View Full Version : Just Want Some Info On A Impy

07-22-2002, 10:34 PM
Tell me what you think of them...

07-22-2002, 10:51 PM
Not to anger anyone here with an impy, but in my experience, Smart Parts' products have a tendency to break. I believe that SP does not have the best manufacturing and quality control abilities.

07-22-2002, 10:55 PM
I'll have to reluctantly agree with Triad. Not for all of their products but with their guns especially.
I have two friends that shoot Impys and neither are happy with them because of their low reliability. Other however may not have any problems at all. I hope that these are just two isolated instances.

07-22-2002, 10:59 PM
You can, however, rip on that gun if it's set up right, my bro's (which broke every day, but now he bought a 'mag) could really rip with a trigger stop and trigger job. But, he broke a lot, maybe cause revvy not keeping up, he only played like two games because it was either broken or he was selling it.

xtreme paintball
07-23-2002, 01:50 AM
I haven't used any other SP products, but I know for a fact that the Max-Flo is a very excellent product. Well-made anf very reliable. IMHO, among the best regulators on the market.

the jackal
07-23-2002, 10:28 AM
The three people I've talked to that owned impy's say that they have occasional problems but otherwise love them. The one guy had to send his vertical maxflo back because it was leaking and when he got it back it still leaked, go figure.

07-23-2002, 10:57 AM
Well so far I've had 0 problems with mine. I've only onwned it for a Month though. The biggest problem I have is buying paint to feed it :D.


All I've upgraded so far is, Eclipse blade and a tape worm.

07-23-2002, 11:48 AM
Eh, don't listen to these guys who "had friends" with Impys.

My Vision Impulse RIPPED. It went very fast and I never chopped. It doesn't break everyday either :rolleyes:

07-23-2002, 11:52 AM
a good bit of people use them at my field, along with some of my friends, and they are really nice guns. I haven't really seen people have any major problems with them either, but i must recomend the vision if you do get an impulse, it is worth the extra cash!

and yes they do RIP (although the stock trigger feels to "lose" to me)

Mega Man
07-23-2002, 12:03 PM
I LOVE my Impy, It's a Nasty Impulse so it has a magnetic trig on it so it's alot more snappy then stocks, and yes do get a vision if you have the money, and try to buy a new one so you can get the newer version of the vision eye system.

07-23-2002, 12:19 PM
I think Impulse's are great lower-cost electro's. They're compact, pretty light, fast, and have relatively little kick stock. They're worlds above any of that electro-frame garbage thats floating around now, and if properly maintained, are pretty reliable. They've got an enourmous aftermarket upgrade potential, and are great markers stock as well, come with a decent barrel too. I wouldn't hesitate to tell you to get one if that's what you were looking at.

07-23-2002, 12:40 PM
hey.....go to www.e-paintballoutlet.com they all have certified smart parts imp techs.....the rat imps are awesome, that's where i bought my imp from and i love it!

i got :
black vertical max flo imp
VooDoo Full Flow vertical adapter
2002 14in All American
VooDoo delrin bolt
New Designz blade style trigger
Dye stickies

i would recommend a impulse to anyone! the upgrades i recommend are solenoid optimizer (tapeworm, LPR, eclipse has a new one too i think), upgraded trigger, delrin bolt ti or delrin pull pin and brass hammer (get all these together to create a setup with almost NO kick), and vision if u have the cash, if not then u should be alright neways, it's just a good thing to have when you really get down on the trigger......check out the pbreview imp forums and read the FAQ at the top and u'll learn a whole lot!

07-23-2002, 03:59 PM
I've been quite impressed with the newer (2K1 and 2K2) Impy's, the early ones were less than reliable though. Ultimate Vision Impulses are pretty much the best deal in gun packages anywhere.

07-23-2002, 04:15 PM
in my opinion an imp is worth the money. the only one i've shot was an older turbo impulse without vision. and it could realy fling paint fast. i don't know what a non turbo imp would shoot like. the only things i didn't like where the stock trigger and his max flow reg was kinda leaky but that last part shouldnt be a tuff fix. the only concern i have about an imp is the bolt is open at the top where the pin is and the indoor feild i play at is dirt and is very dry. when you run and slide there are clouds of dirt that get kicked up and i'd be afraid that would get all inside of bolt area. also anyone know if the impulse will ever have a bko like model out?

07-23-2002, 04:31 PM
I was just wondering if I should give up playing with my mag for the impy because I recently was asked to play on a field team and they would suply us with vision impulses the new ones. The way it looks they came out with bugs which is expected but they fixed them. So thumbs up for when I get the impy in september.

07-23-2002, 04:37 PM
well if they are just giving you an impy then sure why not, no one said you had to get rid of your mag :D

from my experience i can shoot faster over the chorono with an impulse compared to my mag (with clasic valve) but i can play alot better with my mag out on the actual field, but when you get your impy i would look into getting a new trigger, and a delrin bolt

so you don't have to give up on your mag, i know alot of people who do always come back ;)

07-23-2002, 05:46 PM
The impulses i have shot seem to be solid performers. Alot of people at my local field have them, and they seem very reliable and they really rip. I really like them and some day might pick up an impulse with iframe or better yet, an adrenalin impulse :)

07-23-2002, 06:18 PM
Do it. I gave up a E-mag for a Imp. Love it and have not regretted it. Fast, light and very accurate. I have not had and failers on of off the field with it.

07-24-2002, 01:13 AM
go impulse!!!!!!! u wont be unhappy!. i am still a true AGD fan and i love everything about AGD products. I dont know why but something told me to get an impulse so i did.I had a pf 68mag and ALWAYS shortstroked and chopped paint(not mags fault but mine) so i wanted to get a new gun that was electronic and had some sort of anti chop system. i was gonna go used emag, then lvl10, then xtreme upgrade but i thought about it and realized that an impulse is what i wanted because of what u get for the price. they are great guns all around. the only thing that will give u problems is the max flo, not the impulse. ive had like 10 things go wrong with my max flo so i got rid of it and went with an AA black ice vert reg. there are a few musts for an impulse though: an aftermarket trigger to ruduce the slop of the poor stock trigger(i recommend the eclipse), a tapeworm for more consistency and reduced bolt stick and drop off problems, and a delrin bolt for reduced kick. all of those will run u under 30 bucks. go get an impulse!!!!!

07-24-2002, 02:55 PM
Just because I got the impy I wouldnt sell my mag I would still keep it of course and use it. It's just the team would be shooting imps If I dont like it I still will use my good ol 68 classic mag.

Thnx for all the info guys helped me out!

07-24-2002, 06:46 PM
Free impulse to play on a team? Yeah, I'd shoot one then.

No doubt in my mind.


I have a friend that loves his. They're great for the price. They aren't "the best" but they're pretty nice considering what you pay, even for the custom jobs.