View Full Version : What's going on in your life?

07-21-2002, 01:04 AM
I'm just bored and I figured I'd make a post.

Anyway, Here's what's going on in my life:

I just played paintball for the first time in about 8 months, and I had a good time.

Right now, i work 2 jobs, one at my school as a computer lab monitor, and another at Swedish Medical Center digitizing all the medical files by scanning them into a database, and then shredding them, etc...

I just graduated Highschool this June, and I think I'm going to go to a community college for a little while, and then head on over to the university of washington, but I 'still gotta figure out what I'm going to do there.


07-21-2002, 01:45 AM
I'm holding down a job with my friend (obviously saving money for a new gun :)). We are working for a guy that renovates houses. Sometimes the work gets really old and annoying, but our employer has a really hot daughter that comes over quite often, so it pays off (so does $6 an hour, but oh well). I'm also joined up with this program that pays us to plant trees around the city (Salt Lake City), which I have to do every Thursday (I'll be getting about $140 for it). I'm also in the process of pawning off about $350 of my stuff for my gun. If you can't tell, I've been working like mad this Summer, but it should be worth it (incase you care, I'm saving for a Blazer).

About the only other thing keeping me busy is computer games and message boards. My friends got me back into Diablo II (yes, I also have the Expansion). I also play some StarCraft now and then, and am trying to find a friend who owns WarCraft III, since it looks interesting (wan't to test before I buy though).

I'm also preparing for highschool. I am going to 10th grade next year. Technically 9th was high school, but it's held on a middle school campus, so it was still essentially middle school.

Next month my family will be traveling to Ohio (Cleveland) and Florida (Miami) to visit relatives. should be fun, I haven't seen them for over two years.

Anyway, that's about all that's happening with me right now.

07-21-2002, 10:19 AM

i am starting 11th grade in like 3 weeks.I need a job.I am 16,and i dont have my liscence yet(or learners permit:()

um.....i havent played paintball since last sunday,i was going to play today,but i dont really feel to good.Maybe i just need something to eat and some sleep.

The FL AO MEET is september 14th/15th,and im trying to help get that setup smoothly,i have money for LX kit,but i cant order it cuz i dont have a credit card.Does anyone know if AGD would accept a MO?

i need to wash my car,yea,i have a car,and i cant drive it,makes since huh?

07-21-2002, 10:50 AM
I've been at my job for close to two years. I'm trying to finish up my flight class to get my Private certificate. I've almost lost all the wieght I needed to, and am now deciding between another semester of college in the fall, or trying to ship out for Basic asap for the Air National Guard.

07-21-2002, 11:52 AM
I am currently single again. My last gf cheated one me..not cool. I got 2 days until i can drive solo (stupid nh law u have to wait 90 days once u have ur license to drive without an adult). I am working at wonderful shop n save. I am debating on if i should quit my paintball team right now and join a different team. I am confused on which barrel kit to get : CP, freak, equation, J&J, or 3 1 piece cp's! I am off to work in a few hours.

07-21-2002, 12:25 PM
im working at a small water park as a lifeguard and im putting ALL of the money i earn up for car insurance (my parents are making me get every insurance on the car known to man)im getting ready for school and other than that just goin out with friends and havin fun life is good :D even though no money for paintball or much anything really

07-21-2002, 12:41 PM
I work for WorldCom.

'Nuff Said.

07-21-2002, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by mykroft
I work for WorldCom.

'Nuff Said.

You guys better not go bankrupt, my uncles friend just won a suit for 3 million against ya ;) .. my uncle gets around 20 grand of it too. They are going to start a bussiness together with that cash hopefully..

Uhmm, I am going to be going into 10th grade in Ohio. All new people, school, town etc. I get a totally sweet house. And I work from my computer, hopefully enough for some fun toys when I turn 16 this January :)

07-22-2002, 08:58 AM

We filed friday, it was accepted sunday.

WorldCom is bankrupt

07-22-2002, 09:43 AM
well, I'm at home right now. I got back from Junaluska(church camp that's actually not lame)last nite. I leave for Chatanooga to see my cousins tomorrow and it's gonna be a loooooonnnggg trip(9 hours). Next sunday I go to ASP in West Virginia, straight from Chatanooga. Hopefully I can fit in some fishing while I'm in WVa too. I basically won't be on here tho for about 2 weeks so don't mess this place up. oh yea, my level 10 is supposed to come sometime while I'm gone.

