View Full Version : My Trip To The Dentist

07-19-2002, 04:11 PM
Well, today i was supposedly going in for some decay on my front tooth and another tooth next to it. Well next thing i know hes like, well, im gonna have to root canal this, then hes stickin sticks up there and pullin the nerve out. Then in 4 days more im having the rest of it done, and after that my other bad tooth in the front(accident when i was younger) has to be posted and crowned along with the one hes root canaling. 2 Crowns in one day..this is gonna be fun.

Also, he did a crappy job with the resin because he is gonna be filing it down in a few days anyway, so i gotta sit around with a bad resin job in my mouth, BAH.

07-19-2002, 04:33 PM
sounds like your in for some pain. I think dentist just get bord and like pulling and filling teeth. and most denist like to have more money so they alwasy make you caome back in so they can "fix" it

07-19-2002, 04:45 PM
i hated my root canal. im not even done with it yet, i still have to get it impacted or whatever, all together its gonna take 4 visits. he looked that the tooth for like 3 secs, and was like you need a root canal and we dont do those. then he sent me to another guy and he said he didnt want to do it because i have curvy roots or something like that and io had to go to a specialist then when they were gonna put a crown on they could only put a temp one on becaus my gums were bleeding too bad and they couldnt stop it. so i had to go again, and they put the crown on and now i need to have it impacted and a couple fillings done.

07-19-2002, 05:53 PM
lol,ive only had one trip to the dentist for a root canal when i was like 10...

07-19-2002, 05:58 PM
did you have the gas? man, the gas is cool, lol "drill away doc"

07-19-2002, 06:23 PM
HEHEHEHE the gas rules! did you kno that dentistry is the profession with the highest suicide rate? kinds sux to be a dentist, and has any one noticed, that dentists are usually realy wierd? like there isnt something right in their head???

07-19-2002, 06:55 PM
Actually, it was painless, he gave me some novacain and it was painless. The most pain i had was when he was drilling out the side of decay, on one tiny spot u could tell he was getting to the root, but nothing i grunted over. I felt NOTHING when he stuck his stick up there and twisted to rip the root out, not one thing at all. However my lip was numb until about 7 o clock(4 hours later) so maybe he just used a ton of novacain.

07-20-2002, 05:32 PM
my dentists just gave me hella novacane, and no gas. the first time(6 shots) wore off like 30mins after i left. and the 2nd and 3rd time(3 each) wore off in a few hours.

07-21-2002, 12:25 PM
You think that's bad? The reason I couldn't go to AO day in NJ was that I had a dentist appointment. While there I was just getting my teeth cleaned with that scraper thing and the lady managed to cut a 1 inch gash in my upper gum. It took her 15 minutes to make it stop bleeding, and the only thing she could say was, "Sorry, my finger slipped. You know, your gums bleed easily".:(

07-21-2002, 12:36 PM
Originally posted by SyntaxError
You think that's bad? The reason I couldn't go to AO day in NJ was that I had a dentist appointment. While there I was just getting my teeth cleaned with that scraper thing and the lady managed to cut a 1 inch gash in my upper gum. It took her 15 minutes to make it stop bleeding, and the only thing she could say was, "Sorry, my finger slipped. You know, your gums bleed easily".:(


07-21-2002, 06:24 PM
Patriot, sounds like all the more reason to brush your teeth

07-21-2002, 07:07 PM
Wow, i do brush them, i have nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, wrong with my molars, besides my wisdom teeth which are impacted, oh well.

The problem came from an accident in winter i had, when i went down an icy slide and hit the ground, was flung forward, and my face hit the edge of the slide, it broke my front tooth(permanent at the time) and all the bones that hold the teeth in my top jaw. The pediatrict dentist specialist guy told my mom it looked like someone smashed me in the face with a hammer as hard as he could. I was squirting blood and after 3 hours of dental work, and stuff i finally had the tooth in my mouth. Later i needed it root canaled and then it got an infection inside it, and then i finally think its done with. Well it seems, the tooth next to it, when they originally put the bonding on the broken tooth, somehow formed a little pocket that floss couldnt get into(the floss always got caught, the dentist said dont worry about it.) Well here i am now 8 years later, and somehow no dentist noticed it was decaying the entire time, and i needed a root canal. So i dont think this could be blamed on not brushing my teeth, i have never even had a cavity...until this, but this is a much more major cavity.

07-21-2002, 08:12 PM
thats why they kill themselves, they feel bad about what they do to you.

07-22-2002, 02:26 PM
SOMEONE SHOOT ME! SHOOT ME NOW! OMG THE PAIN. Well, he did a root canal, and well all I can say is, it hurts quite badly. He found it rather hilarious however, when he was forcing the "concrete" stuff up into my tooth. He pushed like as hard as he could, im sittin there makin faces, apparently novacain isnt enough to overcome spikes in one's root of the tooth. I am going to wither into a ball and die now....and tonight im not getting any sleep thats for sure.

07-22-2002, 09:45 PM
Ever had your braces get overtightened? I did two weeks ago and it was probably the most 2 days I have ever had. Imagine having your root canal pains(I've had one before) and then imagine wrapping it up in piano wire and attaching it to a truck wench and puttin it on max power. I hd to work that day and when I complained about the pain and asked if I could go home, I was yelled at and given another hour to work.

07-22-2002, 11:47 PM
I hate the dentist, so I try to be an uncooperative patient...

Just bite the dentist when he looks at your teeth and say it was a muscle spasm... be really uncooperative and pretend like you have severe ADD or something. tactfully shut your mouth after they tell you to open wide, gnaw on the tools, take way too long with the suction hose and water if they give it to you. If they're gonna drill, tell them you need a while for the novacaine to set in... ask dumb and or irritating questions, look at them wired when they're looking at you, fake pain, move your mouth around constantly... bla bla bla, I could go on for hours.

07-23-2002, 12:07 AM
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I dont go that far, i prefer it if my doctor didnt view me as the root of all evil. Get it? Root...dentisty..nevermind..