View Full Version : Colorado AO meet? Anyone?

07-22-2002, 10:38 AM
DAY: Sept 14 at Paintball Adventures in Sedalia, CO




Boggerman +1-2

07-22-2002, 05:39 PM
Myself and Hemlock would attend.

07-23-2002, 09:29 AM
Cool cool, well that's a start! :D You guys have a field you normally play at?

Anyone else?

EDIT: Just checked and saw you were in NM. Maybe there's a field south of denver that'd be a lot closer for you guys. Kinda depends who all wants to do this.

07-23-2002, 09:41 AM
Yea we're in Albuquerque. We play at Paint Ball Action.

07-23-2002, 12:17 PM
Gotcha, how far of a drive is it from there to Colorado? There's gotta be a place we can meet in the middle somewhere.

07-23-2002, 12:42 PM
Denver is about 5 1/2 from Albuq. I know there is a place in northern NM but I've never been there.

07-23-2002, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by obsolete898
Denver is about 5 1/2 from Albuq. I know there is a place in northern NM but I've never been there.

Cool. Hey I'm willing to drive. Almost drove to Missouri to go to their meet.

Come on people, there has got to be more then THREE people in colorado and New Mexico who'd want to do this!

07-23-2002, 02:18 PM
I might be up for this. Perhaps the Paintball Adventures field in Sedalia or either Rocky Mountain Paintball or DragonMan's near Colorado Springs?

07-23-2002, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by bsolomon
I might be up for this. Perhaps the Paintball Adventures field in Sedalia or either Rocky Mountain Paintball or DragonMan's near Colorado Springs?

Doesn't matter to me really, anywhere within about a 7 hour drive and I'm good to go. :D

As for a date, I'd be leaning toward end of august begining of september. What do you guys think?

I've never played at those fields, any good?

Total interested participants:


07-23-2002, 03:49 PM
I've been doing a lot of traveling for paintball this year (including scenarios in Florida, North Carolina, Chicago, and Greeley this past weekend) - the closer to home, the better for me.

The field at Sedalia is pretty nice with a lot of cover and bunkers, but their prices tend to be a little too high for my tastes. I haven't played the other two, but I hear they are pretty good if you like the more desert-style less woods-style terrain. I don't think DragonMans fills HPA, only CO2, so that could be a problem (I can bring a 3500 psi scuba).

The time-frame works OK for me. I hope to have my new Emag Extreme by then...

07-23-2002, 04:02 PM
Cool cool. Yeah I just checked out PBA. Do you have a number or know prices at DragonMan's? I personally don't care about fills (I'll be using CO2 unless I pick up an air system before then) but I could see that being an issue. Colorado Springs doesn't seem like that bad of an idea though, it would cut around an hour off of Hemlock's and Obsolete's drive.

Any preferances between Sept 7 or 14th?

07-23-2002, 05:13 PM
Either date works for me. Dragon Man's doesn't look like a bargain either...

Here's what I can find on the three fields:

Rocky Mountain Paintball
No prices on the web page

Dragon Man's Paintball (no web page)
Colorado Springs, CO
(719) 683-2200
One-Man Show
Open: Year-round by reservation only.
Fees: $20 (includes mask, marker, CO2, and first 100 rounds).
Paint: Field Paint Only. $6 / 100 rounds, $50 / half-case, $100 / case.
Facilities: 5 fields spread out over a large area. Area is covered with foxholes, bunkers, dirt mounds, forts, barrels, and cars (yes, cars). Semi rentals. Bring your own paint.

Paintball Adventures
Field Fees: Full day w/ no rental $20.00 1/2 Day w/ no rental $15.00

Rental Equipment: PBA offers Semi auto and pump markers. Full face goggle systems and more.

SEMI AUTO RENTAL - $15.00 Includes goggles, barrel plug and all day air.

PUMP RENTAL - $8.50 Includes goggles, barrel plug and all day air.



CO2 & NITROGEN: Bottle fills for both gases are available on site. High Pressure fills to 4500 psi are also done.

Co2 - .30 cents per ounce.

NITRO - $1.00 per thousand pounds.

PAINTBALLS: PBA offers 2 grades of paintballs at the field. A econo grade, regular field paint and premium grades are sometimes available.


FIELD GRADE - $80.00 per case of 2000 rds.

$70.00 per case if pre bought at Pro Shop

$40.00 per 1000 rds.

$5.00 per 100 rd bags

07-23-2002, 05:54 PM
Im in Laramie, but i dont have my license yet(boooo)
Im 26 miles away from the CO border(laramie) though, if any of your greenies could swing up i'd give you 20 bucks lol(1 hr from Ft collens on 287 or 1 hr on I-85 then I-80)
btw there is a really nice field in greeley called action persuit, its like 60/case from sever cyclone and i think its 80/case for marbz. Its got 2 big outdoor terrain fields, a D-day reinactment( nothing special but fun none the less, emag+german=MMMMM) one sup air and another concept field. I hear they were making a ww1 field with trenches and stuff, it should be completed soon.
There is another nice fieldin colo springs. Forgot name but its CHEAP probably not adaquate for this many people buts its got one black tube field and one sup' air Entry 10 bucks, generic blaze seconds for 50/case and kick'n for 60/case. 1 buck per 1000psi and i believe 30c/ounce of Co2

:) hope it happens, i and my lvl 10 emag are there

07-23-2002, 06:16 PM
oh and i can bring some freinds along, for sure one or 2, if the date is right 4-6, they wont all have mags but its more people to shoot at lol.

07-23-2002, 06:21 PM
I'm in. The field at Sedalia is pretty good.. and infact there are several fields depending on what you want to play.

The one in the springs is OK as long as you get like minded people. I did a 24 hour scenario there which was awesome, but then went back as a walk on and there weren't enough people. They claim to have the biggest hyperball field in the state, and also have some really good wooded areas. 30 acres total. YOU CAN ALSO BRING YOUR OWN PAINT!!!


07-23-2002, 06:40 PM
More info on me and Hemlock: Any sat in September should be fine, we both need HPA, CO springs is fine I'd drive it.

I just want it to be some what afforable, around 65 case.

Also I like the sound of hyperball in CO Springs.

I could also bring some other people, probally.

Can I get a list of the fields and everyone's location, I'll plot it and see what looks the best.

