View Full Version : New England AO Days Consolidation Discussion

Patron God of Pirates
07-23-2002, 09:56 AM
This top message will remain in flux to bring you changes in information regarding the NE AO Day.

All of this information will remain flexible until the official announcement thread.

Place: Cape Cod Paintball (Pending discussion with Field Owner)
Date: September 28th or October 12th VOTE HERE (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?postid=397495#post397495)

We are currently working on ideas for events and prizes. The idea of a PIF raffle has been proposed, and we are pursuing other avenues to get prizes donated. The only event which has been discussed so far is a 3-Man state based tourney.

Event ideas are welcome. Prize donations are very welcome. Please contribute any of your thoughts to this thread.

Check back at this header from time to time for updates.

07-23-2002, 09:59 AM
ya we decided that we are gunna do a new england day in my MA AO day thread... we cant decide between Cape Cod Paintball or ADVENTURE GAMES PAINTBALL in NH...

check it out... http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=43976

PS: your help/input is wanted... if you would like to orginize im sure you could....

07-23-2002, 10:06 AM
the later the better for me...so I will be home. Dont really care where....but early oct works for me.

07-23-2002, 10:26 AM
I'd go to a CT AO meet. I missed NJ AO II b/c of prior engagements.

07-23-2002, 10:32 AM
I would go to a AO meet in New England, I live in RI and in september i'm getting my new minimag.

07-23-2002, 12:27 PM
do we really need to cater to all the wierdo's in NH and maine and vermont? :)

how close is adventure games to the border?

07-23-2002, 03:39 PM
i won't speak for NH and vermont, but I consider us in maine to be quite normal :)

ME or NH would work for me (and i could probably bring a bunch of friends and convert them)

07-23-2002, 04:14 PM
Hey Patron,
Get us the details as soon as you can. Since a whole bunch of you came down to NJ AO II day, maybe we can return the favor and road trip up to support you guys.

07-23-2002, 04:19 PM
how about www.paintballny.com the guy there is really nice and will probably let us use his field. Last time I checked it was BYOP but if u buy his paint they like you better.:)

Also last time Iw as there they had hyperball and could put up Sup Air

07-23-2002, 04:21 PM
howa bout warzone in rhode island!

07-23-2002, 04:26 PM
Why not have it in Florida!:rolleyes:

Come on guys, NH or MA please. It IS a New England AO Day after all. I am all for having everyone come, but you have to remember ALL of NE, and try for a central location that is fair for everyone.

07-23-2002, 04:29 PM
How about Skirmish, than I can go!

07-23-2002, 04:40 PM
Important points to consider:

1. Central location: (Eastern Mass seems most convenient to majority of players from Mass, RI, Southern NH and ME coast)
2. Fields: A mix of woods and concept fields would be nice for all players (Adventure Games is a great field, but almost exclusively woods, Don't know about Cape Cod)
3. Price: BYOP would be best, any fields allow this?

Did the NJ day play at an organized field or was is an organized outlaw place, just curious?

07-23-2002, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by RusskiX
Important points to consider:

1. Central location: (Eastern Mass seems most convenient to majority of players from Mass, RI, Southern NH and ME coast)
2. Fields: A mix of woods and concept fields would be nice for all players (Adventure Games is a great field, but almost exclusively woods, Don't know about Cape Cod)
3. Price: BYOP would be best, any fields allow this?

Did the NJ day play at an organized field or was is an organized outlaw place, just curious?

yes me and Patron god of pirates took those into account and are currently searching in northern MA, Southern NH and areas we think would work. Cape Cod has both woods and speedball but is a little out of the way. we are working on a desicion, hopefull yby next week.

07-23-2002, 06:51 PM
simply put ccpb is the best paintball feilds in mass since global closed and thats not just my opinion it maybe a lil longer for me people but its a central state in comparison to the 4 surronding it

07-23-2002, 07:11 PM
I'll probably be able to go to the NE AO Day if it's on a Sunday some time in the fall. Cape Cod Paintball would be an awesome place to have it as they have tons of fields there. If you are looking for a BYOP field in Mass, the only one I know of is Friendly Fire in Upton. I was waiting for one of these to pop up - I just wouldn't be able to make a couple hundred mile trip this summer. [email protected] - you can email me more about it if you'd like or if you'd like to find out more about FF or CC. I'd say you could put my name down for attending one if it's remotely close (somewhere in mass or RI - NH is pushing it a little but probably)

paint king
07-23-2002, 07:44 PM
Hey that would be a great idea and just get some details up when you get it worked out. Hey im in Vermont who ever said we werent normal?? :p :p :p . Most people arnt but id like to think im not too crazy yet.

