View Full Version : Thinking about buying an Automag...

Bio Freak
07-22-2002, 02:00 PM
I have been looking very hard for a new marker, and I have been leaning towards the Automag Classic. I know their good guns but I dont know anybody who has one near me that I can get info off of. Well what I was wanting to know is, whats good and bad about the Automag classic.

07-22-2002, 02:20 PM
Well the only bad thing is that they dont run good on Co2 the good thing is they are very consitant if your running HPA on it. You migt have a problem short stroking if you are not used to the trigger but it shouldnt take you long to get the hang of it. I would suggest going to the Markers forum on here and getting a used one that is already set up you can get some very good prices.

07-22-2002, 02:34 PM
Also check Ebay i saw some really awesome RT Classic MAgs going for like 350.

I personally dont like the Twist lock barrel system. But thats just an opinion thing.

:) Also Mag owners are very awesome :)

07-22-2002, 09:23 PM
howdy. Personally, I don't really like the fact that mags don't run on co2. I had to buy a nitro tank, scuba fill station and I rent scuba tanks. It cost a good chunk of money. And, classics don't have powerfeed, which means you will exprience the balls being pushe back up into the hopper. Aside from that, mags are one for the sweetest "low end" tourney capable guns. The trigger is sweet (just make sure you learn it), and you can send out nice long strings of paint. Its accuracy it excellent and having a reg is nice. Also, it looks cool, and makes a distinct sound when shot, so you can be an individual :)(hahaha, after I got my mag, all my friends started getting them...). Also, if you don't have an elctronic hoper, get one. The mag makes shooting so easy, and the gun doesn't move to much, so the balls tend to not feed unless theres a outside force acting upon them. Rock on and good luck, IB.

07-22-2002, 09:30 PM
Don't let the CO2 thing scare you. THOUSANDS of mags have run fine off CO2 for the past decade. It's just compared to HPA that CO2 looks bad. In general you will not have any problems with CO2 if you use it in the summer time.


07-22-2002, 09:39 PM
Originally posted by AGD
In general you will not have any problems with CO2 if you use it in the summer time.


I agree that mags work well in summer, but what about in winter (if you live in a state that gets cold winters)? do you just say "oh well, can't play paintball because my mag, which kicks bum in summer, chokes in winter" and just sit, dreaming of playing? Personally, I love my mag, but the whole co2 thing the only flaw I can complain about. I don't mean to sound like I hate the mag, cause I love it immensely, but you can't ignore the fact that if a person uses co2 they won't be able to play in winter with one of the best guns ever. Thanks. IB.

07-22-2002, 10:20 PM
I had zero problems with my automag on CO2 (before I got the flatline). I played in the winter without any problems. I ran a remote and a palmer stabilizer (no expansion chamber). I actually did not notice a big difference when I when to HPA. :D

Bio Freak
07-22-2002, 10:38 PM
Thanks for all the info, since I use my model 98 in the winter anyway, I think I'll get an Automag. Now I search for a used one...!


07-23-2002, 05:02 PM
hey hitech. I could see how you could run co2 in winter (you live in The Bay Area, nice and warm, compared to oregon), which is a lot cheaper than nitro, but what if bio freak lives in Alaska :) ? then co2 would most definitely not work on his mag. I just thought that a person who is looking at a mag should now that it won't work. Rock on, And I hope that Bio gets his mag soon. IB

07-23-2002, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by InvisibleBill

I agree that mags work well in summer, but what about in winter (if you live in a state that gets cold winters)? do you just say "oh well, can't play paintball because my mag, which kicks bum in summer, chokes in winter" and just sit, dreaming of playing? Personally, I love my mag, but the whole co2 thing the only flaw I can complain about. I don't mean to sound like I hate the mag, cause I love it immensely, but you can't ignore the fact that if a person uses co2 they won't be able to play in winter with one of the best guns ever. Thanks. IB.
So your suggesting AGD puts a fire elf in the automag valve to warm up all the co2 that goes through there, or do you have a better idea? :D :p

07-23-2002, 05:19 PM
hey bio, if you get the classic(w or w/o the pewerfeed) used you can down load the manual for the gun for free from the on-line store and agd will send you a free copy of the video(history and trouble shooting).if you get the rt i think you can get the manual on-line for free,its alittle different than the classic but id still get the vid.its very informative!welcome to the family;)

07-23-2002, 06:31 PM
My automag Power Feed is my first gun and I have absolutely no reason to change it.. although the new bolt is a definite, and I've just ordered the inteliframe which is the AGD two finger trigger.

