View Full Version : RT Pro leaking air...

07-19-2002, 02:13 PM
My RT Pro at the field today was leaking down the barrel...

Long story made short, it started to do this two weeks ago. I did everything you're supposed to; replaced the orings on the power tube.

Before all this started, once I turned up my Air/n2, there would be no leaks, only the sound of the trigger clicking at around 400-500 psi. (I use 700-800 psi for play)

Now, I can gas it up all the way to 400-600 psi and you can hear a loud leak down the barrel. On the field today, I checked my valve 3 times and each time I turned my air up, it would leak... sputtering occasionally. The ref who owns a mag couldn't figure out the reason either.

So I called a local store and gave them a visit. As soon as I gas it up... guess what? No leak and the trigger clicks (rt valve owners will know what I mean). So I'm standing there a little embarassed... I ask the guy to let me try one more time. This time it leaks (I stopped turning it up at around 550-600). By that point I have less than a 1000psi in the tank, so we fill it. Turn up the air again and it leaks, but he tells me to turn it higher... while he uses a pen to push down the bolt. The trigger clicks and the Rt is fine again.

Basically he tells me that it'll occasionally do this - He says that I should use a straight shot to push down on the bolt, while turning the air up to 600+ psi.

What I don't understand is, it never did this before. No air leak, just the click of the sear on the trigger once I get it up to around 400-500 psi. Is this normal? Do others use their squeegies/straight shots to push down on the bolt, while turning up the air when it leaks?

Going to the field tomorrow, and taking first timers. Any input or idea on what may be wrong will be appreciated!

07-19-2002, 02:44 PM
New bolt spring. Sounds like yours is worn out and is not recocking always.

07-19-2002, 02:55 PM
the RT/RTPro/Emag/Retro valves all need a quick burst of air for everything to seal right when you put air into it....

next time you try gassin it up hold the trigger untill you are done turnin the tank on.... then when you release the trigger you should get the nessary burst of air to set the seals

07-19-2002, 04:26 PM
Thanks guys.

mykroft - Just got done putting in a new spring.

virus - I'll also hold the trigger down tomorrow, while gassing it up.

If it turns out that the only way to keep it from leaking air is to push the bolt down, I take it I should give AGD tech guys a call?

Hopefully the new spring and holding the trigger down will solve whatever problem the marker is having.

Thanks again!


07-20-2002, 08:05 PM
Just got back from the field - did as mykroft and virus told me to. Replaced the spring and held the trigger down, releasing it when I hit around 600+psi.

Worked perfectly.

I know virus explained the basics, but is there any reason that it's doing this now - leaking air at the start, when before it would only hiss before the sear clicked on to the trigger?

07-21-2002, 09:06 AM
Its something that just sometimes happens. I find more often than not its because the gun is a little dry and needs some oil.

Why are you degrgulating you system everytime ? If you have an older raptor get a ProConnect ( Yes its pricy ) but that will allow you to slam the valve with a good ammount of pressure and get things to seal, when you creep the pressure up the orings just are not sealing.

Aslo this may go away after a while as the orings take a new seat on the parts.