07-23-2002, 10:44 PM
I vote Cape Cod. It's WAAAY far away from me but it's a great field and southern NH already had TK visit us and AG last year, so we should spread the love. Sundays are best because sometimes I have XC races on Saturdays in the fall.

07-24-2002, 01:59 AM
My vote is eastern Mass. I'm not from that area, so I can't recommend any good fields though. That's not to say that if the NE AO Day ends up in NH, I won't be there (I've traveled up to NH for a single day of paintball). I think Cape Cod sounds good, but it'd just be difficult for a lot of people, as it's out of the way.

07-24-2002, 06:45 AM
Originally posted by Rynoboy06
I vote Cape Cod. It's WAAAY far away from me but it's a great field and southern NH already had TK visit us and AG last year, so we should spread the love. Sundays are best because sometimes I have XC races on Saturdays in the fall.
The more I keep hearing, Cape Cod seems the best place factoring all members, conditions, etc.

As for what day…. I don’t care.

Now for the NH already had TK visit thing…. That was not an AO thing, sorry. That was done by Adventure Games and took much planning and prep work…. It was not an AO Day, it was an AGD thing.

If AGP was the most logical place for an AO day for New England (which it appears it is not) I would not care how many times Tom went there, or how many AO Days were held there…. We all share by GOING and having it at a place that is fair for all. :D

07-24-2002, 07:25 AM
well i would have to aim for central-eastern mass then because that way i wouldnt have to have my mom drive so far(and we wouldnt have to wake up at 2 instead of 4)

and then i could have my mom stop by boston paintball in boston and haggle off my tippmann and such

hehe ill bring my cocker with me too...

Patron God of Pirates
07-24-2002, 09:03 AM
Cape Cod Paintball is definitely one of the front runners at this point. The slightly out of the way location is he only thing it has going against it.

I'd like to here from some Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont people about the location.

Every field we've looked into so far has it's ups and downs. BYOP, but no speedball fields. Cheep paint, but no all day air. I intend to talk to the field owners about group rates etc., but we are going to have to make a compromise on something.

1stDeadeye, we are working very quickly so we can get details up. I know from experience, the further away you are the more notice you need. I would love to see allot of the Jersey peeps here at NE AO Day.

So let us know if you have any good locals to consider, and also how you feel about Cape Cod, or any other recommended locations. Also, chime in on the types of activities you'd like to see. I've been milling over the idea of a state based 3-man tourney and some other things.

07-24-2002, 09:08 AM
Originally posted by Patron God of Pirates

So let us know if you have any good locals to consider, and also how you feel about Cape Cod, or any other recommended locations. Also, chime in on the types of activities you'd like to see. I've been milling over the idea of a state based 3-man tourney and some other things.

I'm good for cape cod and i can bring 4 other people, 3 of us shooting mags. I just started a 5 man team for a local feild League. we havent started yet and this would be a great practice for us.

07-24-2002, 09:13 AM
Originally posted by Raptor3359

I'm good for cape cod. I just started a 5 man team for a local feild League. we havent started yet and this would be a great practice for us.
Team practice? Interesting concept... I thought AO Days were for fun and camaraderie for fellow mag owners and AO members....... ;)

07-24-2002, 09:17 AM
Originally posted by shartley

Team practice? Interesting concept... I thought AO Days were for fun and camaraderie for fellow mag owners and AO members....... ;)

we r a brand new team, we could use it, and it cant hurt to learn off great players. what better way to have fun and camaraderie then playing paintball?

07-24-2002, 09:23 AM
I was only razzing you..... ;)

Will Wood
07-24-2002, 09:57 AM
This is going against the whole planning of this thread...but Rogue in Maine would make an excelent feild for this...2 speedball and a piss load of woods. I do think this would be worth the extra time driving for other people (Actually, more like less for me lol :) )

But no really..Sounds great. I will most likely be in, espesially if it is BYOP.