Other than that, life is pretty good. Kate and I called it quits, mostly because we both wanted to see other folks. We are still real close tho, she's in my room right now, playing GTA3, listening to my Christian metalcore. One of my friends just wrecked his car(a '90 toyota camry) but when he asked me for my opinion on what happened, I said it was his fault(which it was, he didn't yield on a busy interesection). All of my friends also agree, so he's excommunicated us. It'll work out in time tho. I am considering quiting my job at a plant nursery because they tend to give me tasks that they refuse to do like pull weeds in a parking lot, in 100+ degress. I get headaches everyday I work there because of the heat. I might see about getting a job at Barnes and Noble or mayby at warehouse music.

07-22-2002, 09:44 AM
My gf just broke up with me for somebody else. I just got back from church camp, then I went to soccer camp. I got my warp in so I've been staring at that for a while. I finished the first book I actually wanted to read, HALO. I went to the cabin a few nights ago and stayed up playing 12 people on the game HALO until 4 AM. My kitchen is leaking badly. My uncle just got over a massive heart attack with quadruple bypass surgery. One of my friends moms just found out she has breast cancer. Most of my good friends are getting into drugs. I am talking to a girl from Alabama although I dont really want a long distance thing. 2 of my exes are obsessed with me. I need money, and I need a job. I need to turn 16 so I can drive, but I got to turn 15 first. I wish I had an X-box but I'm not allowed to have any kind of Nintendo, PlayStation, Xbox, etc... As soon as school starts I am no longer allowed to watch tv on weekdays. My dad is trying to make me be him, he is forcing all the sports on me that he played and I hate every one of them. I need a new computer, this one is a POS but dad wont buy a new one, and I'm not allowed to buy one. My Angel actually works completely for the first time since... last January. I hardly ever get to play paintball anymore. A lot of me friends are getting out of it. And now I'm going to stop complaining!

07-22-2002, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by AngelBoy
I need to turn 16 so I can drive, but I got to turn 15 first.


that was hilarious....i hate being 16 and not being able to drive:(

07-22-2002, 02:36 PM
Hmmm, lets see, right now I'm on vacation, I can't get a job(if you realy want to know why, pm me)I will be starting 10th grade in 3 weeks. Right now I pretty much sit at home all day playing computer games, going on forums, watching TV or working out. And I goto the boxing gym for a workout most weekdays... Otherwise I sit at home or goto the store with my mom. When I go to school, I plan on going to school coming home, going to boxing, then comeon home to do homework(ya right) and then play on the computer and watch TV... My life is very boring and depressing...

07-22-2002, 03:21 PM
I have been lucky for the last week, thursday my retro valve came, friday parts for my impala came, saturday went to ozzfest (drowning pool kicked butt), sunday I dont remember lol.
This week, back to work, people think iam crazy for working overnights but I still love my job. Wednesday my lvl 10 should be here, and a few days later my boomstick. Friday it's off to the quick check festival of ballooning, if you thought ozzfest was good the beach boys are at the balloon show, YAY.
Now I have to goto bed gotta be at work at ten.

07-22-2002, 04:38 PM
My life is pretty plain really. I went back to my old job, made a bunch of money then quit. The marine corps. rejected me (and I am VERY thankful that it happened) because I am going to finish college (attempt to) and get into the local Police Academy this January. They accepted my application and now I have to take a written test, then a PFT, then a physical and a psychological test to get in. But otherwise thats about it.

Oh I'll be at the IAO, then at the Atlantic City Open (if thats happeneing) and then to Shatnerball next month. Hope to meet lots of you AOers at some of them!

07-22-2002, 04:56 PM
I've just come to the realization that the world is uncontrollable, so I've stopped thinking about how I'm going to explode on an airplane to florida in August.

07-22-2002, 09:46 PM
(for the record I am 16, which may explain things that follow)My life has picked up the pace of late. Having just finished school last week (due to missing 5 weeks during exams), I recently got a "job" from my parents of completely cleaning and redoing the floors of the apartment upstairs. Just got a new girlfriend after my ex left me just before she left for france for the summer. The only problem is that my new girl lives in Boston, so it's a long distance thing. I am working towards my license, which should come about in august. Meanwhile I am training in fencing and its hot as heck in the gym.