View Full Version : Why dont any good pro teams use them?

07-23-2002, 11:46 PM
This was said to me by my best friend about 5 minutes ago, heres the coversation.

FrEeK133: dude,
Freek Pballer: ?
FrEeK133: check out how clean this gun looks
FrEeK133: minus the sock on the tank
FrEeK133: pballa's mag
Freek Pballer: thats nice lookin
FrEeK133: Is that a powdercoating on his body?
Freek Pballer: This i cannot tell you
FrEeK133: why not?
Freek Pballer: b/c i do not know
Freek Pballer: although i think powdercoating looks more matte
FrEeK133: yeah, thats what I was thinking myself
FrEeK133: I think warp bodys on mags look good
FrEeK133: I'd like to have a black teflon warp body on my mini
FrEeK133: but in aint gonna do that
Freek Pballer: B/c u know warp sux?
FrEeK133: no, because I want to spend my money on an e mag conversion
Freek Pballer: and warp sux
FrEeK133: I dont know why your dissing it
Freek Pballer: b/c it sux?
FrEeK133: I think its cool
Freek Pballer: Its a cool idea
Freek Pballer: but tell me this
FrEeK133: I think its an effective way to get paintballs into the gun for bursts and all that good stuff
Freek Pballer: why dont any good pro teams use em?
FrEeK133: probably because they are paid to play with something else

I am of course freek133, I just wanted to share this with you, It cut me real deep.:( "why dont any good pro teams use em" ... it cut me real deep.

I had to rant for a second thanks for taking the time to read.

07-24-2002, 12:00 AM
I don't think many tourneys allow forced feed.At least not around here. 'course,the Halo is pretty much force feed.


07-24-2002, 12:03 AM
Originally posted by RRfireblade
I don't think many tourneys allow forced feed.At least not around here. 'course,the Halo is pretty much force feed.


Ugh, wrong.

07-24-2002, 12:12 AM
if u think about it.. what its spoze 2 do.. is it to good to be true?? lol ide love one but i dont need one just yet.. and also i think most people are like "its sooo heavy" and agian some people believe what they hear..

07-24-2002, 12:29 AM
Originally posted by RRfireblade
I don't think many tourneys allow forced feed.At least not around here. 'course,the Halo is pretty much force feed.


Warp is/is not forced feed. It is but it is legal because the warp needs a hopper on it, which is fed by gravity.

07-24-2002, 03:28 AM
Originally posted by freek133
Why dont any good pro teams use them?

Warpfeeds are used by some pro players, like Bob Long (which is for me a good reference, to say the least :) ).
He uses it on his 2002 Timmy, with a warpfeed and a halo B.
His rate of fire is, humm..., let's say high :D .

I don't think the warpfeed is an answer to all the problems, but it gives a nice advantage in some cases, if you know how to use it.


07-24-2002, 03:36 AM
Most pros don't use them only because they are embarassed to be different from the crowd. I can tell you positively they all hate playing against them because they say so.


07-24-2002, 03:38 AM
yeah..there's a shot in a Traumahead Sportz video from I think the Mardi Gras Open where the camera is right over Bob's shoulder and all you see is just a straight line of paint comin out of his Timmy..it's awesome...

and as far as pros...We've got Manny from Aftershock (RiceRocket here on AO) who shoots an SFL and a Retro Mag (and boy does he run like a cheetah)...and Kenny Klamper also from Aftershock has a mag as his backup gun. There's also a guy from Am Team Static (or was it Exile) who shoots an eMag.

and how could you guys forget Robbo...that guy has been a Mag guy from way back...that guy is the man...

07-24-2002, 03:49 AM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy
and how could you guys forget Robbo...that guy has been a Mag guy from way back...that guy is the man...

Who now shoots an IR3!

Although in a recent mag v's cocker debate did say that anything he won he did so using a mag!


07-24-2002, 04:02 AM
Hey Tom...you need to get a C+C into Robbo's hands..that's just sacriledge letting that man run around with an Angel in his hands...

07-24-2002, 04:16 AM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy
Hey Tom...you need to get a C+C into Robbo's hands..that's just sacriledge letting that man run around with an Angel in his hands...

Damn right! woulda been nice to kit out the new Xball team with C&C's that'd been some nice publicity although I can see why WDP got in there being a brit company and all.


07-24-2002, 04:19 AM
Pic and heres the proof!

