View Full Version : Manny and his choice of Mags

07-20-2002, 11:25 AM

as you can tell, Im posting alot of Manual vs E- threads throughout the AO board, Im now in a fork in the roa, where one sign says E-Mag, and the other says RT.

This is what first stimulated my curiosity. I have watched the Traumahead Sports WK2K and saw Manny sporting the SFL E-Mag. But in a recent Magazine article advertizing PMI, it shows Manny using his I-Frame Automag RT in the Amrdi Gras 2K2. Where was his SFL?

I would think that he would be using his SFL indefinitely ever since its release. Another question is, during Manny's entire carreer with Shock, why did he choose an RT A/M over a higher end E-Mag (I got to admit it a nice testament to the RT).

I would also like toask ask Rice, which you honestly prefer? Manual RT or E-?

Im guessing RiceRocket would be the best person to answer these, but I hardly ever see him on the boards as of late.

Rice or anyone with the 411, LMK.


07-20-2002, 12:10 PM
If you have the money..go emag... you can still run it as an RT if you wanted. I think His SFL was down as he was waiting on a bolt? Who knows..but I'd say go with emag or wait for the extremes. You can always flip the switch and run hybrid RT woot...then if things get outta line...you can werk em back in switching back to e- :)

Load SM5
07-20-2002, 02:53 PM
Manny's used that same retromag for years. There's something to be said for a gun that you trust and is always reliable. His SFL was one of the test guns so he had it sporadically, I guess.

I'd go E-mag, personally. My favorite mode is Hybrid.

07-20-2002, 03:43 PM

i'm sorry i couldn't meet up with you this summer. if i had known how much of a consternation you were in over this electro v. manual thing, i would have made a more concerted effort to seek you out so you could at least try my sfl. i was at hawaii all star the last two weekends on sunday playing with the intermediate division. i'm going to try to get in one more play time, maybe on thursday. if you can make it that would be cool and we could talk mag then. wait until the extremes come out....if you can find an sfl get the sfl emag. i love mine....hardly any chops and thats without the ace or level 10. and as it was pointed out earlier, you can put the emag on electro or manual, so you would be having an rt in an emag anyway. i'll pm you if i'm going for sure on thursday. btw, i met masterninja (another guy on this board) last weekend. he has a regular emag with warp. we were both having a ripping time (although i still suck beans :()


jae park

07-20-2002, 05:32 PM
Load- Yes I have to agree with you, for a Pro to choose a RT Mag for many of his years says alot of its performance and reliability. But why didnt he choose to go with the AGD E-Mag instead?

Haw- Hey, thx man, I will really try and make an effort to meet you on Thur, I know the tourney is next week Sun, I gotta check that SFL out. Hey did you spread the good word of LvL 10? I wanted to go to PB Central and show it off, but ended up selling My Micro and am mnow Magless. Ill PM you as well.

07-20-2002, 06:36 PM
I rarely ever use my e-mag anymore now that I have my built up retromag.

I can shoot ALOT faster for longer periods of time using my RT that I can on pure electro semi mode using my e-mag even with the e-magnum! Ever since the refs prohibited me from using hybrid mode Its been RT all the way :)

Its also half the weight and you don't get accused of cheating beacause the gun is semi-only indefinately. There is less to worry about and you can roll around in the mud and water with it and it will still work fine.

I still love my e-mag but when I play serious I use my RT. My E-mag has been relegated to scenario and exhibition purposes.