07-23-2002, 09:49 PM
I'm in as long as you can give me a couple weeks notice so I can make sure it is clear at work. I have been looking for a good excuse to go somewhere and play some ball. Like Brian68mag said, I can bring a buddy or two, no mags, but more targets is always better. BTW, thanks for the pm, ShooterJM.:D Wherever you guys decide is okay with me, it would be nice to find somewhere with decent paint/air prices, but I can blow a little extra cash if needed for something like this.

07-23-2002, 10:05 PM
I work at PBA in sedalia, Maybe, If be do it there, I could help arrange it. I will go, aslong as it is in CO.

07-23-2002, 10:28 PM
You work there? What's your name. Will you be there on Saturday in two weeks? I'm bringing some guys down there.


07-23-2002, 10:32 PM
Yeah, I'll try to be there. Look for someone wearing a PJ jersey with Tubbs on the back. Are you bringing a private group?

07-23-2002, 10:39 PM
No, not a private group.. just a bunch of people who always wanted to play. I like your field, especially the Alamo.

Any of you other local guys want to head over that day? I usually do a half day aiming to be there around 11:45 to get setup.

This is a GREAT place for walk on. There are always good numbers, and always enough people to do some mini-scenarios. There are lots of bunkers and some woods and a stream. It's probably my favorite field.

I'll be the guy with the Mag driving up in a big fat jeep ;-) Actually ( shamefully ) it's my first time out this year. I've just bought a house and have been busy, but looking forward to playing. I've bought new air and a new drop forward setup, and by then my inteliframe should have arrived.

Spending money like water.


07-23-2002, 11:14 PM
I'm all for going to PBA for the meet since we already have a fellow AO'er on the inside. That would be great! I've been sitting here tuning my lvl10 so I am REALLY wanting to go play now. Stuck my finger in the powerfeed and everything.:D dawump, I might be able to get over in two weeks, I'll let you know in a few days.

07-23-2002, 11:21 PM
Somebody give me a date, I'll try and make it happen.

07-23-2002, 11:40 PM
Any weekend in September is okay for me. I would prefer not to do it on Labor Day weekend, I would have a hard time getting anyone else to come with, not to mention that the field will probably be really crowded that weekend. Where exactly is Sedalia?

07-24-2002, 12:32 AM
I also agree on September. The 7 or 21 would be great (after payday). This PBA place sounds pretty good. Let's get everyone's names who will attend and will give the info to Riotz and he can put it in the sticky thread.

07-24-2002, 12:40 AM
Alright im goin
Even though I just sold my one of a kind yellow mag :(

07-24-2002, 12:51 AM

07-24-2002, 01:13 AM

07-24-2002, 09:06 AM
Alright how about Sept 21st at PBA?

That'll give a few weeks to get remaining equipment in (somebody mentioned intelliframe) and for planning and hypeing this up.

I'll drop the info to Riotz.

Can anyone think of anything else we can do?

I'll sign up to bring a cooler full of H20 and pop.

07-24-2002, 10:26 AM
I can't do 21st of September.. anything earlier though is fine.


07-24-2002, 11:05 AM
Changed to the 7th.....good for all?

07-24-2002, 11:40 AM
7th is good for me.

07-24-2002, 12:17 PM
Actually can we do the 14. Please.

EDIT: I can bring anything you guys need.

07-24-2002, 12:47 PM
Whoa, lets calm down. I will run the 7th by the bosses this weekend, dont get too excitied yet.

07-24-2002, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by mattyfatty182
Whoa, lets calm down. I will run the 7th by the bosses this weekend, dont get too excitied yet.

Check on the 14th as well. Since we're not requesting private fields I don't anticipate a problem. Thanks man, I might stop by this weekend and check out the field. I'll call a few other fields up as well to see if they'll hook us up with a discount or something.

07-24-2002, 04:41 PM
Is the field BYOP?

07-24-2002, 04:56 PM
Obsolete - No PBA is field paint only. Looks like $80 a case at the field, $70 if you buy it from their store (7 miles away or so).

Dawump - Can you find out the name of the BYOP field?

Originally posted by dawump
I'm in. The field at Sedalia is pretty good.. and infact there are several fields depending on what you want to play.

The one in the springs is OK as long as you get like minded people. I did a 24 hour scenario there which was awesome, but then went back as a walk on and there weren't enough people. They claim to have the biggest hyperball field in the state, and also have some really good wooded areas. 30 acres total. YOU CAN ALSO BRING YOUR OWN PAINT!!!


07-24-2002, 05:00 PM
Rocky Mountian Paintball


07-24-2002, 05:27 PM
Has anyone been to both, so they can give an honest opinion. I'd rahter not pay 80 a case, but if PBA's a better field then we should do it there.

07-24-2002, 05:43 PM
I'll check out PBA this weekend and I'll call Rocky Mountain Paintball either today or tomorrow. I hear ya on the paint cost. BYOP goes a long way toward beating $80 a case. I might have been down to Rocky Mountain Paintball a long time ago.

07-24-2002, 06:16 PM
If we go to Rocky mountian which has BYOP I'll see if the feild I help with would give us a deal on a bulk purchase of paint.

07-24-2002, 07:42 PM
I'm in for whenever, the more notice I have, the more likely I will be able to drag some more with me. I agree on the $80/case concern, mattyfatty182, is there a chance that your field owner might cut us a deal if we can commit to 15 cases or something like that?

07-24-2002, 07:46 PM
That would definately be cool. Also what kind of paint is it.

Also I probally can get a deal from the store I help out at if we buy that many. It would probally be less than 65. I'll have to check on that though. It would most likely be Blaze.

07-24-2002, 11:08 PM
Get me 30 people, and it's a done deal. You guys will get discounts and I get a bonus ;)

07-25-2002, 08:54 AM
Originally posted by mattyfatty182
Get me 30 people, and it's a done deal. You guys will get discounts and I get a bonus ;)

Sweet, any details on the discount?

Also, we have a few objections to the 7th and 21st. How's Sept. 14th?

07-25-2002, 05:08 PM
I talked to the manager at the store I help out at, he said if we buy 10 cases we can get a discount. Paint there is 65 or 60 a case for blaze or proball platnum.

07-25-2002, 11:00 PM
fatty, when do we need to let you know by? It would not be fair for us to string you(and your boss) along promising 30-40 people and show with 12. This happens to me all the time(played 2 on 2 all day Sunday because of this) so I don't want to put you in the same position when you are trying to help us out.

