View Full Version : Warp breeches and ACE update?

Johnny Bravo
07-23-2002, 01:34 AM
Hello, I was just wondering if Tom or anyone else could update the info regarding warp breeches and ACE?

-Any info would be much appreciated

07-23-2002, 01:55 AM
ACE???? Who needs an ACE? We have LVL 10. No need for an ACE :)

07-23-2002, 04:34 AM
Johnny B, I've seen a whole lot of warp feed breeches in production and guns that are running them with ACE.

They are just so busy with production I don't know how long it will be till you can buy one.

ACE compliments level 10 to give the ultimate performance. 'Psst' isn't a bad noise to hear but 'kapow' is better :D