The great man himself :D



07-24-2002, 04:22 AM
AGD-E is also a Brit company :).

But I bet the choice of the IR3 is more linked to money than anything else (like always with the pro players).


07-24-2002, 04:56 AM
yes..well...how come it always seems like yankee technology is what saves you brits...:D :D :D

(I went back and added them...I'm the king of sarcasm in real life...i'm just adjusting to web life..hehehe)

07-24-2002, 05:01 AM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy
yes..well...how come it always seems like yankee technology is what saves you brits...

Think you forgot to add the sarcasm smilies on that post :D:D


07-24-2002, 10:34 AM
freek133 just to let you know that is powdercoating on that mag, done by redrider. That is a sock on there and it is my sock so don't make fun of it.:D That is my teammates gun and he rips with it. Just to let you know.

07-24-2002, 10:38 AM
Here is the gun without the tank, and some other things.

07-24-2002, 10:48 AM
I don't think I'll ever spend that much on aesthetics...

but sweet nonetheless.

Tempted me enough.

Enjoy it! :cool:

07-24-2002, 11:14 AM
In no way was I making fun of that gun, I think it is one of the cleanest guns Ive ever seen! And I wasnt asking why dont any good pro teams use them, It was what my friend said during our conversation, I just wanted to say that it "cut me real deep"

Thanks for the other picture, I love how the gun looks.......clean!!!!:D

07-24-2002, 01:37 PM
I thought this was about warp feeds, and though I'm no pro by any means, I was so convinced by the performance and set up of the warp feed that I now own five of them....all set up on various weapons, mostly mags of course.
Even if the level 10 upgrade offers chop free shooting, I would never give up any one of my warp feeds. I have seriously pissed people off by using the warp. They tell me it's not fair that they don't have a hopper to shoot at and that I can just set up behind a bunker without having to pull back because no one can hit me.
I just tell them to get a warp feed and stop whining.
I believe that a lot of people were waiting for a Halo, and disregarded the warp feed for a few reasons.
One is they think it's bulky,adds weight, and throws off the balance of the gun. The other is it costs a bit more than a Halo and people thought a Halo would still give them what they need.
The Halo, though fast at feeding, is more of a blimp than any other hopper out there, leaving a great target to shoot at. It's feed rate is excellent, and it's now become reliable with the "B" upgrade.
It cannot outdo the warp though, because of the simple fact that the warp reduces your profile to half the usual size. This is a huge benefit. One which I mentioned has aggravated a few of my opponents more than enough to convince them to purchase one.
The warp feed still needs a bit of time to catch on. Once manufacturers start building gun bodies to fit the warp and get rid of the annoying powerfeed crossing over your sight path, you'll see more people being convinced as yet another benefit of the warp comes to be reality.
I have held Sledgehammers E-mag Extreem, and it is a wonderful feeling to have nothing obstructing your vision. I will be getting me one of those things real soon.
One last thing about the warp feed, it is reliable as hell.
I have only taken apart one of my warp feeds, just once to see what it looks like inside. I never have had a reason to otherwise. They never get paint or dirt inside and always perform great with good batteries.
If pros ain't using it now, they're just still in denial of its benefits. That's not going to stop me from taking mine out on the field!!!
Thanks to Tom for changing the game again!

07-24-2002, 02:35 PM
hey...i've got a sock on my nitro tank....a blue one:D ....

i have a warp question though....can i mount it on a vertical high rise body like the one on a impulse? if yes, afe ther any adapters or items i need to do it?

07-24-2002, 05:54 PM
Cris, I'm pretty sure you can. And if you cant, a little retro-fitting will do the job, but I would at least get a low-rise for it.

As far as warps, they will catch on.

As far as that mag, I'm proud to say it belongs to a fellow midsouther!:D

07-24-2002, 10:17 PM
AngelBoy where do you play at mostly? We are going to be at Wolfhill the 3rd of August, you should come out and play some games with us.

07-25-2002, 12:03 AM
I played a 3-man tourney with my warp/lvl 10 combo, and WOW. Not only did I not chop a ball, but I didn't get any hopper hits in the normal position, and the one hopper hit I sustained blovked me from a very painful throat hit. I let some guy with a broken bonebrake angel shoot it, and he commented about it's weight. The next game I proceeded to nail him with a hopper hit while his gun was chopping paint like a mother! I bet he gets a warp someday...