View Full Version : The website has Gone Downhill

07-23-2002, 10:00 PM
Ever since the first WLIPP, this place has been on a steady decline. The influx of new users has created a rather newbie site consisting of mostly posts of "what should I get?" and 100 Stickeys of Level 10 stuff.

I used to come here every couple of days, but I and friends can't even stand it here anymore. Granted, there are a few oldschool users that are cool, but seriously folks, when Tom posts something new, NOT EVERY MEMBER ON THIS GOD FORSAKEN BOARD NEEDS TO SAY THE SAME THING!.


Another thing that has been bugging me. Your oversized sig pictures. Is it really necessary to have 3 pictures? All your doing is making this site slower, harder to read, and making it look very tacky.

Next, whats with this Careopia fan club crap? It's the same thing as the WLIPP " OMG AMY I LOVE YOUR PICTUREOMG!!!1!!!" Please people, yes, she's a cool person, but really, leave her alone. Would you want a bunch of horney 14 year-olds with a fan club for you? It's like people and celebritys. They have lives, too, and I'm sure people asking for autographs gets real old.

I'm out.

Mav D MagMan
07-23-2002, 10:15 PM
:\ The great things this site has done have brought in many people, and when school ended many of them had nothing better to do then wander around the internet causing trouble.

I'm not too worried about it because things should level out eventually, the Mods are working very hard and doing a good job.


P.S. However I never said I condone the way they've been behaving.

07-23-2002, 10:16 PM
horny 14yr olds have a fun club for me?!

kick arse...i want one:)

i know what ur saying though:(

07-23-2002, 10:20 PM
that = wrong

07-23-2002, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by mattyfatty182
Would you want a bunch of horney 14 year-olds with a fan club for you?

Since it's probably illegal in my state I'm gonna have to publicly say, no....

07-23-2002, 10:40 PM
Originally posted by mattyfatty182
Would you want a bunch of horney 14 year-olds with a fan club for you?

well, if they were girls..that'd be pretty cool. but I DO agree with everything else you said.

07-23-2002, 10:56 PM
yeah i agree with the sig pics 110%

07-23-2002, 11:05 PM
eh everyone goes through their own personal highs and lows with message boards. Sometimes nothing seems important.

I say give it a few weeks and you'll love AO like ya always did!

07-23-2002, 11:05 PM
I agree.

Postwhores are VERY annoying as are all the "newbie" threads.

<- Been here since "back in the day"

07-23-2002, 11:54 PM
There will always be newbies who refuse to use the search function. They dont bother me so much. Unfortunatly a hundred vets asking the same level 10 question on the main board annoys me, as do the pw'ers. But it's not my board so let the mods do what they want. Ive had fun for the last 17 months, and it hasnt cost me a dime. I'll put up with a few minor annoyances.

07-24-2002, 12:06 AM
100% agree.. these thred are spoze to be for help.. telling people about new stuff in paintball so on.. if u all wanna chat then www.aol.com and download AIM and "chat" on there.. but yea i think im a newbie.. and sometimes do repeat a thred but i dont mean to b-c i do search and some times get lazy.. hope im not annoying to some of u..

and that fan club.. isnt it for like the best purple guns or something?????

07-24-2002, 12:34 AM
Ya know....I don't care who posts what about anything too often. Yeah, we Mods sometimes have to work overtime to keep the cussing and rule violators at bay, moving threads to their proper forums, answering PM's and sending endless E-mails, and getting our backs bloodied and splayed open from Toms whip (Ohhhh the pain!). But I, at least, never tire of seeing how nearly 7000 people can talk about paintball and Automags non-stop!

It IS summer after all, leaving way too much time to explore the web. When school starts up again, the traffic will slow some...but I hope not!

07-24-2002, 02:36 AM
Originally posted by Army
getting our backs bloodied and splayed open from Toms whip (Ohhhh the pain!).