Again, I will be there barring a death in the family or some huge natural disaster. I will try to bring more with, but my buddies have an irritating tendancy to come up with other plans at the last minute.:rolleyes:

07-26-2002, 01:18 AM
I'll throw it out there on Saturday when I got to ref WPF.

07-26-2002, 08:51 AM
Originally posted by mattyfatty182
I'll throw it out there on Saturday when I got to ref WPF.

Cool, is there still walk on available on Sat? If so I'll come by pop off a few rounds and check the place out.

07-26-2002, 10:45 AM
Actually,I lied. Im going to go Play at Denver PB on Sunday and ref WPF on Sunday. My bad.

07-26-2002, 10:50 AM
Originally posted by mattyfatty182
Actually,I lied. Im going to go Play at Denver PB on Sunday and ref WPF on Sunday. My bad.

The indoor fields across from denver colesium?

07-26-2002, 02:17 PM
Yeah, Im going to practice for my 2nd team.


I hate that name :(

07-26-2002, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by mattyfatty182
Yeah, Im going to practice for my 2nd team.


I hate that name :(

You do know that monday nights are cheaper right?

07-26-2002, 04:58 PM
Yes. The CoCaptain of our team's dad owns the place or something, so we really dont need any help.

07-26-2002, 07:00 PM
yeah pba is better than rmp (i work there too)

07-27-2002, 03:07 AM
Just kidding. I used to be stationed out htere. Ft Carson. Years ago. I am one of the old guys on here. Just wanted to drop a line and give you colorado people some crap.

07-28-2002, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by jakolantern1385
yeah pba is better than rmp (i work there too)

Cool. You planning on coming?

Ice Child - Yeah, I kinda expected more people from this bored out here, but I guess it is pretty rare to see a mag out on the field in colorado. In fact I think I've seen three others, and I only know of one shop that sells em.

07-28-2002, 02:37 PM
Whaaddya thinking Jimmy? 40 weight? 50 weight?

07-29-2002, 03:46 PM
40 weight sounds nice.


07-29-2002, 03:47 PM
yeah ill go ShooterJM

07-29-2002, 04:03 PM
Guys, I wasn't able to make it out to either field this weekend. :(

I'll do my best to do it this coming weekend. Sorry.

Matty - Did you find out when you the field needs to know by? Also, is the 14th a possibility as well or did you just check the 7th? Any details on the discount? (ie is it gonna be a buck off the field fee, or a decent paint break).

jacko - Cool, you're on the list in the first post. 40 weight? Did I miss something.

07-29-2002, 04:52 PM
I'll be there this Saturday at about Noon. I'm the guy with the mag driving a big multi-colored in progress looking Jeep.


08-03-2002, 05:50 PM
upitty, up, up, up!

08-04-2002, 12:06 AM
Hey all, I don't use these forums much, other than to sell my stuff in... but this seems interesting...

I live in Loveland, so a drive to Sedalia wouldn't be too hard to go to... the only problem I can think of is the fact that I have to start school at CSU here in a few weeks, and I don't know how much books will be. If they are too much, I might have to sell my precious E-Mag! NOOOO! PERISH THE THOUGH!!!


So, what I am saying is: I REALLY REALLY want to go, but won't know for sure until a few weeks from now... I'll keep you posted.

08-04-2002, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by boggerman
fatty, when do we need to let you know by? It would not be fair for us to string you(and your boss) along promising 30-40 people and show with 12. This happens to me all the time(played 2 on 2 all day Sunday because of this) so I don't want to put you in the same position when you are trying to help us out.

Agreed, if no one has a problem with it, I'll send an email around my work and to a group of guys that play almost every weekend. Theoretically, that'd be good for another 5-15 people.

08-04-2002, 01:39 PM
No problems here. I am still trying to round up as many as I can bring, but a firm date and price list would help greatly.

Koosh, if you have to sell your emag and still want to go, I have a fairly stock pf left mag you can borrow.

08-04-2002, 01:41 PM
Thanks for the offer, but I am sure I can find a gun laying around here... I think I still have an old SL-68 II in the closet somewhere...

Besides, if I sell the E-Mag, I would need like 300 or so of the 6-700 for books... the rest would go right back into a new gun...

08-05-2002, 04:16 AM
Hey koosh your going to CSU to? Right on I'll be there too. What dorm are you staying in. We should meet up or something. At first I wasn't plannig on bringing my PB stuff until later but an AO meet in CO would definatley warrent it. I was just wondering how long you could play PB in CO until it gets too cold. I thought you couldnt do outdoor stuff in october because its to cold already. The only problem with the AO meet would be that I dont have any transportation. The dates are probally all good for me unless theres some kind of school thing. I hope it works out so I can give you Colorado boys a little taste of Hawaiian style paintball.HaHaHaHaHa. Any body that can give me any kind of help such as how far from Ft Collins or whatever just leave a message and that would be appreciated. thanks Adam

08-05-2002, 09:42 AM
Alright, I havent' seen any objections to it so the official date is the 14th. The announcement at the top hase been changed.

Standard Prices are $20 for field fee, $80 a case at the field, $70 a case at the store.

I have an email to the place for details on the discount.

08-05-2002, 10:59 AM
Yeah, I am going to CSU... no dorm though, I live 10 miles from the school, so I am just going to commute to school from my house.

Last year we played PB up until December and January... of course that was before we got HPA, and high quality guns (instead of an E-Mag and Race Cocker, last year at this time I was using a Model 98!)

Sedalia (according to the maps I saw earlier in this thread) is about 60-70 or so miles from Collins... if it turns out that I go, then I would be happy to give you a ride there... also assuming that my friends don't take up the other 3 spaces in my little Toyota Supra....

08-05-2002, 11:56 AM
As well as paint being cheaper at the store you can also buy 3 for 2 cards, so $40 gives 3 day passes.

I had a great day there on Saturday.


08-05-2002, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by dawump
As well as paint being cheaper at the store you can also buy 3 for 2 cards, so $40 gives 3 day passes.

I had a great day there on Saturday.


Cool, I stopped by but didn't play. walked the fields a bit. Went down and talked to the owner of that new field at parker and arapahoe too. I heard that scotty flint wasn't going to be involved with it, but if that wasn't scott I was talking to, then he's got a twin.

