View Full Version : Bushmasters/Defiants - Chaos chip?

07-20-2002, 05:56 PM
Have any of you PERSONALLY used or, better yet, own a Chaos chipped Bushmaster or Defiant? I have my wife's Bushy set up fairly nicely, with a Sidewinder HPR and a Vapor Mini Rock FMD mod (replaces stock LPR), Vapor valve, Freak system and a HALO B being the significant upgrades.

Would the Chaos chip provide a NOTICEABLE difference? I would get the semi only chip anyway, but am wondering whether the max attainable ROF would increase? The chip seems to have a good reputation on Bushmaster specific boards, and is reasonably priced at around $50 or 60.

I would just like to hear some honest feedback.

07-20-2002, 06:26 PM
I had the chaos chip in my Bushy before I sold it. I would highly recommend it. You would be amazed at the difference in the ROF between it and the stock chip. The biggest problem I had was chopping, so I had to turn it down a bit.

07-20-2002, 08:29 PM
Great chip, especially with the eye. And yes the ROF is unlimited on that chip.

07-20-2002, 10:02 PM
Cool, thanks. I think that I'll give it a try.