07-24-2002, 10:07 AM
Originally posted by dansim
simply put ccpb is the best paintball feilds in mass since global closed and thats not just my opinion it maybe a lil longer for me people but its a central state in comparison to the 4 surronding it

Dansim is right about this. It is the best place in MA. $65 for a 2000 case of team colors plus the ability to do 4500 fills. Early October would be good.

07-24-2002, 10:15 AM
i agree with ccpb
big parking lot for cookout/debauchery
easy access to hotel
easy to find
amazing fields, last nepl had 3 tubeless supair, 3 hyperball, a barrel wrap field and several woods field
I vote late september early october

07-24-2002, 10:52 AM
If we have this, will we be mixed in with walk o players? Or will we get our own group? Also wants a date is final let me know. I have a real hard time getting off from work.

07-24-2002, 11:00 AM
The last nepl is in maine. That is prolly quite a hall for some of the southern New england peeps. The place is awesome though. The only problem is thatit is in the direct sun. So if it is really hot (like last NEPL) we will die! I was thinking about candia paintball and kingston (1 airball field) because they are cheap and are both right off the highway. Both are in NH but candia onl has 2 fields and kingston 1. I would rather not go to weare. I am not much of a woodball player. I would rather it be at a place with mostly speedball. I vote for late august, because once school starts getting up it will be harder to make it.

07-24-2002, 11:01 AM
I'm capable of going to Cape Cod, so it's fine with me. I had just suggested Mass because it seemed more convenient.

Oh, and Raptor3359, if your looking to learn from great players, you might not want to watch me, I'm really not very good. :(

Will Wood
07-24-2002, 11:03 AM
Well if we get enought people to say they can def. go, I would think that the store owner would reserve that day.

07-24-2002, 11:18 AM
About the walk ons: My thought is that we'll need people to show the tongue trick to that don't actually know the result. We can spread the word among them.

Three NEPL's this year are at CCPB, one was in Maine, one in NH. CCPB seems to be reachable by that crowd.

07-24-2002, 11:26 AM
Originally posted by paintballrulzs
The last nepl is in maine. That is prolly quite a hall for some of the southern New england peeps. The place is awesome though. The only problem is thatit is in the direct sun. So if it is really hot (like last NEPL) we will die! I was thinking about candia paintball and kingston (1 airball field) because they are cheap and are both right off the highway. Both are in NH but candia onl has 2 fields and kingston 1. I would rather not go to weare. I am not much of a woodball player. I would rather it be at a place with mostly speedball. I vote for late august, because once school starts getting up it will be harder to make it.
I vote NOT Candia.... I am not getting into it, but I think it would be a poor place for an AO Day... and I will leave it at that.

As for August and not September or October because of school..... LOL You are kidding right? A lot of us have jobs, what makes school any different? :rolleyes:

07-24-2002, 11:33 AM
ok we are looking into field based on... Entry Price, BYOP or FPO, if FPO paint prices, location, # and Kind of fields, fill prices, N2 Avilible?, 3k or 45k ( not that big of a deal but could be the deciding factor on a couple of them) and more... at the moment we have 3 fields in mind, one is really nice but prices are steep, one is BYOP but we dont know about speedball, the other is FPO with lots of speedball and woods but might be to far out of the way. we will have an anouncment next week.

07-24-2002, 11:39 AM
I think we should do a vote/poll on the location (we can work on times after). Only people who think they could make it. None of that pie crap I'd like to see a real result.

07-24-2002, 12:41 PM
well as far as ccpb goes... it may seem out of the way... but once you are on 495thats the last road you need to worry about... it changes to another rt number but is the same road... go over the canal on the bourne bridge and the field entrance is about 3/4 of the way around the rotary.... 1st time i went there lookin for it i found it on my 1st time around teh rotary... which for me was a good day =)

07-24-2002, 03:43 PM
i am up for a trip ccpb sounds great there fields rock

07-24-2002, 03:54 PM
i will talk to ken crane tonite

edit: he was out tonite ill call him tommorow evening

07-24-2002, 04:44 PM
well when you get a location and a date ill start begging my mom to bring me

07-24-2002, 06:41 PM
I havn't been to Cape Cod but my roomates have and said it was great. We're heading there Aug 10 to go play so I'll get a better idea.
As for An Ao day in NH...I'm not to sure. I've hit up every field in this state and I don't see one that would cater to our needs except Canobie in Windham. Adventure games, I'm not sure how others feel but I find Cynthia a bit on the greedy side. Candia is too small, Canobie perfect but expensive. My vote is Canobie or Cape Cod.