08-07-2002, 02:52 AM
Cool let me know if you got room because Id like to go.What year are you gonna be because i thought if you were a freshman you had to live in the dorm unless your close enough to the school to be exempt from it.Whats your major gonna be? Mines is biological science but Im thinking of changing it to buisness. Whats the town of ft collins like? Is there enough stuff to do to keep busy. I kind of want to get sense of the town. The island im on is kind of small so its got that small town enviroment and i was wondering if im gonna be moving to a bigger town or pretty much the same. Our biggest movie theater has four screens. We have a walmart and kmart and stuff like that but theres not very much to do at night.I guess im just excited to go and just kind of rambling on here.

08-07-2002, 11:27 AM
I am pretty sure I will be able to go now... and I think there will be room in my car too...

I will be a freshman at CSU... right now I am looking at either Chemistry, or Watershed Science as a major... Fort Collins is pretty neat town... around 100,000 people live in it, with about 20-25k going to CSU... think about that, 1/4 of the city's population is between the ages of 18-25, so Ft Collins does have a bit of a night life. I think there is a 18 screen movie theatre there, along with alot of bars, clubs, and a big square that has free concerts one night a week.

Like I said, I live in loveland, that is about 10 miles south, and has 50k people living in it. What sucks about here, is that there is NOTHING to do... All we have are nursing homes... seriously there are like 15 different nursing home here! Ft collins doesn't have that many paintball places either, I can only think of two places that sell paintball equipment, and only one that Fills nitrogen. The closest field is in Greely, which is around 15 miles from Loveland, so about 20-25 from Fort Collins... the feild is pretty nice, along with the guy who runs it too.

As we get closer to the date, and details become more finalized (and when you actually GET to colorado) we can start figuring out where to meet, etc...

Just a quick question, Why in the hell would you come HERE instead of staying in Hawaii? what made CSU the standout choice?

08-07-2002, 11:44 AM
Originally posted by TheFlamingKoosh
I am pretty sure I will be able to go now... and I think there will be room in my car too...

As we get closer to the date, and details become more finalized (and when you actually GET to colorado) we can start figuring out where to meet, etc...

Cool. Glad to hear we may have more participants! If you're pretty certain about it, I'll throw your name on the list.

08-08-2002, 11:21 AM
Alright, I think Im going to call today and set this up, ARE WE SURE ON THE 14TH???!!!

08-08-2002, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by mattyfatty182
Alright, I think Im going to call today and set this up, ARE WE SURE ON THE 14TH???!!!

Yep. No objections so far, so that's what it is.

08-12-2002, 03:40 AM
I will get into FT Collins on thursday the 22rd for orientation and all that. I'll be staying in the ingersoll dorm. Thats four days before classes start so we should be able to meet sometime during that time. As to why I picked CSU I dont really know. It was either there or University of Oregon and my aunt went to CSU and said its a real nice school and town and she lives in seattle and said that she dosnt like oregon very much and I guess the 300 days of sunshine rather than 300 days of rain sold me. Why I decided to leave Hawaii is because its a very small place and i wanted to try something new.

08-12-2002, 03:09 PM

08-14-2002, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by mattyfatty182
Alright, I think Im going to call today and set this up, ARE WE SURE ON THE 14TH???!!!

Matty, check your PM's.

EDIT: Never mind, can't send you a PM.

08-14-2002, 03:19 PM
14th is good for me.


08-14-2002, 07:28 PM
Ok. Update.

Should have firm prices by the weekend. Normally with groups over 10 there's a break on field fee's (and dawump told us about those 3 for 2 cards) , but the owner of the field is supposed to call me this weekend and work something out paint wise (hopefully).

Can anyone think of anything I'm forgetting?

08-19-2002, 12:07 PM
PBA is flaking out on me. The guy won't return my calls and no one seems to know anything. Has anyone heard from Matty or Jacko? If not I'm going to start looking into a backup field.

08-19-2002, 01:06 PM
Do we really need any field agreement? I mean if they are going to give us a group rate, I BET they will want a credit card to hold it... and then someone takes the liability for other people flaking out.. which is not good.

Why don't we just agree on a date and turn up there. I was there yesterday and had a blast.. Only mag on the field though ;-)


08-19-2002, 01:33 PM
Originally posted by dawump
Do we really need any field agreement? I mean if they are going to give us a group rate, I BET they will want a credit card to hold it... and then someone takes the liability for other people flaking out.. which is not good.

Why don't we just agree on a date and turn up there. I was there yesterday and had a blast.. Only mag on the field though ;-)


Nope don't need field agreement really. I was just hoping to weasel some cheaper paint prices. Just kinda ticks me off when people say they'll return your call and then don't. Especially when I bet there are other fields starting out that would love to have a group come.

Ok, so it remains sept 14th and PBA. If we ever do this again, I'll call up the fields I go to and see if I can work something out.

Cool, I'm kinda excited about playing at a new place, I mean I've walked the fields at PBA, but haven't played there yet.

08-19-2002, 01:41 PM
dawump, I was there playing yesterday as well. I don't know how you could have missed my AutoMag - bright red spalsh anodized everything, with red revvy and red tank cover!

I agree - we should just plan on showing up. They always have a pretty decent walk-on crowd, so a few more of us won't hurt anything.

08-19-2002, 01:45 PM
Ok, I'll be there for sure now... even though I had to sell my precious E-Mag... Its funny, I had my cocker for sale for like 3 weeks, with only a few lowball offers... OVERNIGHT I had like 5 offers for my e-mag!

And I would be happy to give you a ride there Adam68c, none of my friends will be able to make it there... Of course, this is assuming my car doesnt blow up between now and then....

08-19-2002, 01:46 PM
Dude, I didn't see you. Did you see me. I was there from 1 until closing.

Forgive me.. I wasn't looking for anything red ;-)


08-19-2002, 02:08 PM
Sounds like you were getting there right as I was starting to leave at about 1:30. By them I had already dumped about 3/4 of a case, so that was about enough. I didn't think I had seen any other mags there while I was playing. Oh, well. I'll see you for sure on the 14th.

08-19-2002, 02:12 PM
Just missed you. I was there, but didn't get playing until after lunch.

I usually bring the War-Wagon with me when I play which is pretty easy to spot:

08-20-2002, 04:47 PM
Anybody attending have a digital camera or should I just bring a disposable or two?

08-20-2002, 04:57 PM
I got a good little digital camara... I'll be happy to bring it.

08-20-2002, 05:09 PM
Heheeh finally got word that my solenoid is in stock and should be shipping soon and my raw materials and microswitches came yesterday! If my new dremel ever arrives I might have my grip up and running by the the 14th! Won't be all pretty and such, but hopefully I'll be able to get you guys opinions on it!

