View Full Version : How does you guys convince your female friends to play?

07-18-2002, 05:04 PM
I am trying to convince one of my good female friends this saturday. I know she is interested in the sport because she always asks me about it. I am bringing her on a byop day, i am sponsored so i can get her in for free, plus she is using my friends gun. On top of all that she is using some of my paint also. How do you guys convince your female friends to play?

edit*haha i wrote how does you guys haha

07-18-2002, 05:34 PM
Getting a small group of girls to go is MUCH easier. My wife went because a friend of ours (female) wanted to go. My brother's wife also wanted to try. My wife was VERY reluctant to go. After the first game my wife was VERY enthusiastic. When they called the next game she was the first one up and ready to go. Good luck. :D

07-18-2002, 06:14 PM
I can't find any other girls that want to/will play. O well

07-18-2002, 06:21 PM
she can PM/email me if she'd like..I could try and help out in answering her questions and anything else she'd like to know.

07-18-2002, 06:25 PM
She is very worried about getting shot. I offered to let her wear my hockey chest protector. She has seen me come to school after big tourneys with a few large welts. Thanks capoeira for the offer I will let her know

07-18-2002, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by paintballrulzs
She is very worried about getting shot. I offered to let her wear my hockey chest protector...

Yeah, my wife put "stuff" in the front pockets of the camo jacket. I think the hockey chest protector is a good idea. Have her wear it under a shirt/jacket. Are you planning on playing "speed ball" or "woods ball"? Woods is better as you want to avoid having her get shot at close range if at all possible.

BTW, seeing some of my welts was what had my wife worried. i explained that I have a bad habit of putting myself into positions where I get shot at close range (or not at all). After watching me play she understood. ;)

07-18-2002, 06:41 PM
My sister plays and actually has her own equipment. She got interested because she wants to do everything I do. I figured that the first time she got overshot or bunkered that she would get mad and quit, boy was I wrong. She toughed it out and actually whined less than some of the guys we play with. I would agree that a group of gals playing would be more inviting for your friend's first time, if that isn't possible maybe just some other new people that have not played would make her feel more comfortable(not the only newbie). Good luck with your friend, the hockey pads might not be a bad idea.

Hey Capo, very considerate of you to offer to talk to her, you exemplify how a company spokesperson should behave.:)

07-18-2002, 06:55 PM
Alright. Well i am a strictly speedball player. I play nothing but speedball. I was going to be her back player for when she went up and made sure she did not get bunkered. NOt to brag or anything but i am one of or if not the best player at this field. it is a new field so not many people know about it. I was also going to just have her surrender if she was the last one left. I was going to let her use my warp fed, hyperframe mag. I think if she didn't take any rough hits she should be alright. I was planning on bringing some of my less talented players so there would be some squids there. I also planned on telling all the tournament players (my team, and we are sponsored by the field so i am sure the refs will b cool with it) not to shoot her from close. They should not have a problem. I am going to outfit her in my shin pads and also my jersey.

07-18-2002, 08:10 PM
in my opinion, i dont want my girlfriend around me when im playing. i get into that "intense" mood, and i just do stupid stuff. i mean, it might be cool, but i dont think that she would really enjoy it, and i think it would be a drag for me for the day, just me voicing my odd opinions :)

07-18-2002, 10:39 PM
There is no short of highschool girls that want to play around here.

07-18-2002, 10:48 PM
i just ask them...

07-19-2002, 08:34 AM
I try to shame them into it and tell them "dont be a girl" if they think it will hurt... Did i mention i haven't had any play with me yet

07-19-2002, 08:38 AM
i moved in with her and she just got tired of sitting home, alone, on saturdays when i ditched her to go throw some paint ;)

or handcuffs and a tazer

07-19-2002, 09:07 AM
I try to keep girls and paintball separate. I'd never take a girl snowboarding with with me, and I'd never take one to play paintball. Hell, I don't even take people who have never played before. These are the types of people who are very set in their ways and would never get into it, I'm not being 'anti' here, it's just that the only free time I have I spend playing paintball, and I'd like to enjoy that free time and not have someone there to worry about.