Stuff like this that makes a cool moderator. :)

07-24-2002, 05:01 AM
Im going to have to agree with what is stated above. I havent been coming here nearly as often because the what gun should i get and does the lvl 10 work with...

I guess its just not me that is kinda irritated by it but anyway its not for me to judge what goes on the board and what doesn't. These people just want to get thier questions answered like everyone else and they should be able to ask if the lvl 10 will fit in thier automag 10 times in ten different threads.

As for the Oooo's and Aaaaaaaa's what do u want the people to say? i mean its either i love it, i hate it, or nuthin at all. you really cant do much except either not post or say good job or come up with something different. Im sure tom gets some kind of enjoyment out of reading the threads when he sees that people are behind him in what he and AGD does.

As for the overssized sig pictures i think it should stated more clearly in the rules and have a sticky on top of board if its still not obeyed. However with all the lvl 10 things stickies its hard to tell what u have and havent looked at.

As for the cap fan club i must have missed that week or sumthing. Its great you support her and what she does. Am i gonna join no thanks but I see this as just saying we care about u cap. Do i like the fan club? no. Do i like cap? she is a nice person in the times ive talked to her. Do i think its necisary to give her a fan club? no but thats why im not participating in it.

Anyway i say have fun with the boards. Who cares if someone else is mad just brush it off.

Recently i haven't had much fun with the board but that doesnt stop others from having fun.

Patron God of Pirates
07-24-2002, 10:31 AM
Three Pictures eh?...............

Every message board requires an occasional thread like this. Some old timer coming back to complain about the state of the board. Usually, as is displayed here, with very little understanding of what is actually going on.

Capo Fan club: Was started by Fatman (a well respected AO'er by all accounts). It is partly a source of amusement, and partly out of genuine admiration for a fellow AO'er done good. In case you didn't know, Capo has become an official AGD spokes model. We just thought as an official spokes model, she should have an official fan club. The sig button is optimized for the web and is only 8K. I think you'll notice most of the Mods are also members.

I came here as a Newbie a couple of months ago and was greeted by an enormous amount of support and information. I have tried to give back and play a part in this being such a terrific place.

The great thing about Newbies is that they learn the ropes and stop being Newbies.

If you dislike it so much, why come back just to start a detracting thread like this?

07-24-2002, 11:04 AM
Originally posted by Patron God of Pirates
Capo Fan club: Was started by Fatman (a well respected AO'er by all accounts).

Ha ha! Hear that Fatman... you are considered respected... well respected in fact! Crazy hippy. :D
You and Phil still stoppin' over at my place for beers on the Shatner thing or can I tell the police not to worry?

Will Wood
07-24-2002, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by mattyfatty182
Ever since the first WLIPP, this place has been on a steady decline. The influx of new users has created a rather newbie site consisting of mostly posts of "what should I get?" and 100 Stickeys of Level 10 stuff.

Yes...There was alot of level 10 stuff. Tom was trying to get a new product out and working, and if it wasn't for this threads it wouldnt be being released now. We were all newbies at sometime. If it wasn't for asking questions, the we as people would know nothing. Give them a break. Have you never asked a question in your live?

I used to come here every couple of days, but I and friends can't even stand it here anymore. Granted, there are a few oldschool users that are cool, but seriously folks, when Tom posts something new, NOT EVERY MEMBER ON THIS GOD FORSAKEN BOARD NEEDS TO SAY THE SAME THING!. It happens to all forums. I don't stay more then a year or two...Things are actually the same...but that is why you leave. It is the same. It gets boring.

that wink is sarcasim....They are just suggesting that they like that product alot and they want one badley. A compliment perhaps
Another thing that has been bugging me. Your oversized sig pictures. Is it really necessary to have 3 pictures? All your doing is making this site slower, harder to read, and making it look very tacky.
I agree with you on this one..1 small pic is enough. Peoples sigs are bigger then their posts most of the time

Next, whats with this Careopia fan club crap? It's the same thing as the WLIPP " OMG AMY I LOVE YOUR PICTUREOMG!!!1!!!" Please people, yes, she's a cool person, but really, leave her alone. Would you want a bunch of horney 14 year-olds with a fan club for you? It's like people and celebritys. They have lives, too, and I'm sure people asking for autographs gets real old.