08-20-2002, 05:31 PM
I'll bring my digital camera too. It does pretty good zoom, and with my 128meg card I can get 256 pics at high resolution.

08-20-2002, 06:52 PM
I'll bring one too.. and then do a follow up article in Paintball Mag or APG for a laugh. They've printed everything I've submitted so far.


08-20-2002, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by dawump
I'll bring one too.. and then do a follow up article in Paintball Mag or APG for a laugh. They've printed everything I've submitted so far.


heheheh that's awesome. Guess we got the picture thing covered.

08-20-2002, 08:26 PM
Me and Hemlock both have digital cameras.

08-21-2002, 08:36 AM
hmmm It would appear I'm the only one who DOESN'T own a digital camera! Must....buy.....:D

08-23-2002, 02:35 PM
BTW. There is a 3 man toury on the 14th. I've played walk on on tournament days, and it's actually pretty good. There are more people than usual for a Saturday ( Sunday is usually the big day ) and also some better than usual players, plus 2 speedball fields setup which can be played after the tournament is over.

That also means that if someone wants to play a tournament and whip some assassination while they are there.. well go for it.

Anyone going on Saturday 31st August? It's Bring Your Own ( Cheap ;-) paint day. I'll have a freak by then and get some good experimentation with it shooting all my old paint.


08-23-2002, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by dawump
Anyone going on Saturday 31st August? It's Bring Your Own ( Cheap ;-) paint day. I'll have a freak by then and get some good experimentation with it shooting all my old paint.


I'm hoping too. Haven't fired a paintball in anger in awhile! :(
Need to tune my gun up to 285 fps too (been playing indoor, 250 limit).

It's my sister's B-day though, have to see what she want's to do.

08-23-2002, 02:54 PM
Do you know of a cheap place for paint in Denver? I think I'll need some more.

There's a place way east on 6th and Havana or so that I know has cheaper paint, but I try not to shop there since they tried to sell me white fill paint that they buy especially so that their clients can rip paintball adventures off! I don't like that kind of dicking around.

Home Depot sell paint but when I ask if they can individually wrap a gallon in 5000 small gelatin balls they look at me funny.


08-23-2002, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by dawump
There's a place way east on 6th and Havana or so that I know has cheaper paint, but I try not to shop there since they tried to sell me white fill paint that they buy especially so that their clients can rip paintball adventures off! I don't like that kind of dicking around.

Home Depot sell paint but when I ask if they can individually wrap a gallon in 5000 small gelatin balls they look at me funny.


Hehehe I like that. I think I have a new sig now! Is that the bike/paintball shop?

Ummm American Paintball Coliseum has cases of Anarchy or some nelson stuff for $60 a case. Galleyons <sp?> in park meadows mall supposedly has giant buckets of house brand paintballs for cheap (made by RPS). Unconfirmed though. Ummm that's all I can think of off the top of my head. I can swing by the local proshop tomorrow and see what they have though.

08-23-2002, 04:22 PM
Man, I am really getting excited about this!

I haven't fired a paintball in anger for about 3 months now! My friends have all pretty much quit, and I am stuck with an expensive paintball gun collecting dust!

Just letting you all know, this will be the first time I have used my Race Cocker in a game, and also the first time I have played a game other than woodsball... and where we used to play, I never needed anything other than a hopper full of paint... How much do you expect to shoot a game?

08-23-2002, 04:31 PM
Originally posted by TheFlamingKoosh
Man, I am really getting excited about this!

I haven't fired a paintball in anger for about 3 months now! My friends have all pretty much quit, and I am stuck with an expensive paintball gun collecting dust!

Just letting you all know, this will be the first time I have used my Race Cocker in a game, and also the first time I have played a game other than woodsball... and where we used to play, I never needed anything other than a hopper full of paint... How much do you expect to shoot a game?

Yeah I'm pretty excited myself! I'm kinda excited to see a race cocker up close, only seen em in magazines and such.

That's pretty funny man, although I can't help ya with how much paint. I've only NOT played hopperball twice. And that involved stuffing a single guppie in my pants pocket. I have a harness, but just have never used it.
I'm guess a normal game would be like 100-400 rounds. But I don't ever really get on the trigger. Then again I'm not that good.

Which brings me to another point. I'm willing to bet I walk away from this with the most welts! :D

08-23-2002, 04:34 PM
I played there last Sunday morning for about 6 games with the walk-ons. The were about 30 per team. They do a lot of reincarnation games (read this as "please use alot of paint"). I shot about 1300.

There are some areas in the woods, but the tree density is pretty low - mostly open areas with lots of built up stick/plywood/spool/barrel bunkers.

08-23-2002, 04:35 PM
I don't know about that, I can imagine will be pretty hard to stuff my 6'2" and 215 pounds behind a small *** bunker... I think I'll get the most welt award...

Oh well, it will be fun!

08-23-2002, 04:42 PM
I said bunkers, but I didn't say anything about small!

Many of them are condominium sized, and most of them you can actually stand in and play. There are several that are actually small forts. The cable spools are the 8-10' diameter size, and many of the bunkers are combos - an area of stick bunker attached to a 1/2 to full sheet of plywood, attached to a cable spool. Often you will find 3 or 4 players all in the same bunker. There are only a few that I remember having to actually sqeeze into.

08-23-2002, 04:43 PM
Originally posted by ShooterJM
And that involved stuffing a single guppie in my pants....

Ok I just reread my post and realized I actually said the above. SO to preempt any comments....change guppie to pod.

Heheh yeah see every once in awhile short is good. 5'6" always fits! ;)

08-23-2002, 04:58 PM
This will be my first non-outlaw game also. I am really getting excited about it. I catch alot of crap from my buddies for sinking all the $$$ I have into my mag just to go play in the woods or the desert. All the crap stops when they are messing around with their spyders, rebels, tippmans, etc. trying to make them work and I show up, feed my mag paint and air, and am ready to play.

One question, how old is everybody that is going play? Just curious, I am 30, one of the other guys coming with me is 40 something.

08-23-2002, 05:04 PM
I'm 23, people that might come with me are 25-45 (if they come, they seem a bit intimidated).

08-23-2002, 05:15 PM
I'm 37. I been playing since 1992. I played serious amateur tournaments for about 6 straight years (even won an IAO 5 man once). Now I mostly play scenarios. Either way, I'm used to dumping alot of paint if needed. I've used nothing but AutoMags since about 1994.