As for Skirmish sure if you wanna drive seven hours to
po dunk PA, At least they had a strip bar(the talent was sub par but boobs is boobs)!

Skirmish D-Day 2002: Germans "most annoying team"
HA...the allies had no chance!!:D

07-24-2002, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by shartley

I vote NOT Candia.... I am not getting into it, but I think it would be a poor place for an AO Day... and I will leave it at that.

As for August and not September or October because of school..... LOL You are kidding right? A lot of us have jobs, what makes school any different? :rolleyes:

It is different because once i start school I will work like every weekend. Now i can get 1 day a weekend off, but in septemeber and august i will have soccer so the only day i have off is the weekends and i will have to work both days so i can maintain my job.

07-24-2002, 10:03 PM
It'd be great in cape cod. I'll bring some of my friends who don't own mags but still like mine. Mark me down for 4 people.

07-25-2002, 01:44 AM
I'd do my very best to make it to cape cod. Also guys, a smaller place thats also good is camppaintball in Kingston, MA right before the cape. The owner guy Wes is super cool, i bet they'd let us use it. Maybe it could be a spillover AO day for whoever doesnt make it to cape cod :) Anyhow, its 10 bucks to get in, there getting 4500 fills already or really soon (last i heard the boosters were in the mail), and they have 2 woods fields and 2 speedball fields.

Im tired.

07-25-2002, 09:45 AM
Camp Paintball is a cool place I just didn't think they had N2.

07-25-2002, 10:06 AM
I think we should def play at the cape. Shartly i don't know what the big deal is with candia. They are great people. The only other field i can think of is canobie paintball in salem but i have never been there. I heard it was way over priced, worse than weare.

07-25-2002, 10:10 AM
Originally posted by paintballrulzs
I think we should def play at the cape. Shartly i don't know what the big deal is with candia. They are great people. The only other field i can think of is canobie paintball in salem but i have never been there. I heard it was way over priced, worse than weare.
Like I said, I will not get into it.. but I know more about them than the average bear. ;) I will leave it at that.

Being "great people" does not cut it in my book. My reasons have nothing to do with how personable they are.

07-25-2002, 12:47 PM
didnt they (camp) say they would have the castle done LAST year, and that they were getting N2 about 2 years ago? also, the castle sucks and the speedball fields arent that great. also, the last three times i went, wes didnt show, though twice his own refs were there to play and they said it should open. he really has to learn how to run a buisness.

07-25-2002, 01:40 PM
Shartley I'm wondering about that Candia thing are you talking the Manch indoor paintball owners or the new owners?
Plus the place has only two fields....whoopee!
As for Canobie a bunch of wood courses and a huge speedball field, hyper and supair. but expensive...worst then Adventure games...and we all know how expensive Cynthia can be!

07-25-2002, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by TheClapp15
Shartley I'm wondering about that Candia thing are you talking the Manch indoor paintball owners or the new owners?
Plus the place has only two fields....whoopee!
As for Canobie a bunch of wood courses and a huge speedball field, hyper and supair. but expensive...worst then Adventure games...and we all know how expensive Cynthia can be!
Actually, both.... again, I will not get into it on an open forum... and for obvious reasons...

Yes, Cynthia is a bit on the expensive side. She always gives back at each "Big Game", but I admit that for the average player, you either have to be a member, or not play very often.

Speaking of playing.. I will be there this Sunday!

Patron God of Pirates
07-25-2002, 02:03 PM
Does anyone have a good reason for not trying this at Cape Cod Paintball? So far all I've heard are accolades. Please don't say it is to far unless it is actually to far for you to attend.

07-25-2002, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by Patron God of Pirates
Does anyone have a good reason for not trying this at Cape Cod Paintball? So far all I've heard are accolades. Please don't say it is to far unless it is actually to far for you to attend.

