View Full Version : E-trigger vs good ole' Reactive Trigger

07-20-2002, 10:50 AM
Just wanted to know everyones opinion that have an E-mag which they honestly kinda like better and why. I am actually bringing back an old thread where one member felt that electrnoic just felt so boring vs his reactive RT Pro. He claimed that he had more fun with his RT over his E-.

Can the RT trigger be pulled just as fast as the E- trigger? If so, why go with an E-Mag when a RT will do just fine without the extra weight of the electrnoics and Battery?

LMK all your thoughts all. Im was thinking of picking up a Centerfeed E-Mag or a Vert feed Micromag RT.


07-20-2002, 10:57 AM
I dont have and emag... but I have shot one. And even though it was cool, I acutally prefer my RT's trigger. But If you have the money, I'd go with the emag... If you ever change your mind about the trigger, all you have to do is flip a switch.

07-20-2002, 11:02 AM
Originally posted by a_malfunction
If you ever change your mind about the trigger, all you have to do is flip a switch.

The manual mode of the E-Mag does not feel as crisp or as short as the pull on my Retro AM with I-Frame. I've got to compare them side by side, but there's something very satisfying about the I-Frame trigger pull.

the jackal
07-20-2002, 03:07 PM
I just got my e-mag a week ago and one my team members has an rt with a benchy frame. I personally like the trigger on the e-mag better (in all firing modes) over the rt because it has less lateral play but I also have an I-frame on my classic which makes for an awesome pull which is just a little behind, if not even (in feel), with the e-mag. If you aren't concerned with firing modes and want to save some weight the I-frame on an rt would probably make for a really nice, short trigger, it did on my classic.

07-20-2002, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by the jackal
I just got my e-mag a week ago and one my team members has an rt with a benchy frame. I personally like the trigger on the e-mag better (in all firing modes) over the rt because it has less lateral play but I also have an I-frame on my classic which makes for an awesome pull which is just a little behind, if not even (in feel), with the e-mag. If you aren't concerned with firing modes and want to save some weight the I-frame on an rt would probably make for a really nice, short trigger, it did on my classic.

Well you can't compare an emag to an rt with a benchy frame.. or a classic with an intelli to an rt with benchy or the emag. Its like apples and oranges. Take the benchy outta the mix... compare all you want. I've never shot an emag, but I have shot an old school rt, rt pro, and a retroMM and they all felt sweet. The old school RT had the most bounce but I'm sure the same could be accomplished on a retro with a high input pressure. Anyway, maybe at the AO fla meet someone will have an emag for my to test fire.

07-20-2002, 04:14 PM
go with the e-mag... you will not regret it. the electronic triger is verry fast and hella short, and qiute crisp depending on magnet count. also hybrid is joyous, go for thge e-mag trust me

the jackal
07-20-2002, 08:09 PM
Frausty, I see what you're saying about there being no comparison between the three different guns/setups. I guess in my mind I was thinking that in manual mode the E-mag's trigger feels better than an rt with a benchy because it has less play and that an I-frame which also has very little play would make the rt's trigger feel very close to the e-mag's manual mode. In the future I'll try to clarify my point more and if I still don't make much sense I apologize :)

07-20-2002, 10:31 PM
I seem to be one of the few people that put mine on E and left it there. I loved it.