No need to be intimidated if you haven't played organized paintball before. We'll just call you targets... ;)

08-23-2002, 05:28 PM
I'm 34.

I usually shoot about 1000-1200 in a half day, so no doubt will drop a case on the 14th. It varies. They like to get everyone to play speedball once in a while so they can make some money, but most 25 minute games I shoot about 300.

As far as cover goes, there's a great variety. The main area is so wide that there are various ways from one end to the other, and there's alot of light brush, trees and high grasses on the river side which is pretty good.


08-23-2002, 06:56 PM
Geez... Im the young one over here... I am only 18...

08-23-2002, 08:09 PM
I'm 22 and Hemlock is 25.

08-25-2002, 02:19 PM
Im also only 18. Me and the flamingkoosh are at CSU. This whole time I was expecting to play speedball but from the way you guys describe the field it sounds like woods or wood/speedball. I was just wondering because I dont got any camo or anything like that. I guess im going if the flamingkoosh is still offering a ride. We should try and meet or something right now im in the weber comp lab since i dont have my comp yet. Im in the Ingersoll dorm rm# 378. I havn't remembered my ph# yet but when I do I'll try and get that to you.

08-25-2002, 07:40 PM
Hehe, yeah, my offer still stands. Tomorrow I have class from 11-1, then I have off until 3, so in that 2 hour window, I got nothing going on...

Give me a call on my Cell phone, 275-4100, its weird, if you call form a house, you have to put in 1-970-275-4100, but from another cell you don't need the area code.

Cool... now I don't have to make that drive alone!

08-26-2002, 08:21 AM
Eh I don't have any camo stuff either, but I normally just wear shorts or jeans when playing.

08-26-2002, 09:56 AM
Don't worry about the camo - you won't get much use for it at this field anyway.

08-26-2002, 10:04 AM
Assuming I can get the frame I'm working on up and running, would you guys mind checking it out and giving me your opinions on it? Like how to make it better, etc? Need some feedback that's not my own.

08-26-2002, 10:06 AM
I will also be joining TheFlamingKoosh... i am one of his friends that "quit" playing... it was be cause of my financial situation. But now no one that we know plays anymore, so this will be a kick in the pants for both of us. i am 18 too

08-26-2002, 10:14 AM
Cool, glad you're coming. Should be a good time!

08-26-2002, 04:00 PM
Mine and Obsoletes wives are coming...more like drop us off while they go to Denver for the day. If I can get another mask for my wife, she said she will take pictures while we play. We can have some good action shots. :D I have a 3.3 megapixel Sony digital with a 64MB and 8MB memory stick...Enough for 400 pics in high quality/low res. or 700 pics in standard. Plus short movies w/ audio

Hahahah, sorry, I love my new camera! Its the sheeezzy! Sorry I havent replied to this, Ive been in Kuwait :(

See yas in CO.

08-26-2002, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by Hemlock86
Mine and Obsoletes wives are coming...more like drop us off while they go to Denver for the day. If I can get another mask for my wife, she said she will take pictures while we play. We can have some good action shots. :D I have a 3.3 megapixel Sony digital with a 64MB and 8MB memory stick...Enough for 400 pics in high quality/low res. or 700 pics in standard. Plus short movies w/ audio

Hahahah, sorry, I love my new camera! Its the sheeezzy! Sorry I havent replied to this, Ive been in Kuwait :(

See yas in CO.

Cool cool. Not sure what's happening around denver that weekend, but I can check it out if you want. Man, that camera sounds sweet. I have this problem with cameras and watches. I break them....ALL THE TIME. Don't even buy em anymore. Just not a good investment for me.

08-26-2002, 04:28 PM
There shouldn't be a problem borrowing a refs mask and vest for someone to take photos.

BTW. I may NOT go this Saturday (31st). Just bought a new car and feeling guilty about spending all that money ;-)


08-26-2002, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by dawump
There shouldn't be a problem borrowing a refs mask and vest for someone to take photos.

BTW. I may NOT go this Saturday (31st). Just bought a new car and feeling guilty about spending all that money ;-)


Good point. Hmmmm so if most of us are of age I'll have to see if there's a drinking establishment/restaurant nearby! Maybe delve into the humidor if anyone likes cigars.

08-26-2002, 04:51 PM
There is a biker bar a couple of miles away. That could work. Depends what direction people are going. That's is the only thing close I think, but heading towards Denver, about 7 miles north I bet there is all kinds of stuff.


08-26-2002, 05:56 PM
Hemlock86, I will bring my extra mask along in case noone else does. Actually, since it is about a 400 mile trip, I will probably bring every extra thing I own, just to be safe. I am sure that if we head a little north into Denver we can find someplace like Hooters or TGI Friday's that everyone could go to, not just those over 21. Hemlock and Obsolete, maybe your wives could meet us there instead of having to come back to pick you up, I would offer a ride if you need one. That is something we can work out at the field. I am looking forward to this, it should be alot of fun.

08-26-2002, 06:02 PM
Hey, about what time do we need to meet there? It is ONLY saturday, right?

And I have a 128 card for my camara, thats about 140 at the highest resolution (2.0 mp) and over 1400 at the lowest, like what I post to put on the interent.

So I think we got the picture thing covered!

08-26-2002, 06:10 PM
Originally posted by TheFlamingKoosh
Hey, about what time do we need to meet there? It is ONLY saturday, right?

And I have a 128 card for my camara, thats about 140 at the highest resolution (2.0 mp) and over 1400 at the lowest, like what I post to put on the interent.

So I think we got the picture thing covered!

Yeah, I'll probably try to show up early, maybe stake out a staging area or something. Don't have a tent or awning or anything, but I'll see if I can dig out some old lawn chairs. Field opens at 9 so I'll be there between 9 and 10. I don't plan on getting lit the night before though so I should be there at 9.

I'll be driving a POS Green Isuzu Rodeo. :D

08-26-2002, 06:19 PM
When you drive in look straight across from the entrance and there is a line of trees with a metal structure in the middle.

Poll position is JUST to the right of that building for shade, but it's also good down to the right, and people usually don't park there... but it's gonna be busy that day so who knows.

It depends on the weather. If it's overcast we can go anywhere, but I'd aim for that far right hand corner. It's further from the fill station, but the best chance of getting shade AND staying together.

I'll try to be there at 9 also, and will either be in that big 'ole jeep pictured earlier in the thread or a black Mercedes SUV if I can handle the thought of getting it dirty ;-) New toy etc. etc.