I think Cape Cod would be an excellent choice - though i have never played there. Cape Cod is however a great place to spend a cool september night after the games and has plenty of Hotel and NightLife activities for anyone traveling to the game. I am all for Cape Code AO day!


07-25-2002, 02:27 PM
The first guy from outside of NE! WOOHOO!

This just might work out well after all!

07-25-2002, 03:14 PM

anyone a rhode islander here besides me a frymark?

EDIT: i just had a funny idea we should do it at boston paintballs field!

Originally posted by shartley
[B]Why not have it in Florida!:rolleyes:

Come on guys, NH or MA please. It IS a New England AO Day after all.B]
hey rhode island is in new england ;p its what makes MA central:rolleyes:

07-25-2002, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by FutureMagOwner

anyone a rhode islander here besides me a frymark?

EDIT: i just had a funny idea we should do it at boston paintballs field!

yea i'm from RI... what town do u live in? I'm in Cumberland

Patron God of Pirates
07-25-2002, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by TheTramp
The first guy from outside of NE! WOOHOO!

This just might work out well after all!

Alot of the NJ AO'ers said they would try to make it.

07-25-2002, 03:19 PM
south kingstown... going to warzone this weekend accualy...

07-25-2002, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by Patron God of Pirates

Alot of the NJ AO'ers said they would try to make it.

You're right. I forgot about them.

Well now All we need to do is start really talking about a date as it seems like CCPB is the place.

07-25-2002, 03:53 PM
on the nation AO day listing it says its october 5th

Patron God of Pirates
07-25-2002, 03:57 PM
Yep, Oct. 5th (a Saturday). People had mentioned doing it on a Sunday, but Saturday enables people to spend the night. And if CCPB works out, take advantage of Cape Cod night life.

07-25-2002, 04:00 PM
Hmmm...I didn't see a vote on it. I'd think the vote for "AO" would be on "AO" as apposed to another forum. There is a P&L tournament there the next day if that make any difference. I do know that some people from the area might have a hard time doing two big days in a row. If it comes down to it I'll be there but I'd rather do it a diferent day.

07-25-2002, 04:18 PM
if theres a tourney on oct 6 it may not be a good idea as there will be many teams practicing on oct 5 and it will be a big pain in the keister

Patron God of Pirates
07-25-2002, 04:24 PM
We decided on October 5th as a tentative date because allot of people had said late sept., early oct. worked best. It also gives us plenty of time to prepare.

If there is enough opposition to where it will hurt turnout, we'll look at another date. Please, everyone speak up on this. Let us know if Oct 5th presents a problem that will keep you from attending.

Oct. 12th work better for people?

07-25-2002, 04:30 PM
if there is a tourney the day after i doubt we could get CCPB to let us do it. but whatever, any saturday works for me.

has anyone contacted the field and figured out prices for paint and air and all that good stuff?

07-25-2002, 04:44 PM
I plan on going to PNL so oct 5th wouldn't work. Why not have it a week before oct 5th. That way the people playing in PNL can get a feel for the fields while having a fun day of play?

07-25-2002, 04:59 PM
heres the prices from their website

1.) Walk on $20.00: Your own Gun (Guns subject to speed check) Field paint only on CCPB fields

2.) All Day Air Fill $10.00: Nitro or CO2

3.) Full Rental $35.00: Includes: Mask, Gun (Model 98 Tippman), 200 Rounds of paint, All day air fill (CO2),

4.) Field Paint $65.00 (per case): Rental Players MUST use Field Paint

5.) Air Fills: Nitro $2.00 per Thousand (We can fill to 4500 psi)

6.) Air Fills: CO2

CO2 Tank Size Price Per Fill
7 - 9 oz. $3.00
12 - 14 oz. $4.00
16 - 20oz. $6.00

is there any way we could get lower rates or anything?

the week before the 5th is good for me or the week after.

07-25-2002, 06:23 PM
im trying to get ahold of ken but he seems to be away, perhaps something came up i hope all is well

07-25-2002, 06:23 PM
the last weekend in sept(28-29th) works for me.... either day to boot too =)

figure right about that time the weather should be cooling down and most of the summer tourists (if its tourist season why cant we shoot them) should be gone or atleast a good portion of them....

well i guess that is my 2¢ worth for this.....

07-25-2002, 07:38 PM
i vote for the 28th

07-25-2002, 07:54 PM
patronGOP - add a poll to this thread about the date. i vote for the 28 also.

