View Full Version : Just a quick N2 Question...

07-19-2002, 02:22 AM
I was wondering if you can fill a regular PMI Fiber Wrapped Compressed Air tank filled at a scuba shop, I am getting tired of having to pay $9 to get a fill and usualy have to spend about $12 when I time my cocker. I was wondering if Scuba Shops have the same fill adaptor that will fill my tank...

07-19-2002, 02:25 AM
they should, i was just at a scuba shop looking to get my tank hydro'd and the guy said something like it would be 3$ to fill a small tank like mine (68ci 4500psi but i guess thats small compared to scuba tanks)

07-19-2002, 04:12 AM
9$ that should be a crime i pay 3$ to get my 114 3000 tank filled at my field.

07-21-2002, 12:30 AM
Well, thanks, im gonna try to check the diving shop about 20 minutes away...

07-21-2002, 08:51 AM
I pay $1.50 for my 88CI... at my scuba shop.

As long as they have an adapter for that fitting you're good to go.

Costs about $5 here to fill a 120 cf scuba.

07-21-2002, 01:14 PM
Invest in a fill kit and scuba tank. Then sell fills cheap at the field until their prices com down.

I usually pay $1cdn/1000psi

07-21-2002, 03:11 PM
Well its the store price that is $9 the feild is $10-$15 all day. And most of the feilds don't allow Fill stations...

07-21-2002, 05:04 PM
Hey Infinity, I'm in San Jose, and I'm pretty sure you're referring to the infamous $9 3k psi fill at I&I.

Ask to buy a fill card. It's 20 bucks, but you get either 10 full co2 fills (up to 20oz). Or 1k psi for each equivalent co2 fill. Thus it's 2 bucks for a full co2 fill, or 6 bucks for a full 3k psi n2 fill. Not exactly inexpensive compared to other places, but hey you can use it for co2 AND n2, and it's not as ludicrously expensive.

07-21-2002, 05:14 PM
Man thats crazy. At my local field its 1$ per 1k psi. At my scuba its the same price but size doesnt matter. Its 3$ for a 47ci/3k hpa tank or 120cf/3k scuba tank.

Also I would never suggest making money selling fills out of the back of your trunk. It just screams lawsuit if thier tank happens to burst (not even from you) while on the field after you perform a fill. I doubt you have a business liscence or insurance or lawyers on retainer if something like this ever happens :)

Use a scuba for personal use, and at your field price, that scuba tank and fill staion even new would probably pay for itself after a single fill (depending on size)