View Full Version : Desktop backgrounds!

07-18-2002, 12:32 PM
I'm just putting this up for FooTemps because he said he wanted to get the 1024x768 verson of my desktop, but if anybody else wants to download it, feel free to. Here's a teaser:

07-18-2002, 12:35 PM
The actual file is a jpeg. I know in windows XP you can use those for desktops but you may have to convert them to a bitmap for windows 98, but thats not a big deal. The dude in the picture is kind of grainy, sorry about that. The picture was taken from a "stock" immage on the AGD website. If anybody wants to forward me some high quality paintball pictures, I'll see what I can do with them.

07-18-2002, 12:36 PM
Here is a picture I took a while ago, its not really paintball related but it makes a nice background. (especially for XP desktops) again, the teaser:

07-18-2002, 12:36 PM
aand, the actual file. Again, the size is 1024x768 and its in a jpeg format.

07-18-2002, 12:37 PM
Feedback is always welcome.

07-18-2002, 12:38 PM
This is Friendly Corner material.. ;)

07-18-2002, 12:39 PM
its *somewhat* paintball related.

07-18-2002, 12:41 PM

what are you using to make those anywayz?

07-18-2002, 12:59 PM
my background on my laptop...

07-18-2002, 01:00 PM
Yep sounds pretty friendly to me. And email does work, you don't always have to waste server space on here.

07-18-2002, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by halo13
The actual file is a jpeg. I know in windows XP you can use those for desktops but you may have to convert them to a bitmap for windows 98, but thats not a big deal. The dude in the picture is kind of grainy, sorry about that. The picture was taken from a "stock" immage on the AGD website. If anybody wants to forward me some high quality paintball pictures, I'll see what I can do with them.

If you turn on Active Desktop in Win98 you can use jpg's just fine. Just right click anywhere on your desktop and choose active desktop from the menu that pops up.

07-18-2002, 01:05 PM
Sorry, it is NOT "somewhat Paintball related" no more than showing the car you drive to play paintball in would be. Come on folks, please use a bit of common sense. :rolleyes:

And I agree... it is a total waste of AO server space. A few of us have made Paintball Wallpapers (heck I made ALL of them for Rumbleme.com ) but we don't start threads in the Main Forum about them.

Yes, Friendly at the least, E-Mail definitely.

07-18-2002, 01:08 PM
He posted a paintball desktop, it's paintball related, and I don't think that the server will die from using a little bit of space. If there is a problem, a mod will address it. Leave it to them.

07-18-2002, 01:13 PM
LOL NOT! Sorry… that mentality does now wash. AO is a paintball site, and so is Friendly Corner… Desktop images, paintball based or not, are NOT paintball “discussions” they are WALLPAPER discussions.

One MAY argue about the validity of the thread all together and how it uses AO server space, but to argue what Forum it belongs in is silly….. anyone with half a brain can figure out it belongs in FRIENDLY CORNER if anywhere.

Why do I feel I am arguing with children?

07-18-2002, 01:15 PM
50% of the threads here turn into a "Where this goes" or "Use the search" argument anyways. I'm just saying why do we even bother... let the mods take care of it, it's their job. If they have a problem, they'll address it and let us know that it was wrong. The mods are most likely more annoyed by arguments of this type than threads like this, anyway. Shartley, you're not a mod, just drop it.

Anyways, they look good. Nice job.

07-18-2002, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by shartley
Why do I feel I am arguing with children?
probably because most of the time you are
for those who take the let the mods handle it attitude, I'm sure they thank you for making their job harder.

07-18-2002, 01:22 PM
Originally posted by subbeh
50% of the threads here turn into a "Where this goes" or "Use the search" argument anyways. I'm just saying why do we even bother... let the mods take care of it, it's their job. If they have a problem, they'll address it and let us know that it was wrong. The mods are most likely more annoyed by arguments of this type than threads like this, anyway. Shartley, you're not a mod, just drop it.
And who are you? I suppose if you saw someone doing something wrong you would just ignore it? Heck you are not the Police, so never mind? If you brother or sister did something wrong, you would just “drop it”? LOL

The mentality that “it is not my job” is what is wrong with people now days. I will leave it at that and not get into a long post about showing just a TAD bit of respect for those who have EARNED it. I would then be called arrogant….. funny how those opinions change when THEY are in that same position…. Time is a funny thing….. ;)

LOL My point exactly. ;)

07-18-2002, 01:29 PM
...but we don't start threads in the Main Forum about them.

One MAY argue about the validity of the thread all together and how it uses AO server space, but to argue what Forum it belongs in is silly…..

I'm done with this... It was stupid of me to even comment. I believe I'm right, you believe you're right. It's a simple difference of opinion, and that's that. I respect your thoughts, you (hopefully) appreciate mine, let's leave it at that.

Let me input on this thread be that I enjoyed the wallpapers very much, thanks for posting them.

And as a little comic relief to the tension in this thread:

If you brother or sister did something wrong, you would just “drop it”?

Yeah, my brother is much bigger than me. :D

07-18-2002, 02:15 PM
i wont' comment on the applicability of this thread to this website as it will more than likely incite more "lively" discussion. i would just like to say that i appreciate the background. thanks.


jae park

07-18-2002, 02:50 PM
didnt werk last time, maybe this will work better.

07-18-2002, 04:26 PM
PLEASE don't tell me you let your Ferret drink that? :mad: :rolleyes: