View Full Version : i need a sig pic for a band of members

07-18-2002, 10:12 PM
hello fateful mag owners, it seems that we angel owners have been branded the bad guys(i like being a bad guy) and i have formed the

group or head for short anyway i need a sig pic something small please and only for angel owners for us to proudly display showing the world we dont really care, we have teh money to buy something we like and are proud to own
so if some one could make a pic it would be great

ps. i dont want any replys about mag owners not labeling angels toters as bad guys and i dont want any posts about angel owners not being bad people or how mags are better or angels blahblahblah so unless its a picture for us or perhaps a witty remark just dont post(aka shutup) thank you

07-19-2002, 07:08 PM

07-19-2002, 08:35 PM
ps. i dont want any replys about mag owners not labeling angels....

i dont like being told what to do so im posting
:p mags are cool angels arecool!;) just in there unique ways