It is simply for fun. Simma down. Yes....The Amy thing at WLIPP maybe have been a little out of hand, it was a bunch of kids just wanting to win a prize. The capo fan club if just for fun..If she didn't like it...They would be no club now. The capo fan club is created because of her position as spokesmodel.
I'm out.

07-24-2002, 12:05 PM
You should have used a search because this has been brought up before. Yes it was a while ago and had different topics but it doesn't matter. You must use the search. Search or die!

07-24-2002, 12:40 PM
You may hate us mattyfatty, BUT WE LOVE YOU!!!!!! :D

07-24-2002, 12:55 PM
Alright, I posted the thread like this awhile back. Yes, Im really quite capable of figuring out that Capo is the AGD spokeswomen if you will. But, it isn't just Phil and others who started it anymore. I have no problem with them, it's all good, but what I DO have a problem with is the people who probably weren't "invited" to be in this club, they just stole the image for their sig.

And, comon, we all know how women are. They won't tell you if they don't like something. They say "no really it's ok" or "no I like it" type thing.


07-24-2002, 01:27 PM
being new to this forum myself, I have already witnessed some of the problems you have talked about. I do not post very much because most of my questions i find answered after reading a few more posts but if a newbie isn't supposed to ask questions here where else are they suposed to ask them? I do agree with you about the huge and numerous images that are annoying and slow me down. But as a newbie to this forum I try not to ask dumb already answered questions.
PS: i am not a newbie to the sport, but i have only owned a mag for 6 months andhave been playing for 3yrs

07-24-2002, 01:37 PM
Originally posted by mattyfatty182
But, it isn't just Phil and others who started it anymore. Fatty

Who me? I didn't start anything! If your talking about me then please tell me what it is I started.

The Fan club? noooo. Not me! I didn't start it.

Signatures? Noooooo...they existed before me!

The use of the Fan Club signature? Noooooo...go look! that was not me.

Size of signatures? Physical or Bit wise? I too got a problem with the over use of them. Once per thread is certainly enough. But I do not assume the phisical size is any indication of the space they may take up loading. Besides...if they bother you? TURN EM OFF!

I think perhaps you are mistaken. Or got up on the wrong side of the bed.

And let me tell you that Capo did not want the fan club to start for she feared this kiind of Jealousy and she is a modest person. She is a bit embarrased about al that. It took a while to get her to let it start up. And it was all in the name of some postivie Hype for AGD and some upcoming AO events she was attending. Which we wanted to promote with some fun banter and interaction. Which is one of the reasons this site is financialy feasable.

Now...Ok...so we suck! So go to the site you feel is so much more mature and interesting then. I, nor anyone else, here controls what everyone does to the minutest detail. And we welcome new comers even if it takes some time to train them. Most people learn to ignore or they step in and help out with the education. But it's gonna happen and no sense gettin your panties in a wad over it. It's the Internet for christ sakes! And welcome back Fatty! :)

07-24-2002, 05:07 PM
Wait, I never said you guys suck. I merely offered a suggestion.

07-24-2002, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by mattyfatty182
Wait, I never said you guys suck. I merely offered a suggestion.
What!?!?!?!? You are saying I don’t suck?!? I work DARN HARD to keep up my reputation… grrrrrrr

I guess it is time to “beast” someone again!

;) :D

07-24-2002, 05:29 PM
you actually work at that??

07-24-2002, 05:33 PM

07-24-2002, 06:50 PM


07-24-2002, 07:50 PM

07-24-2002, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by mattyfatty182
Ever since the first WLIPP, this place has been on a steady decline. The influx of new users has created a rather newbie site consisting of mostly posts of "what should I get?" and 100 Stickeys of Level 10 stuff.

