View Full Version : Smoked - Don't waste your money :(

07-22-2002, 11:36 PM
Just got finished watching it (DVD) and am extremely disapointed. It did have a quick spot on the SFL Emag, but that couldn't save this dog. It had the potential to be really good, but the video shots were always to tight and you couldn't ever really get a feel for what was actually happening. It was way disorganized, and much to short at ~40 minutes. That figures out to almost a buck a minute. I also caught a couple of rerun clips that they dressed up with special camera effects - for only 40 minutes you'd think that they could run all original clips... (When I say rerun, I'm talking about a clip that air a few minutes before, then a second time later...)

For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about - it is a DVD of the 2001 World Cup. Don't waste your money, Push is LOTS better. (And cheaper - Smoked cost me #30 bucks at Pevs)

Oh, and the DVD version offered no DVD features either...


07-22-2002, 11:59 PM

Sorry to hear the vid sucked. When are you going to do a report on your finding with the high speed crono?


07-23-2002, 09:57 AM

I've completed my assessment of the chronograph and find it to be an outstanding product. I will bring it with me the IAO so you can take a look at it. I used the nylon paintballs you sent to test the Intimidator with a Palmer Reg which showed outstanding constancy on N2. I got almost as good constancy on the Emag valve. I can send you the standard deviations from home. On the Emag I was using the stock barrel which is way bigger then the balls and I think that had something to do with slightly larger spread. I never did the Shocker as it does not support full auto.

Please let me know the format for the chronograph review (what you'd like to see in it) and I'll post it tonight. I'm not quite sure what to put in the review and I obviously don't have the equipment to test the accuracy of the device - so what I write up will be experience/opinion based - but I definitely like the product. With the IR kit I was doing all of the testing in my garage after 10pm :)

I 'm looking forward to seeing you at the Tech class. Will there be anywhere to setup the chronograph for a test? It would be cool to see if it can keep up with your 20bps Emag.


07-23-2002, 04:13 PM
I used the nylon paintballs you sent to test the Intimidator with a Palmer Reg which showed outstanding constancy on N2. I got almost as good constancy on the Emag valve.

Are you saying the "Intimidator with a Palmer Reg" has better constancy than the E-Mag valve?

07-23-2002, 07:45 PM
luke: He had a better paint/barrel match on the Timmy, as per his post, therefore he's going to get better consistency.

07-23-2002, 10:18 PM
No - I was saying that they were both good. The Emag did not get a chance to shine as much due to the bore size not being properly matched. I was using a Freak on the Timmy, not on the Emag. I just bought a new Freak back for the mag the past weekend - so as soon as I can I'll test with the correct bore size.


07-23-2002, 11:19 PM
Yup, I was seriously dissapointed in this DVD. Push is way better!!! Shoulda used the money for something else. :(