07-19-2002, 01:28 PM
Have them bring other female friends and give em (or tell them to bring) chest protecters. Hockey equip works well as does dirt bike racing stuff. Then once you get to the field, if you can (sounds like you have some pull so you should be able to) let her get used to shooting it at the range before the game. Then, if possible, have an all girl game, with one CALM and supportive type experienced player acting as an adivsor for each team. Also I know I get really hyped up when I play. Make sure you don't yell or give her too many "helpful hints/criticism". If you do that you're just asking for trouble. :D That's what worked for me anyway.

Patron God of Pirates
07-19-2002, 01:52 PM
I make fun of them until they want to shoot me, then I offer them the opportunity! :D

07-19-2002, 02:21 PM
Hmmmm... I got a lot of of my girl friends to go. It's easy, just ask them. Well, I always get them to ask but then I forget to give them directions, times, and prices so everything always gets screwed up and they yell at me when I get back home. lol

07-19-2002, 02:35 PM
I just bought my wife a bushy, we went to a big game, and now she's on an all-girls team. She even plays more than I do now. :(

Main thing is just to ask nicely, don't badger, and if she actually wants to play she'll play. If she doesn't want to, leave it at that and be done with it.

A good way to start is to ask around at local fields and see if they have a ladies day or something. A field around here is having one this weekend sponsored by my wife's team that girls play for free (including pump gun rental, field fee, paint ... everything). It's a huge incentive when they know they won't be the only girl out there, and the free really helped too.

07-19-2002, 04:05 PM
(even though Im a guy)

just leave a box with paintball stuff in the middle of the playing field with a note inside saying "PUT MASK ON"

I remeber when my brother did that to me, he asked me to bring in a box full of "garden trash" to the front yard for throw away. Instead of finding dead shrubbery and broken branches, I found a Spyder and a Scott Mask with a note taped on the lens "PUT MASK ON"

I was wondering like "WT*" then all of a sudden shots started raining by my feet, the the note on the mask was pretty much self explanatory, I grabbed the gun and next thing you know we're playing "GIJoe in the backyard.

Well... thats the way you do it if you want her to dump you. If you wanna still keep her, then maybe inviting some paintball friends that she really knows will really help her get in her comfort zone.

I asked my GF to play with me and some of the boys in a renegade game, it ended up being a nice 5v5 in the woods. She played every single game, and now kinda likes the game.

The trippy thing is that I gave her a Piranha EXT PRO with mechnical el cheapo trigger, she can rip that triger just as fast as I can on my Mag. ???? Damn.


07-19-2002, 04:33 PM
I agree with hitech. Get her to bring a friend or two. Also make sure you can equip her properly (sounds like you're doing this).

When my wife agreed to go paintballing with me, I bought her a marker (Retro Mag) and made sure she could shoot it. (I don't think the marker needs to be high end, just reliable and sized approp for her). I let her use my mask as it fit her better. Finally I got her a chest protector (borrowed from my bro, not sure why he has one of these...).

She had a great time. We played on a private field with friends of mine who were all very cool to her. Many of the guys mentioned they would try to bring their girlfriends/wives. She plans on going again.

07-19-2002, 09:31 PM
One of my friends was asking to go play paintball with me, and she seemed real interested. So now I've been trying to get her to play for a month and she keeps backing out. She did the same thing with skydiving, but she never told me she was deathly afraid of heights, she just kept making excuses. Ive tried damn near everything short of synreals tazer and handcuffs suggestion, including but not limited to:

Getting a small group of girls to go
I offered to let her wear my hockey chest protector
I try to shame them into it and tell them "dont be a girl" if they think it will hurt
i just ask them...
I make fun of them until they want to shoot me, then I offer them the opportunity!
just to ask nicely, don't badger
If she doesn't want to, leave it at that and be done with it (she started asking me again when we were going to play)
i can get her in for free, plus she is using my friends gun. On top of all that she is using some of my paint also
inviting some paintball friends that she really knows will really help her get in her comfort zone.

She is driving me insane, and this threads ideas haven't worked. Girls... :confused:

07-19-2002, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by vineas
She even plays more than I do now. :(

Now that's just sad... I wanted my wife to play paintball with me so that I could play more. Not sure what I'd do if she went without me...