07-25-2002, 08:34 PM
The 28th/29th sounds good to me.

07-25-2002, 08:36 PM
I of course vote for the 28th because i was the one that recomended that day.

07-25-2002, 11:59 PM
I'm go for the 28th.

07-26-2002, 03:49 AM
September 28 seems like a reasonable day. As far as the field, like I've said before, I have no problem with going to Cape Cod.

Patron God of Pirates
07-26-2002, 08:57 AM
I can't add a poll, I'll start a new thread and add a link to it.

Header Updated (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?postid=393210#post393210)

07-26-2002, 06:12 PM
alright fellas if its in cape cod i herby nominate my team to ref and orginize a informal tourney, cost has yet to be determined either 50 for a 5 man(10 a head) or 30 for a 3 man(to cover costs) depending on how many people show up, i will contact all major and minor companies about prize packages hers the catch if your whole teams uses mags subtract 10(5man)or 5(3man) bucks of the entry price. we may even man the grill
anyway heres the list so far of companies

Kingman/Raven(prizes tba its to soon to tell there budget i need to wait untill sept 1st)
Irbodden's Pimptastic barrel Condoms!
donggie is donating a new system x swing trigger for the cocker to be raffled!

other companies i have called and left messages or will call on tuesday
Paintball inc
Custom products
Proaction footwear
Power lyte
Paintball junkies
Planet eclipse
Ballistic sports
Power Block
Smart Parts
so tell your friends to join in the community and come down!

07-26-2002, 06:28 PM
Originally posted by dansim
alright fellas if its in cape cod i herby nominate my team to ref and orginize a informal tourney, cost has yet to be determined either 50 for a 5 man(10 a head) or 30 for a 3 man(to cover costs) depending on how many people show up, i will contact all major and minor companies about prize packages hers the catch if your whole teams uses mags subtract 10(5man)or 5(3man) bucks of the entry price. we may even man the grill
anyway heres the list so far of companies

Kingman/Raven(prizes tba its to soon to tell there budget i need to wait untill sept 1st)
Irbodden's Pimptastic barrel Condoms!

other companies i have called and left messages or will call on tuesday
Paintball inc
Custom products
Proaction footwear
Power lyte
Paintball junkies
Planet eclipse
Ballistic sports
Power Block
Smart Parts
so tell your friends to join in the community and come down!

No offense, but I think still think this is a bad idea. That was never the purpose of AO Days. It was not about having a tournament, and all the other stuff that goes with it… it is more about meeting each other and having a good time. And then saying you would open it up to the public…. Come on, this is getting a bit out of hand.

My vote is still NOT to have a Tournament… and I can safely say that if there WAS, I would not come. Again, in my opinion that is not what AO Days were suppose to be about. If I wanted to go to a tournament, I could do that at ANY time… AO Day is something different.

07-26-2002, 06:39 PM
yeah i changed my mind about thatother part but by informal i mean it starts at 1pm and aoers play for prizes
prices will go down i can gaurantee but i was gonna offer up some cash for the pirst place team its all relaxed no pressure

also i have notified these comps as it will be informal and all just for fun i thought peopel would like some stuff to go home with

07-26-2002, 06:45 PM
i like prizes and stuff, and i would love to play it as a tourney, but i dont feel like paying for it, i would rather just play. :)

howeve, i would pay a little (ten bucks?) if i meant we could get prizes of some sort.

07-26-2002, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by dansim
yeah i changed my mind about thatother part but by informal i mean it starts at 1pm and aoers play for prizes
prices will go down i can gaurantee but i was gonna offer up some cash for the pirst place team its all relaxed no pressure

also i have notified these comps as it will be informal and all just for fun i thought peopel would like some stuff to go home with
I still think a tournament is a bad idea. Many of us will not be coming as a group, and would like to not have to deal with that stuff. It would also mean the “tournament” folks would have priority on the fields and that is just not fair. Also, what about those who don’t WANT to “compete” like that? Do they deserve “prizes” any less?

Again, I don’t think AO Days were suppose to be about that. Prizes are great, and I am sure you can STILL get prizes for folks without having a tournament. The NJ folks seemed to do quite alright… so can we. Just getting as many folks together as we can will be a great thing….. again, if we wanted a tournament environment we could get that almost anywhere and not bother making the trip.

