View Full Version : HELP: RT Intelli? Non-RT Intelli? Which one?

07-19-2002, 02:11 AM
OK, Im pretty much confused, Im just a couple days away from getting a 2002 Proteam Vert Feed Micromag RT. I have heard these bodies to be different as the bottom is flat versus beveled (only heard, did not see).

I want to get an intelli for the gun, but I am not sure which intelli to get. Ppl on the boards are saying the noraml intellis wont fit the Micromag RT, and that I need to get the normal "beveled" intelli for classic Mags.

However, I just got off the phone this Morning with Jon from AGD, and he claims that the RT intellis are only for the Automag RT's since they have a completely different rail. Joanne also said the RT intellis have a special insert (just more stuff to confuse my feeble little mind).

I go online to the AGD store and see that I have to say "YES" to the RT frame for the Automag RT, but NOT the RT Pro.

OK OK OK, I am really confused here. What do I get for my 2002 Cypress Special Edition w/ Removable Vert feed Micromag RT? Do I get the normal one (like JonAGD said) or get the RT one for my Micromag "RT" (like Joanne and some of the AO members have told me)?

Which guns are the normal intelliframes and which ones use the RT intelli? I really dont wanna get the wrong one and have to end up sending it back.

Im really confused here. I just wish that AGD made just one universal intelli.

Any Help would be greatly appreciated.


07-19-2002, 02:14 AM
Forgot, just incase someone flips out and goes WT* is a Cypress Special Edition Micromag RT, its the same body as the normal 2000+ Micromag Vert feedbodies. Same gun, very slight difference in aesthetic milling.

Anyone here put on an intelli on their Vert Micro? Also comments on how they feel over a Benchy 2x or DYE would be helpful info.


07-19-2002, 07:44 AM
(I have a Micro Mag 2000 with a Intelli Frame)

07-19-2002, 07:58 AM
You won't be disappointed with the Intelli. I run one on my Mini also. I have two Benchys (x1) currently not in use.

A team mate of mine, that is new to the Mag family, bought a Benchmark 2x that is pure junk. The over pull on the frame was so bad the gun would not function. He's currently running his stock frame with no problems.

BTW, my Micro is a Vert feed.

If you go with the Vert, I suggest one or ALL of the following, otherwise your in for some feeding problems.
*LVL 10