View Full Version : <<<<<<<<Team AO, Next Practice, Please Read>>>>>>>

07-23-2002, 02:55 AM
Hi Team;
Sorry about the absence, but rest asured, I'm back!!! And now that we've had a bit of a vacation, let's get back into the game!!! Next practice is Sunday August 11th!! Plaese mark your calenders now, and let's have a big showing!! Let's make it over at the Jungle so we can run drills, warm up and what not!!! It will probably be hot, so bring lots of fluids, and I'm looking into procuring an easy-up!!! So to sum things up Practice will be at:
Jungle Isalnd Paintball Park
Sunday August 11th 8:00 AM sharp
Please post the usual RSVP, and let's keep this one at the top!!! Later!!!

07-23-2002, 03:43 AM
oooh...that's interesting..i may just be ready by then...hehehhee...just got a new 8-5 Monday thru Friday job...so the guy that started Team AO SoCal might actually get to play with them....YYYYEEEEAAAHHHHH!!!!

07-25-2002, 10:52 AM
That would be great!!! Good to hear from you!!! Alright guys, how about the rest of you???? Let's hear from everyone!!!

07-25-2002, 01:10 PM
Hey Bob! I'll definitely try to come but things at work just keep getting busier. I think Bad_Knees and I are planning on playing a night game on the 2nd..but even I'm still iffy about that.

But I will definitely post again as the time nears. :D

07-25-2002, 06:35 PM
If practice was in Los Angeles I would go but since its so far I doubt I will come. I currently play at X-Park monday and friday, and when I get time I'm going to start on wednesday nights too. So drop by guys and play some games because there is usually good competition at night.


07-27-2002, 08:50 AM
Rey, what's going on man??? You have to be there!!!! IM me and let me know what's up!!!! Clanger, You too man, let me know if you're playing a tuesday or thursday night, I'll join you!!!!!

07-27-2002, 11:50 AM
We are going to play this Tuesday night at Xpark. Usually we play mondays but I have a basketball game that night.


07-27-2002, 12:25 PM
Hiya Bob! I've just been busy at work. We're trying to get our game into an alpha(due date Aug. 5) state and they got us working 6 days a week. I was just wondering, what if we don't get enough people to come sunday, how about we move practice to x-park? I was also wondering, would you still be interested in that Aug. 11 tournament at x-park just to get our feet wet? Win or lose, don't matter to me. Maybe we can recruit another player to stand in for Mark(gotta miss that guy!), maybe clanger? But let me know. I miss playing and I'm itching to test out the Lvl 10. But I'll keep you posted since Sundays are my only free time.

07-27-2002, 12:36 PM
Well..I'm at the mercy of AGD and FedEx (who Don uses for shipping)..so..if it's all here I'll be there..if not...well..I'm going to get to play with you guys sometime...

07-27-2002, 12:37 PM
I'm entering with some of my friends so I won't be able to play with you guys. =( Still sign up and play though, it will be a blast.

07-27-2002, 03:35 PM
Good to see the AO tradition lives on. I miss you guys. i will be going to bakersfield that day so I will be unable to go. I might end up playing on saturday at xpark but I am still unsure. I will be going out of town everyother week until the 19th of august and then I will be gone for nearly 2 and a half months. then i will be back and playing with all of you guys. Good luck and i hope you guys have a great practice.:)

07-27-2002, 03:40 PM
what kind of work do you do that has you gone all that time? you're not a super spy are you?

07-27-2002, 05:28 PM
super spy....no almost. Actually I am training to be a Auto Damage Adjuster for an insurance company. The training has me traveling. After that is done I will be staying in the San Fernando Valley.

07-28-2002, 11:29 PM
Sounds fine by me!!! I recommended the Jungle mainly because we get a field to ourselves and we can practice!!! I have no problems with going to X-Park!!! At this point, I just want to play!!! And the Aug.11th tourney is good too!!! We can do that!!! So let's hear it from everyone who wants to play, and see where does everyone want to go!!! Hey Mark, it's good to hear from you bro!!!

07-29-2002, 01:58 PM

Mav D MagMan
07-29-2002, 02:32 PM
:( Dang I wish I had the money to play that often...