07-26-2002, 07:54 PM
but didnt the have a 3 man? i was think of having it on just the airballl field by the parking lot, for the larger prizes( i only have 2 people that say totally yes so far) but im also planning raffles for more stuff for people that dont want to participate

07-26-2002, 08:20 PM
i like the idea of having sort of a pick-up tourney. no tourney environment, just get your team and play the tourney, then play others for fun between games, or talk, or whatever. no biggie. i think it would be fun, but paying isnt a good thing (i changed my mind, i dont want to pay anything beside field fees and paint and such.

07-26-2002, 09:32 PM
I think sniper's and shartley's ideas are both great.
And best of all can be combined. As long as the whole affair is kept lo-key/relaxed it should be fun. If there were a pick-up tourney I think all prizes should be of the fun and humorous sort. This should be set up so we can all relax and get to hang out. But I'm with shartley, I'm not driving my butt all the way through or around Boston and then have a crappy time. I appreciate everyones effort and want to thank you for all that you guys have done so far, but if this turns into a serious tourney scene I won't show.

07-26-2002, 09:42 PM
People who are on teams with each other shouldn't play with each other, and I'm thinking maybe higher-level players ought to ref or sit. We should still have some rec games too. Maybe make the tourney real short (like 2-3 hours). I'm sure we can work it out.

07-27-2002, 06:41 AM
actually what i was thinking was have everyone who wants to participate write there names down and ill mix em up and pull out 3 or 5 names and tada a team

07-27-2002, 07:20 AM
why not a top gun tourney?

07-27-2002, 07:28 AM
that would be cool because only one of my friends plays paintball consistantly besides me and i bought his mag so he cant go anyway :D. and i would like to play in a tourney so mixing up everyone would be cool. if you do that though dont mix everyone with everyone mix back players with back players and fronts with fronts and such so you dont get all front players or all back players

EDIT: also doesnt matter which day for me we do this on

07-27-2002, 05:42 PM
The later the better for me.

07-28-2002, 12:57 AM
I think a pick up tourney would be OK but any tournament style play should be secondary to what the event is about. Keep the event about meeting everyone and just having fun. I don't want to scare people away with the focus being about a tournament. Let's not get caught up in tournaments and prizes and all that stuff. Let's just have fun.

07-28-2002, 08:37 AM
I concur. And we certainly need some big games.

07-28-2002, 09:21 AM
Wanna add my .02. The NJ AO meet was awesome...the tourney thing went very well...however, it did take up both fields for a good part of the day. And, if you werent competimg...you sat on the sidelines. A pickup tourney towards the end of the day may work, as long as it is informal and fun. The best part of the NJ AO day was meeting diff people from here. IT was all friendly...and I hope to get the same experience out of this one. Not saying that I dont think I will...just organizing a tourney may cause unneeded "competition attitudes", and I, for one, judt want to go and play with fellow AOers.

07-28-2002, 07:29 PM
I also think that a quick tourny could be fun. It wouldn't be the main focus just for fun. Along those lines, I liked Dansum's idea of making teams on the spot by picking names out of a hat. Also, CCPB has enough fields that tying up two wouldn't cause any problems for anyone else. It would be chance for some guys who have never gotten to expereance a tournament to enjoy a little action.

Patron God of Pirates
07-29-2002, 08:52 AM
It is possible to hold a tourney and not have the event turn into a tourney. No matter what, the day will be about having a good time and meeting other AO'ers. Drawing from a hat like Dansim suggested would help in that regards. I had a great time playing with 1stDeadeye and the BigZamboni whom I had never met.

Hopefully whatever format we decide on, becomes just one of a number of events AO'ers can participate in. I would also like to make sure we have at least one field open for pick-up games for the majority of the day.

On of the things I learned from the NJ AO day is that you can only plan so much. So everyone just plan on having a good time.

07-29-2002, 11:38 AM
Can we at least agree on September 28th at Cap Cod Paintball first? After that we can start planning what sort of suff will be going on.

07-29-2002, 09:09 PM
i think thats pretty much set in stone. unless something big comes up, that is where and when it will be.

sanku X
07-29-2002, 10:48 PM
Has anyone called Kenny at CCPB to make sure this is ok??

