View Full Version : What should I do with my mag??

07-21-2002, 09:51 PM
Ok I have a bit of a dilemma here. I ship out for basic tomorrow, and my total training will last about six months. During that time, if I leave my paintball gun at my house, my brothers will surely use it and break it. Also, of all my paintball friends, there isnt one that I would trust leaving my guns to for 6 months and expect to ever see them again, so that is out the window. So I'm just down to leaving them at home and hopefully my family wont damage them too much, and I just dont like that idea. Any help would be appreciated.

P.S. No I'm not gonna give them to any of you either.

07-21-2002, 09:53 PM
hide it

07-21-2002, 10:01 PM
buy a safe..., get a lock box, take it apart and leave parts in diffrent places around your room... ( assuming they dont know how to put it back together)

07-21-2002, 10:02 PM
Also assuming that you know how to put it back together :P

07-21-2002, 10:31 PM
Send it to AGD, everyone trusts them.


07-22-2002, 12:47 AM
take the valve with you! then they cant use it!, and i do not see why the military wouldnt let you bring a marker, all it does is help you improve your skills, see what you can do... if they trust you with a gun, they should trust you with a marker

07-22-2002, 01:32 AM
I'm not speaking for myself...but i'm sure there are more than a few people on the forum that would be more than happy to take care of her for you...or even call Tom at AGD and ask if you can have her sent there for routine maintenance and just have it stay there for a while..you never know...seeing as how you're out there defending our country I don't know anybody who would say no to you..

07-22-2002, 04:08 AM
originally posted by: Cliffio
hide it

07-22-2002, 04:40 AM
I would always be happy to hold it for you and i wouldnt even need to shoot it cause i already have a mag. Other than sending it to me i would have togo with tearing it apart and puting it in a safe deposit box at the bank.