I'd jump at the chance to get out there and play for AO Socal, but I can't even afford to make practices, Ah well who's up for a little RecBall the 24th? (Had to pitch it)

Ps. I'd offer my services at the tournament (as a fill in player) but I haven't played with you guys, and I've got work that day, plus yall probably wouldn't want me out there anyways ;)


07-29-2002, 02:54 PM

The practices are great to attend, all you would really need if they play at the Jungle is paint and your field fees. The air is free so don't sweat that. Try to come out when you can.


I won't be able to make this upcoming practice but please post anymore practices in advance so I can make sure I am free!


Damn I need air to finish fine tuning levle 10!!! ARRRGH! Found out my reg seat is bad on my 4500 tank :( And they don't have any in stock to swap with me :eek:

Mav D MagMan
07-29-2002, 06:01 PM
Well last time I was at the Jungle it scared me, have they uh cleaned up the place? (Guys firing in the staging area, masks off, and later on stories of people being shot with hot guns at point blank range after game's end etc)

I'd like to attend on eventually though, but not this month cuz I'm trying for that Rec. Game. :( and :)


07-30-2002, 02:12 AM

I'm back from the depths of unemployment! I finally got a job, and guess what... it has NOTHING to do with what I went to school for! the job market sucks right now, and ive been job hunting for a while. i had to kick into the "plan- B" jobs for employment. The benz broke down about a month ago, so i've been riding my bike around. at least now i can afford to get that new tranny, or maybe just a new car. bob, mark, rey, its been a while since we last played. i cant make it on the 4th, i still wont have any money. but i will be back soon. i see that you guys hooked up with more people to play with. hope to play with all you guys real soon.


07-30-2002, 03:39 AM
Sup Dave! WOW! It has been such a long time! Sorry to hear about your job situation and your problems with your car. That must bite quite a bit! Anyway, things have been slow for us this past summer but I'm sure we'll find the time to get together again. I know I can't make it to practice this Sunday. :( Work...UGH!! But soon enough!! :D

07-30-2002, 09:05 AM
Dave I was wondering if we would hear from you and john. So what is the new job??? Great to hear from you again. Well guys I have to drive to bakersfield that night so I will not be able to make it. But next time I go down hopefully it will be in my company car because mine is starting to run funny. Hey Bob after I get done with training you and I can have some cool auto repair conversations. I am learning a ton of car repair info. Anyway, I can't wait until we all go out again and let the legends be created again. I want to find those punks that stole our stuff and bust some lvl10 emag goodness on them. o yeah btw lvl10 is amazing in the new emag.Anyway, talk to yall later. Hope to see you all soon. :)

08-01-2002, 12:06 PM
Guys, due to unforeseen circumstances, and that not many can make the practice- present company included- I am delaying practice by one week!!! New practice date is: August 11!!!
Let's keep it at the Jungle for now, and I am open to a change of venue!!!!
Dave, Congrads man, finally you have once more joined the ranks of the gainfuly employed!!!
Mav, are you sure you were at Jungle Island???? That place is usually very well run!!
Everybody clear your schedules for next sunday, and sorry about the inconvenience!!!

Mav D MagMan
08-04-2002, 11:27 PM
Tomyster - Actually I'm positive it was Jungle Island, although I must admit it was well over two to three years ago (maybe even longer than three) a few players I know have turned away from playing at established fields because of the treatment they recieved at that field (from players not staff, although the staff was lax enough to let it happen).

I guess they've cleaned up the way they've ran things, but I'm still a little weary of them.


08-05-2002, 05:40 PM
Wow Mav, I guess they really cleaned up then!!! Anyway, let's hear it from everyone, whose in for the practice This sunday???

08-06-2002, 12:17 AM
Got a tourney.


Mav D MagMan
08-06-2002, 12:26 AM
Well if they really cleaned things up I have to say:

Thanks for scheduling it the day I leave for a week's worth of work! Lol I was really considering stopping by, I'd even have my Level 10 by then. Ah well maybe next time? :)


08-06-2002, 12:48 AM
woot woot!!! my lx is on the way...and I know have weekends off...!!!

08-06-2002, 07:30 AM
I will be there!:D My last time playing for a while. til november or so.:(