View Full Version : tournament questions

07-22-2002, 06:52 PM
Ive been looking into going to a tournament with my scenario team since most have mags or other good guns.

Ive got a few questions...
How many games do you play?
How much paint do you use?
What should we go to if this is our first?
How much does paint cost? air?

Thats about it...

07-22-2002, 07:08 PM
It all depends on the tourney... It depends on how many players per team, how many teams, time limits, etc....
My team plays 3 man tournies. We usually play about 6-10 games and shoot a little over a case apiece. The cases range anywhere from $50-75 and all day air is usually $10/player.

07-22-2002, 07:14 PM
How many games do you play?
Whatever we can afford. (we just play for fun)
How much paint do you use?
We played 17 games and I play back and used 4000 rds, front guys used 2000 each.
What should we go to if this is our first?
Novice I think if it is your first.
How much does paint cost? air?
The paint was bring your own or you could buy there's for 55 case.
Air was free(we have a mess of SCUBA tanks) but you could get it at the field for $10 all day for your team.

07-22-2002, 09:18 PM
in all the tournys ive played ive shot at least 3 cases
air is mostly paid for in all day amounts so somewhere between 10 and 25 and maybe 50

dont forget entry which can be 50 a piece up to 150 a piece


07-22-2002, 09:37 PM
In all tournys you get to play at least 6 games ..by NPPL standard rules

07-22-2002, 10:48 PM
how many games:
4(3 man) 6(5 man) prelims then finals

how much paint:
2 cs Back, 1 cs Front--maybe more when go to finals)

how much cost:
$45/case BYOP(sponsorship w/ PI)
$45/person for entry, BYOP and Air(usually around there if have on extra man per team)

what toruny?
look for a local beginner/novice only if possible, if not hit a regional novice(or rookie if tey have it) since you guys all have little-no oturny exp

any more help?
justt ask

07-22-2002, 10:55 PM
Ive got a few questions...Here are a few answers. :)

1. How many games do you play?
Usually it is a minimum of 6 games, if it is a descent sized tourney.
2. How much paint do you use?
We as a 5 man team buy two cases a piece and use it all from the same cooler, at the end of the day it's divided up evenly if there is any left.
3. What should we go to if this is our first?
Go to local tournies around you area. If there are 6 people on your team. Enter two teams in a 3 man tourny so everyone can get the most experience possible.
4. How much does paint cost?
Paint just costs whatever they are charging at the tourny. Usually anywhere from 50 bucks to 100.
5. Air?
Air is usally included in the entry fee. Usually around 10 to 15 bucks for all day air.