View Full Version : ? for any AO teams going to IAO

07-23-2002, 11:07 AM
This year I will be going to IAO as a spectator. I am not too thrilled about watching all the time and wanted to know if any teams might need a position filled for the 5 or 7 man events? I can cover my entry and share of paint and would be an excellent person to have in back. I scream awefully loud. As for experience, I have been playing Tournament paintball for a year and a half and with about 17 tournaments under my belt and I shoot a wikkid-fast e-mag (hopefully a C+C extreme by gametime). If your team, or a team you know could use another serious player please PM me. Thanks

07-23-2002, 12:09 PM
don't need another player, but keep an eye out for me, going up as PacMan from pump players internet group PPIG in the 7 man novice. keep an eye out for us, we will be playing with pumps =].

07-25-2002, 11:16 PM
Originally posted by 314159
going up as PacMan from pump players internet group PPIG in the 7 man novice.

Thats funny, I played with POG last year. Palmer Owners Group. Only as a stand in for TheBug. I would really enjoy playing again.

07-26-2002, 12:05 AM
well my team would be there if it weren't for the following reasons...

1. We Suck
2. We have no money
3. We have no way to get all the way across the country
4. Our parents wont let us go across the country even if we could get there.
5. Did I mention we suck?