View Full Version : Censorship of the Communist thread.

Jack Napier
07-21-2002, 06:32 PM
"keep your mouth shut you havent earned the right to complain". I think your forgetting that this is America. Paying 1 in 24 Americans to spy on one another will not improve anything in America. It doesn't really matter though because the House through it out of the Homeland Security plan. For your information it isn't all about what the President/Vice President wants he wants to do. Clinton actually wanted to go in and take Osama out, but the Pentagon wanted it carried out full scale.

Why was the last thread closed?

07-21-2002, 06:41 PM
Originally posted by Jack Napier
Clinton actually wanted to go in and take Osama out, but the Pentagon wanted it carried out full scale.


The Pntagon does not tell the The President of the United States/Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Military what to do. In fact, its the other way around. If he wanted to "take Osama out" then all he had to do was tell the military to go get him (OK thats a simplified version, but I made my point).

07-21-2002, 06:43 PM
Ok the last thread was locked because in the forum rules we are not supposed to discus religion politics and what not because those topics lead to bad Karma this one will be locked as well im afraid ;)
*EDIT* just read Clinton comment Ok clintion never wanted to do anythign with the Military that didnt distract the publics Eye from something he screwed up. This is the kind of bad karma i was speaking of ;)

07-21-2002, 06:53 PM

Geez, do we have to go through this ordeal every stinking time? :) It was locked for obvious reasons. Read the rules. And besides those rules apply to the other forums, with FC we reserve the right to lock/edit/delete threads for any reason... of course we don't go on a whim, we do for good reasons.

This is a privately owned board. There's plenty of boards on the internet where you can talk about touchy subjects all you want... but not here.

07-21-2002, 06:57 PM
Originally posted by Jack Napier
. I think your forgetting that this is America.

Why was the last thread closed?

me thinks your forgetting this is AO, Not a political site. Watching you...yes i am a AGD spy!

07-21-2002, 06:59 PM
Now dont get me wrong Miscue, you can do whatever you want, but i just do not think a discussion regarding Communism(an almost dead way of life) or the Nazi's(gone too) could make anyone upset?? I do however think whoever posted this thread obviously is newer and wasnt around for the whole "you dont have freedom of speech on AO thing, because it is privately owned."

I have one question though, is it legal?? Honestly, if you had a private piece of land or something where you held slaves, it doesnt matter, the constitution still overrides the "private property" thing, and this server is located in delaware i believe?? I am not trying to cause problems i just do not see how the privately owned forums rules can override some of the nation's rules and not others.

07-21-2002, 07:02 PM

07-21-2002, 07:05 PM

Warning, no cussing.

Now, I know you've been warned already. Next offense = ban. -Miscue

07-21-2002, 07:06 PM
ThePatriot... read a book or something to answer those questions if you haven't figured this stuff out by now.

You tend to argue for the sake of arguing. Quite frankly, the professional victim routine that you pull all of the time is annoying.

Discussing Communism and Nazi stuff couldn't make people upset? These are emotionally charged subject matters with a long, ugly history. Wake up, and quit playing the stupid game... you know better, you're just trying to stir things up.

Knock it off.

07-21-2002, 07:14 PM

I think you are missing the point. AO is a private forum for the discussion of paintball and other non-controversial topics. Its not about legal, its about keeping things friendly and fun. The rule against the controversial topics is there to keep it that way. If you feel the need to discuss that sort of thing, there are other forums where you'd get more interesting and varied opinions.

You wouldn't go to a political forum and start a topic about level 10 mags, would you?

07-21-2002, 07:16 PM
Listen, im not trying to stir things up, i was merely trying to get an answer to something i didnt know. Isnt that the best way to go about something? Asking?? Isnt that we are all taught to do, ask a peer before researching? I am sorry for thinking, from now on i will just be a good American and do whatever i am told to do, regardless of how I might see the topic, or feel on it.

Fine, you will obviously never agree with me because you have to uphold AGD's rules, and of course I know no one is going to ever actually change the rules AGD has here regarding what can, and cannot be said, its just not worth it. However, in principle, what I am saying makes perfect sense, you argue AGD pays for this, so its theirs, well if a man said he paid for land, therefor he can beat his kids up on it, that would never hold in court. I should have realized this isnt a major issue, its one of those exceptions to the rules because its better for everyone, or else this place would be a gigantic mess. However, in principle you should be able to say anything you want.

I am sorry AO for being dumb and somehow offending you all by bringing this up, apparently it is I who are twisted in my thinking and you are all correct.

Sorry for the whole principal thing, i just realzed why I have been like this. I am reading The Theory of Everything by Steven Hawking right now and its about the creation of black holes and the universe and such and it talks alot about principles and theories. The real world is not always based upon principles, the real world isnt perfect.