All of the local leagues run their tornaments at CCPB, cause the place rocks, so that may effect your time table.

I can't wait. I'll be there!

Patron God of Pirates
07-30-2002, 08:20 AM
Dansim, who lives in Cape Cod, is contacting Kenny. The date will become official once it has been Okayed by the field.

07-30-2002, 08:38 AM
hehe a tourney would be fun as long as i dont get owned too bad

08-02-2002, 10:03 AM
Dansim, any luck in arranging this with CCPB?

08-04-2002, 04:27 PM
My buddy spoke to Cynthia (of Adventure Games in central NH) today and mentioned the NE AO day. She sounded like she was more than willing to have worked something out with us. I'm not exactly certain if it's too late.
But it's a thought.
As I mentioned she did donate quite a few season passes to the last WLIPP. And it might me nice to reciprocate somewhat. They may not have speedball fields but they are very well run.
And she claims her field has always been an Automag field, which my buddy backed up.
Like I said it's a thought.

08-07-2002, 12:03 PM
Personally, I don't have a preference as to where, but I think most people have agreed upon CCPB. Is anything finalized? Dansim, any news on if anything is set up with CCPB? If the answer's a no for those weekends, is there an alternative?

08-07-2002, 01:25 PM
Guys, i went down to cape cod (like 1:15 drive for me), last weekend expecting to play. Unfortunately there was a pnl 5 man tourney I didnt know about, and all the air and hyperball fields were taken up.

but GODDAMN was i impressed.

Guys, pleae have it at CCPB. Those fields are so nice, not even to mention the woods fields I only got a glimpse of. SO EXCITED...SOOOO EXCITED :)

08-07-2002, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by shartley

I still think a tournament is a bad idea. Many of us will not be coming as a group, and would like to not have to deal with that stuff. It would also mean the “tournament” folks would have priority on the fields and that is just not fair. Also, what about those who don’t WANT to “compete” like that? Do they deserve “prizes” any less?

Again, I don’t think AO Days were suppose to be about that. Prizes are great, and I am sure you can STILL get prizes for folks without having a tournament. The NJ folks seemed to do quite alright… so can we. Just getting as many folks together as we can will be a great thing….. again, if we wanted a tournament environment we could get that almost anywhere and not bother making the trip.

Shartley I woulda said the same thing til i saw this place. if everyone on the east coast who's on AO came...MAYBE the tourney players would take up all the fields. Hehe, if we can claim maybe 3 fields for us and a casual tourney ran on one of em, i wouldnt see the problem.

Dansim, are we gonna be like a huge group of regular walk-ons or is it possible to reserve a few fields?

this is gonna be PHAT!

08-07-2002, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by Mossman

I woulda said the same thing til i saw this place. if everyone on the east coast who's on AO came...MAYBE the tourney players would take up all the fields. Hehe, if we can claim maybe 3 fields for us and a casual tourney ran on one of em, i wouldnt see the problem.

this is gonna be PHAT!

This is what I've been trying to say!!!! :)

08-07-2002, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by shartley

No offense, but I think still think this is a bad idea. That was never the purpose of AO Days. It was not about having a tournament, and all the other stuff that goes with it… it is more about meeting each other and having a good time. And then saying you would open it up to the public…. Come on, this is getting a bit out of hand.

My vote is still NOT to have a Tournament… and I can safely say that if there WAS, I would not come. Again, in my opinion that is not what AO Days were suppose to be about. If I wanted to go to a tournament, I could do that at ANY time… AO Day is something different.

I am afraid I have to disagree with you SHartley. I did play in the AOII 3 man and it was a hoot, but I had as much fun or more hanging out with the other AOers there between games (as you know, there was quite a wait between games). I think that hanging out, meeting each other and goofing around made the day all the more memorable. I play big games and speedball at my local fields, but there you really can't hang out with the other players like you can at an AO day. I feel the tournament was a great centerpiece to an enjoyable day with the AO family.

I hope you still come if there is a tournament as I didn't get to meet you at AOII and would love to put a face with the "voice".

See you there!

08-07-2002, 06:15 PM
hey mossman you was there? cool i was in teh tourney with my team add, we had a blast and took 6th i also pmd pgop so look for an announcement soon