View Full Version : New bolt/feed design

07-22-2002, 08:05 PM
While looking at my first paintball gun,(rhino spitfire f/x, by barnett) i was stunned at how much the bolt moves. i never realized it before but i noticed when looking at the cocking knob. i was thinkin of a design that would shorten the distance the bolt (the one that hits the paintball) moves and what could be possible a faster feeding system. instead of pulling the bolt all the way back behind the ball how about shortening the bolt and designing a system that would pull the bolt back enough to let a ball fall in and then have the bolt and paintball move forward maybe an inch so the stack of paintballs in the tube are no longer sitting on the paintball waiting to be fired but on the bolt. i can't really explain much better my design but if anybody thinks they can help come up with this i can probably send ya a rough drawing of the design in an email
my email is [email protected] and sorry if this isnt deep enough. late

07-23-2002, 03:27 PM
i dont know if the image will show up or not but it should. n e wayz this is the position the gun will be in while idle.
how this works is the spring loaded center punch type thing will allow the bolt to go forward and compress until the punch pushes the bolt all the way back against the main spring (not in picture for simplicity) until a paintball falls into the chamber, the main spring which is no longer infront of the bolt( it will now be behind) will push the bolt forward until the sear catches and holds the bolt. hopefully this makes sense.

07-24-2002, 03:45 PM
er, you mean make it closed bolt?

07-24-2002, 11:14 PM
i'm not seeing how this is different that a autococker or any other closed bolt system for paintball guns...