I bought mine used on ebay including an older 3000psi air tank. If I were you I would buy the powerfeed model instead of the classic.. it's not much extra, and the powerfeed was a fairly major innovation.

If you buy from Ebay, the first thing to do is make sure that everything is pure AGD Automag. If the trigger feels funky buy a spacer kit ( which I did and saw incredible results.. my mag had an incorrect spacer in it when I bought it ).

As far as money goes.. well over the course of a few years the initial price of the marker tends to fade into insignificance with all the other stuff that tends to get bought ( tanks, dropforwards, barrels, hauling gear, and all the rest ).. so if it's a choice between a Mag and a cheaper gun then buy the mag.

The automag is an incredibly high quality marker. The later RT and emags are ( in my perception ) mostly geared towards higher rate of fire, but the original automag classic or powerfeed is an incredibly accurate device, and has a very respectable rate of fire.


07-23-2002, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by InvisibleBill
I could see how you could run co2 in winter (you live in The Bay Area, nice and warm, compared to oregon)...

I have used it at what "I" call cold (low 40s) without problems. It is my understanding that most markers have problems much below 50. Both my stroker and 'mag were the same on CO2. Your results may vary. ;)

Gotta love the bay area weather! :D

07-23-2002, 07:30 PM
Gotta love the bay area weather! i am from a small town just south of SF on the coast.half moon bay cal. year round fog.i miss it!

07-23-2002, 10:43 PM
As far as C02 goes, the Mag was invented when C02 was the only option. My mag video has some funky dude in a tight T-shirt with big hair, and he's introducing the possibility of compressed air coming in the future.. woo hoo!

In the same video it talks about using long looping hookups to prevent liquid CO2 entering the regulator. If you use C02 with a remote it should be good. The only time I've seen a freeze up was here in Colorado... and it was snowing.


07-24-2002, 12:04 AM
Co2 works just fine for me.As far as below 40 degrees I don't think I want to get hit with a frozen paintball anyway so I guess I'll find a winter hobbie.Fortunatly for me this is Florida and my winter hobbie is PAINTBALL!!


07-24-2002, 02:01 AM
i froze a tippmann up on co2 in laramie.
that was the worst time playing pball EVER
10 degress out with windchill well below -20(average day)
But there is nothing else to do, (trust me, snowboarding and sledding down almost vertical edges is only fun until you have more bruises then bones) But goggles fog bad, paintballs hurt, ears freeze and well, it ended with a duel nutshot at 20 ft to my friends brother, OUCH
but my pro carbine stopped firing after ice jammed the rod :/

But yes the first time i playd with my mag (exp chamber, 12 anti syphon) in laramie spring(30 degrees) it froze within 20 or so shots LOL
i recommend HP highly

07-24-2002, 02:03 AM
OH i forgot the solution to the freezing, those hand warmers you put in gloves and duct tape
oh man hot stuff
wrap those around your valve and exp chamber and your good to go!!
played in the winter with no probs

07-24-2002, 02:52 AM
Boy does it suck to live in San Diego, California...oh well....cold for us means we can't wear shorts...

07-24-2002, 03:19 AM
LoL cold for us means your heater better work or you die :)
school gets cancelled when the bus's cant start in the morning and im freezing my *** off in my basement room where it should be warm with a space heater and like 50 blankets and im still shivering.

Oh man winters are fun, i kinda cant wait. I love playing in 12 ft snow drifts. In a bad position? dig your own darn bunker!

07-24-2002, 12:23 PM
hehehe...dig your own bunker? that would add new tactics to woodsplay :) . by the way, has anyone had the mag make a wheezing sound with co2? it happens to me when I try to speed fire, and then the ball rolls out the barrel (its kinda fun to watch...). IB.