I used to come here every couple of days, but I and friends can't even stand it here anymore. Granted, there are a few oldschool users that are cool, but seriously folks, when Tom posts something new, NOT EVERY MEMBER ON THIS GOD FORSAKEN BOARD NEEDS TO SAY THE SAME THING!.


Another thing that has been bugging me. Your oversized sig pictures. Is it really necessary to have 3 pictures? All your doing is making this site slower, harder to read, and making it look very tacky.

Next, whats with this Careopia fan club crap? It's the same thing as the WLIPP " OMG AMY I LOVE YOUR PICTUREOMG!!!1!!!" Please people, yes, she's a cool person, but really, leave her alone. Would you want a bunch of horney 14 year-olds with a fan club for you? It's like people and celebritys. They have lives, too, and I'm sure people asking for autographs gets real old.

I'm out.

Yes, that makes sense. I really think AO's gone down a bit too but that's because AGD's getting a new customer base at the moment with the extreme and other products it's releasing. After a while the newbs will turn into regulars or they'll just stop posting. Relax! Just wait it out.

RT pRo AuToMaG
07-24-2002, 08:07 PM
Originally posted by mattyfatty182
Ever since the first WLIPP, this place has been on a steady decline. The influx of new users has created a rather newbie site consisting of mostly posts of "what should I get?" and 100 Stickeys of Level 10 stuff.

All of the level 10 stickies are different and have different info in each thread

I used to come here every couple of days, but I and friends can't even stand it here anymore. Granted, there are a few oldschool users that are cool, but seriously folks, when Tom posts something new, NOT EVERY MEMBER ON THIS GOD FORSAKEN BOARD NEEDS TO SAY THE SAME THING!.

I agree, the second Tom says something, there are 15 pages of post with people saying great idea and other stuff like that, which isn't a bad thing, just gets annoying sometimes. But actually that is a good thing seeing that the users acknowlage (sp?) other ideas


Now, post like that, i have no problem with

Another thing that has been bugging me. Your oversized sig pictures. Is it really necessary to have 3 pictures? All your doing is making this site slower, harder to read, and making it look very tacky.

That REALLY annoys me too

Next, whats with this Careopia fan club crap? It's the same thing as the WLIPP " OMG AMY I LOVE YOUR PICTUREOMG!!!1!!!" Please people, yes, she's a cool person, but really, leave her alone. Would you want a bunch of horney 14 year-olds with a fan club for you? It's like people and celebritys. They have lives, too, and I'm sure people asking for autographs gets real old.

i want a fan club too :( :( :(

I'm out.

Now, something that annoys me is that if you ask a question, there are so many threads, your post in gone within an hour, which means most likely your questing don't get answered. There are also alot of rediculus posts like talons are better then any other gun, i mean come on ppl, it's been done before, gets old, and is all around annoying.

Well, that's my $0.02

07-24-2002, 09:01 PM
Well don't let the door hit you in the arse...we will be here when you get back...for sure. You see Matty, you should have read my sig before posting this....:mad: :D

07-24-2002, 09:34 PM
I def agree about the sizes of the sigs, but i can live with it. Sometimes i can't tell where a post ends and a sig begins. The only thing that is bugging me is when people put those images in threads dissing a thread. Like one of richard simons saying "this thread is gay" or use the search key with a huge picture of the search button.

Nick O time
06-20-2003, 08:09 PM
then i guess u dislike about half of the people who wrote agreed with u on this thread, because they all basically said the same thing.

06-20-2003, 08:19 PM
um this thread is almost a year old nick o time...

06-20-2003, 08:37 PM
Yes.... this is just weeks short of a year old. Folks, please look at the dates of posts.... this issue has been dead for almost a year and for good reason... please let it die again.

Can the Mods lock this?

06-20-2003, 08:40 PM
Hey! This takes me back! I am about as amused with someone who has no patience with new members now as I was then! How snobbish this still sounds even today.