07-21-2002, 07:20 PM
Originally posted by ThePatriot
I have one question though, is it legal?? ...and this server is located in delaware i believe??

Sure! its legal! And Delaware.net is a private company too. And not only is it legal is a darn good idea too.

07-21-2002, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by ThePatriot
I am sorry AO for being dumb and somehow offending you all by bringing this up, apparently it is I who are twisted in my thinking and you are all correct.

... seriously. Dude.. bah!

Not even worth it..

07-21-2002, 07:23 PM
Originally posted by irbodden

... seriously. Dude.. bah!

Not even worth it..

Hey, im just going by what i am being told by the good moderators here at AO.

07-21-2002, 07:24 PM
There is a time and place for things. That is the simplest way to think of it. You can scream (insert your favorite type of music) lyrics in the privacy of your own car, but you wouldn't do it in movie theater when the movie is playing. Even though there may or may not be a rule against it, it is annoying just the same.

07-21-2002, 07:26 PM
Yep, and as i edited into my other post, i forgot that for a while because i have been reading this book all day, it is based on theories and a perfect mathematical world, the real world isnt perfect...im aware now thank you for telling me.

07-21-2002, 07:26 PM
Sure, you should be able to say whatever you want. Here's where you're confused: The Constitution and what not guarantees Freedom of Speech. However, this is a promise by the GOVERNMENT, to the PEOPLE... that's it. The GOVERNMENT cannot inhibit you from saying what you want (to a degree). This has nothing to do with private institutions.

A private organization can throw you out because they don't like the shoes you are wearing (say they had a dress code)... let alone by what you say or do.

Here's the thing: There is a proper time and a place for voicing your opinion on particular subject matter.

07-21-2002, 07:29 PM
Patriot i was just wondering if you EVER stop to think before you say anything. Try thinking about it there a re rules you have to folow rules if you dont liek it you dont have to come here to fallow the rules. Communism is part of politics which with race and religion are the most contriversal topics because everyone has there own opinon and thinks every one else should have that same opinion but no one willl ever change their opinion. Its like laying on your back and pissing strait up.

07-21-2002, 07:32 PM
this is a good sig test post ;)

07-21-2002, 07:34 PM
Wow, i admit im wrong, and still get harassed for it, i do give up.

07-21-2002, 07:37 PM
I didnt see your appoligy i started my post before you edited but i prob would have posted anyway cause i really getting PO.

07-21-2002, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by ThePatriot
Yep, and as i edited into my other post, i forgot that for a while because i have been reading this book all day, it is based on theories and a perfect mathematical world, the real world isnt perfect...im aware now thank you for telling me.

After you finish that book, you might want to try a book on informal logical fallacies. BTW, it's Stephen Hawking... not Steven. :)

Just like the statement I quoted... you often fall into misapplying principles from one subject matter to another.

False Cause, Argumentum Ad Baculum, Argumentum Ad Hominem, Argumentum Ad Populum... and that's just a few the fallacies you make use of that I can put a name to off the top of my head w/o referring to a logic book. All it takes is one of these to make an argument unreasonable... and should be thrown out of consideration.

We're not as unreasonable as you imply... and believe it or not, we look closely at your point of view and evaluate things accordingly to be as fair as we can. We may not do what you 'like,' but we do what we should.

07-22-2002, 12:40 PM
i didnt feel like reading this thread,but isnt communism the thought of government "for the people,by the people"?

how is that bad?

07-22-2002, 12:57 PM

07-22-2002, 01:03 PM

that pic is hilarious...

poor lil beaver......lol.

07-22-2002, 04:25 PM
Communism is good in theory and would work perfectley if we were ants but people are greedy and lazy thats why it doesnt work.

07-22-2002, 05:27 PM
Communism is not a good idea. I want to work hard and strive to be better. I want my hard work to equate to me making money. Communism leaves no place to advance and that is poo. I want to do better than you and make more money than you.

07-22-2002, 05:31 PM
thank you obsolete thats and people in communism not wanting to do anything cause they dont have to is why communism doesnt work and never will

07-22-2002, 06:00 PM
Well I'm not trying to hoard money and take it away from other people, but I do want room for advancement.

The I want to be better than you and make more money than you was kind of a joke.

Cause I'm already better than you.:D

07-22-2002, 06:30 PM
HAHA ill let you keep thinking that to help boost your self esteem and then one day you might be half as good as me.

07-22-2002, 07:24 PM
Actually I don't want to be half as good as you, I want to be you, exactly like you. There I said it, now everyone knows...


That was a joke by the way.

07-23-2002, 12:08 AM
Thread Closed.