08-26-2002, 06:34 PM
Me(Ed) and Obsolete(Alex) have about a 6 hour drive...so who knows when we'll get there. Unless we stay over night, the night before. We'll see. :D

Do you normaly take pics in low res? I do.... I normaly take pics in fine quality with low res.

08-26-2002, 06:48 PM
It depends, I ALWAYS take pics in high-res, unless I plan on posting them on the interent... then I use low res so it won't take as long to upload on dial up... that and most pics i take in low res are around 50k, insead of the 1mb plus of the high res ones.... That way I know that they will fit on most of the forums... alot of them have restrictions on the file size of pics.

08-26-2002, 08:02 PM
arrrrr! Alex.....aka Obsolete, was logged in AO on my PC. That was supposed to be my post :/

08-26-2002, 08:04 PM
Ed stop posting under my name you have your own. I was thinking staying in denver the night before, is there an AF base there?

08-26-2002, 09:12 PM
Our tech school used to be there, in Denver... I dont know if the base is still there though. Theres always Colorado Springs.

08-27-2002, 02:32 PM
Um Lowery AFB was decomisioned. Don't know if there is another one in the area. Obviously there's one in Colorado Springs, but I'll check around and see.

EDIT: Also, if anyone needs to contact me I usually have my cell on me and I definately will that weekend. Send my a PM and I'll hit you with my number.

08-28-2002, 03:02 PM
Dammit adam! I am EXTEMELY bored on campus, and I have nothing to do... let me know your class schedule, and I might drop by your dorm.... right now I am in the morgan library typing this up...

Anyhoo... Monday I have class from 11-1, then 3-6, so I have two hours of doing nothing... And on Wednes and Fri, I have class from 11-1.... so I got plenty of time to do "stuff."

Tuesday, class from 11-12:15, then off until 3-4 Thursday my only class is from 11-12:15.

Like I said, my cell is 275-4100.. Get in touch...

And my name is Josh by the way...

08-28-2002, 07:15 PM
hey guys, i'm originally from evergreen, CO but go to school out in california and i'm back for the summer now. I used to play at PBA a lot in high school. I would be interested to play in this game you guys have set up, seems like a lot of people will be there. I heard something about byop days at pba, when do they have those? Is it usually better to go on sundays or saturdays? I want to get down there and start playin with a bunch of people. Thanks


08-29-2002, 06:39 AM
We decided to play on Saturday, Sept 14. You should pm ShooterJM and ask him the details, since he's from that area. :P Im probably going to get to the Denver area on Thursday or Friday though for a mini vacation. :)

08-29-2002, 09:32 AM
Originally posted by jwren00
hey guys, i'm originally from evergreen, CO but go to school out in california and i'm back for the summer now. I used to play at PBA a lot in high school. I would be interested to play in this game you guys have set up, seems like a lot of people will be there. I heard something about byop days at pba, when do they have those? Is it usually better to go on sundays or saturdays? I want to get down there and start playin with a bunch of people. Thanks


Sup man, The AO day is gonna be Sept 14th at PBA. So far the field has kinda flaked out on us, so there's no price breaks to speak of, but it should be a good time. I think the BYOP day is this Sat (the 31st). I've got a half case of stuff I might bring down to tune my reg. Hope to see ya there, PM me if you need any more info.

08-30-2002, 11:28 AM
Im getting excited about AO Denver Day! I just hope you guys dont kick my ***, hehehe :) Im not that great. I'll just hide behind Obsolete. :D

See yas there!

Ed K.

08-30-2002, 02:06 PM
OK.. I'm DEFINITELY going tomorrow for the afternoon. I just bought some paint.

Anybody going to be there?


08-30-2002, 02:13 PM
Originally posted by dawump
OK.. I'm DEFINITELY going tomorrow for the afternoon. I just bought some paint.

Anybody going to be there?


I'm gonna try. Gotta check my cash situtation though. Probably around noonish. Like I said, need to tune my reg for 300 fps.

09-03-2002, 02:25 PM
Sorry man I still dont have my own comp yet so I gotta go down to the damn student center whenever I need to use a comp. Thats why I havent been checking very often. It SHOULD be comeing in this week(I hope). My schedule is every mwf I've got a 9-10, and 11-2 and Im done. Oh wait on modays only i just signed up for freshman seminar and I think that goes till 3. On tuesdays I got nothing so mabye I'll give you a call today and on thursday I got one from 2-3:50 or something like that. I'll definately get in touch with you this week. Theres also a trip through the school thats going some time soon. 35 bucks for paint, field fees, equipment if you dont have, and lunch. Only 20 something guys can go so it's first come first serve. We should check that out or something. Well I guess im off to wander the streets of Ft Collins on my bike for a while. I will get in touch this week though. See you around.

09-03-2002, 05:15 PM
Hey, just lettin you know that Wednesdays or Fridays would usually be the best time for me... I don't have to work on those days, and I get off of school at 1...

I wouldnt be able to go on those pball trips yet... My cocker has broken down, and I am waiting on some replacement parts... They should be here this week, or early next...

Have fun Wanderin' FC is a pretty cool town...

09-03-2002, 09:28 PM

09-03-2002, 09:32 PM
14th September

09-03-2002, 09:34 PM
kool I can try to be there

09-03-2002, 09:54 PM
You got a PM Shooter.:)

09-07-2002, 11:20 AM
Any updates on paint prices, field passes, etc?

09-08-2002, 03:17 PM
well, I have bad news guys...

As much as I want to go, I think it is going to be impossible now... I have a REALLY big personal problem, and it isn't going to be resolved before the 14th...

I am truely sorry to you Adam, but I'll call you later in the week...

So, unless he finds another ride, you can scratch off Myself, Adam68c, and Deathbringer from the list...

I might give you details on the problem later but right now I can't.

09-08-2002, 04:25 PM
Originally posted by boggerman
Any updates on paint prices, field passes, etc?

PM Shooter, he has all the details. I know if you buy paint at the shop, its cheaper.

JMshooter! Post some updated so more poeple come. :) Prices and all the goodies.


09-08-2002, 04:51 PM
well i guess im out. Any body wanna give me a ride. If not its cool there will probally be other times. have fun guys. Adam

09-08-2002, 05:35 PM

Where do you live exactly?

09-08-2002, 11:37 PM
just curious, how many people are gonna be there saturday??? i'm comin for sure and bringing my brother and a friend. there's a 3 man tourney that day too, and i might be in that as well. lookin forward to it.


