes for Battle Creek, PGP Holden, PGP Springfield, and somewhere in St. Louis.

nic m85
07-23-2002, 10:40 PM
I might go to one in the St Louis area

07-27-2002, 03:19 AM
Just make sure we get a good location and a set date. I am definitly in. More then likely I can get at least two of team mates to go.

Just get the date down though.

07-27-2002, 03:20 AM
Check out my newest sponsor. We picked up Wacky as a partial sponsorship. Kewl Beans in my book. With Nitro Duck as a major sponsor if helps.