09-09-2002, 06:09 AM
Obsolete and I are DEFINATELY going! JMShooter is going for sure... Im not sure who else.

09-09-2002, 08:49 AM
Originally posted by Hemlock86
JMshooter! Post some updated so more poeple come. :) Prices and all the goodies.


Ok Details details details. :D

Sat. Sept 14th. PBA in Sedalia, CO. Field opens at 9am so that's pretty much when it starts. I'll try to be there then.

Prices: Field fee is $20
Paint is $80 a case at the field, $70 at the proshop.

I'll bring a cooler full of drinks (non alcoholic) and everyone else is bringing a camera!

I'll be driving a green isuzu rodeo and will try to set up by the metal awning thing that you see when you pull in the parking lot.

Did I miss anything?

09-09-2002, 09:09 AM
Originally posted by adam68c
well i guess im out. Any body wanna give me a ride. If not its cool there will probally be other times. have fun guys. Adam

Hey man, if you're serious about wanting it go, it looks like you're about 1.5 hours north of me. Hit me with a PM, I'm probably willin to wake my lazy butt up at 6:00, blaze up there, and drive to the field around 9 or so.

09-09-2002, 09:42 AM
Myself and Hemlock are a definate.
We're staying in Denver/Greenwood village.

To all the people of age, I talked to Shooter and we're planning on going out on friday night. If anyone has a sugestions drop me a PM. Also if you want PM me your number and I'll call you when we get to Denver.

09-09-2002, 10:38 AM
I'll be there Saturday with two original AutoMags. My new Extreme is still nowhere to be found, but I do have Level 10 up and running if anybody hasn't seen it yet.

09-09-2002, 11:30 AM
Excellent, I'm pretty excited about this!

Hey Obsolete/Hemlock when are you guys coming into town?

09-09-2002, 11:40 AM
Between 7 and 8 on Friday. We're leaving here at 1 so I figure 6-7 hours of driving to get to Denver.

09-09-2002, 12:51 PM
Cool, give me a call when you guys recover from the drive! If you feel like going out somewhere that is!

09-09-2002, 01:34 PM
Originally posted by bsolomon
I'll be there Saturday with two original AutoMags. My new Extreme is still nowhere to be found, but I do have Level 10 up and running if anybody hasn't seen it yet.

Arrr! Wheres that extreme?!!?! :D

and Shooter, we are alwasy up to going out :P We'll call ya after we check in the hotel.

09-09-2002, 05:53 PM
The latest word I got today was that my parts are going to the annodizer this week and should be back for assembly next week. When I pre-ordered it back in February it was always "8-weeks away". It's been "2-weeks away" for the past 4 weeks. :(

I really wanted it here for the AO meet. Oh well. It should be sweet. It will be purple like the one they gave to Shatner (you can see a pic on the Classic:Pig Roast thread http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=49362) with a matching CP barrel kit and with a clear Halo B and Warp both dyed purple to match.

09-09-2002, 06:58 PM
The Extreme is sooo sick... I wish you didnt post thta link with all those pics :D Now I want one....I cant wait, heheh. Well, Im going to have to wait...no biggie, I love my 68 :D

See ya on Friday or Saturday.....depends if your going to get smashed with us :P

09-10-2002, 04:57 PM
Getting close now.

How man DEFINITES do we have?

Me for one.


09-10-2002, 05:01 PM
JM. Why not repost this as a new thread with the details like you have at the top of this one?

It's like WAY down the forum now and I be there are several people out there who might be interested if they get a reminder or see it now for the first time.


09-10-2002, 05:04 PM
I am there, probably with two more, but I am definite. Got my level 10, warped, i-framed minimag ready to tear it up. I will bring my classic also, and extra gear. I am up for some Friday night festivities, should be in town around 4 or 5, I plan on hitting the proshop friday for a case of paint and one of those 3 for 2 field passes, but after that it's party time.

09-11-2002, 09:21 AM
Cool, obviously I'm a definate as well! I'll try to keep this thing on the first page today.

EDIT: Oh, my name is Jeff by the way. Call me that or shooter (nickname). Just so you all know :D

09-11-2002, 05:09 PM
Originally posted by dawump
JM. Why not repost this as a new thread with the details like you have at the top of this one?

It's like WAY down the forum now and I be there are several people out there who might be interested if they get a reminder or see it now for the first time.


sorry didn't see this earlier! Somebody mind doing reposting the pertinent info on a new thread along with a link to this one? I have to get to a meeting!

09-12-2002, 08:58 AM
A mere two days away! Still trying to scrounge free stuff, but not having much luck!

09-12-2002, 03:45 PM
I'm getting pretty wound up about this.:D

09-13-2002, 12:47 AM
I have not yet used my mag in a game so I am excited!!!!

09-13-2002, 08:45 AM
Originally posted by A.T.S
I have not yet used my mag in a game so I am excited!!!!

Cool man! Just look for people with mags. I'll probably throw a sign up in my truck window that says AO too. I'll put an american flag on my truck too. Should be decently noticable.

09-13-2002, 10:54 AM
Cool, see all of you tomorrow. Hopefully it won't rain.:( I am really looking forward to my first experience on a real field.

Shooter, check your PM's.

09-13-2002, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by boggerman
Cool, see all of you tomorrow. Hopefully it won't rain.:( I am really looking forward to my first experience on a real field.

Shooter, check your PM's.

Yep, I hit you back, like I said, I'll try to be at the proshop around 5 or 6.

Everyone drive safe and all that!

09-13-2002, 12:24 PM
Obsolete and I (and the Wives)are leaving in 1 hour for Denver :D We'll be there about 7-8pm tonight. Shooter, We'll call ya on your cell when we get in, so we can go out tonight! :D


Oh yeah...I'll be the Dye whore in yellow tomorrow, easy to spot(except the Proteus), heheheheheh

09-13-2002, 03:07 PM

09-13-2002, 05:09 PM
I Havent been on the forums recently because of school, football and other things, and wont be able to attend the colorado AO meet :( I really wanted to go, but i am broke, owe people money, and am too busy.
Maybe next time, and maybe ill see some of you at the fields some other time :)
Have fun and take pics!!1

09-13-2002, 09:42 PM

Can't wait.


09-15-2002, 01:08 PM
Comeon guys! Spill the Beans! I need to know what I missed!

09-15-2002, 02:43 PM
You missed LOTS!

We're starting new thread with pics and stuff but it will be later today or tomorrow.
