View Full Version : AGD/Admin: Flatline Production

07-24-2002, 12:50 PM
I know there was a thread floating around the board a few days ago, circumventing a rumor that AGD was phasing out production of 3000psi Flatlines. Having just bought an RT Pro, I was looking for an affordable adjustable tank. Hearing this supposed rumor got me a little worried. I checked the other thread on the subject, but never found a definitive answer on the subject from an Administrator or AGD.

If its not to much trouble, could you please inform myself, and other AO'ers of whether this is true? And if it is, and 3K Flatlines are going out of production, I would like to know, how much longer are they going to be produced before being phased out?

Thanks for the input :D

07-24-2002, 01:16 PM
i known that i am not an admin, but yes they were discontinued. but here is a place that does have them- http://www.actionvillage.com/031-2500.html

07-24-2002, 01:43 PM
You do know there is a 4500 right? They're actually becoming more available(i have 2):D Dropzonepaintball.com has them and so does Paintballistix

07-24-2002, 02:23 PM
i found a site a while back that had em for 350

Krazy Ivan
07-24-2002, 03:16 PM
pbgear.com is actually out of them, and prolly won't get anymore.. Sorry bro. They might list it, but it's just an illusion.

07-24-2002, 03:41 PM
Bah!!! I know there are 4500's out, but I don't really have the need for a 4500 tank, nor Do I have the cash to spend on one. I'm 15 and don't have a job or a reular source of income, and $350 is a lot for a tank as far as I see it. When were they discontinued? I don't want to have to buy some preset tank, nor do I want to spend upwards of $300 on an adjustable... :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

07-24-2002, 03:58 PM
I just ordered a 4500# flatline from Modified Paintball. E-mail Don Florencio at [email protected] to see if he can hook you up, because he surely hooked me up. MPP has excellent service - some of the best, if not the best, I've seen in this business. You won't regret it.

07-24-2002, 04:01 PM
Ok, after my 'anger' wore off, I decided that since its a much better idea to have an adjustable tank with an RTP, I have to start looking for a good tank. Max-Flows are great, but really expensive and quite a strain on my budget. CenterFlag DynaFlow's are similar in price range, but about $20 less. Air America tanks are kinda out of the question since they're way to expensive, all over $400.

I found Max-Flows for $384 at MPP, which is ok I guess, but still quite the wallet-killer. I looked at pbgear for the DynaFlow's, but for some ridiculous reason, 88ci tanks are less expensive, but I already have a 68ci bottle cover and don't really want the extra length of an 88ci.

LoadSM5, if you see this, could you help out? I know you have a DynaFlow, and if you don't mind me asking so, where'd you get it and for how much?

Thanks to fellow AO'ers for informing me of this situation. BTW, which would you prefer, a Max-Flow, or a DynaFlow? How are they both performance-wise and reliablity-wise? How's each company in terms of service?

[edit]cwuchu, I know about MPP, that's where I got my RT From...

07-24-2002, 05:20 PM
i have an idea, buy one used

07-24-2002, 06:42 PM
Or by the 3000psi flatline. What's the problem with the fact it's discontinued?
It's still works very well, and you can find it at a very good price. Parts will always be available, so it's not a big deal.

Granted you won't own "thejustreleasedtwodaysagofullyelectroregulatorwith integratedtv", but who cares?


07-24-2002, 06:43 PM
I could buy one used... and have been looking around the trading forums... but everyone seems to be selling toe 47ci ones...

07-24-2002, 06:52 PM
Just buy a used one. Make sure that the tank is in immaculate shape, and that it's in hydro.

I bought a 68/4500 Hyperflow (same thing as a Dynaflow, but with a cradle-style vs. dovetail mounting arrangement) for less than $250 on Ebay about a year ago. I'm sure that you can pick one up for less these days.

You can also try an used Flatline. I would stay away fom the tiny tanks, though. You may want to go with a 88ci in order to have a decent amount of shots in case all you can get is a 3000psi or worse fill. I find that air efficiency is inversely related to air input pressure (and hence, reactivity) on my Emag, so I would imagine that an RT would act the same way.

07-24-2002, 06:57 PM
I have the money for a more expensive tank, but just don't want to spend it. I could find something used, but don't like the idea of being screwed online and getting a tank in trashy condition that won't pass its next hydro or something. I've been after a Flatline for a while now, and the fact that they're discontinued doesn't bother me... its availibility thats annoying. Guess I'll go looking around the trading forums...

I don't shoot too much since I play front, but how many shots do you think I could get off my RTP using the stock barrel and say a 900psi input pressure? I know about the 10shots/ci thing at 3K but I know it can vary greaty depending on barrel/pressure.

07-24-2002, 07:03 PM
I've got a 47 psi 4500 Air America apocalypse, same shot count as a 68 ci 3000 psi but a smaller package.

I'm asking 220, for like 30 bucks more I'll throw in a Kapp dropforward, an extra mounting bracket, a second generic dropforward and a rase tank cover.

The tanks in great condition and it's hydro'd 7/01. If you want pictures i can get some in a few days (hopefully).

07-24-2002, 07:45 PM
No thanks on the offer Bob, sorry.

Just a question to satisfy my desire for knowledge. Why exactly did AGD stop producing 3K Flatlines? Something detrimental to performance... something wrong with them? Prone to problems? What was it?

07-24-2002, 07:58 PM
blue imp is a selling a 68 flatline in the air systems forum for 185

07-24-2002, 08:02 PM
So is RT_Luver, I like the deal he's got going... but back to my question... why did AGD phase out production of 3K Flatlines, was there something wrong with them?

07-24-2002, 11:29 PM
Does anyone know why AGD decided to stop making 3K Flatlines? Was there something wrong with the tank series? Bad performance, reliability, etc? Or was it just a notion that 4.5K was becoming more popular? If AGD could shed some light on this, that'd be really great, thanks again.

07-25-2002, 12:02 AM
I think that i read that the 3k tanks went away because of the 4.5k tanks, too expensive to make both when the only big difference is the higher pressure. The 3k regs have no problems with them, it is basically the back half of a AIR valve(i think, thats what it looks like when you take it apart). I love my 68 3k flatline, although thoose new 45/4.5k tanks would be nice because they are really small.

07-25-2002, 05:42 AM
Sp it just wasn't feasible for AGD to produce two separate regulator designs when one would be the more dominant seller, with the growing popularity of 4.5K compressed air tanks eh?

Sounds ok... But IMO 3K versions were an affordable way to get a nice adjustable... now there's a huge gap in price between even the best presets, and Adjustables, $100 or so. I haven't found a 4.5K Flatline for any lower then $410 when I was going to buy a 3K Flatline from my local store (markup mind you) for $290.

07-25-2002, 07:40 AM
Well I do not think there has been any official announcement as to the discontinuation of them. But AGD is outa stock on them and appears not to be ordering any.

Now I for one think this is a mistake.

The theory is that a 45/4500 hold the same volume. But...NOT if you cannot get a 4500psi fill! And us SCUBA users cannot take advantage of this feature so for the price I still think there is a market for 68/3000 psi Flatlines. For a while at least. For almost $100 less than a 68/4500 anyway. The 68/3000 is the only acceptable replacement if you cannot get or afford a 68/4500. And the 68/4500 are continuosly out of stock. My information is the AGD has trouble getting the bottles from the manufacturer. 4500psi 68 cubic inch bottles are in such high demand that everyone is having trouble getting them. Wonder if 68/3000's are not laying somewhere for cheap?

I think the 68/3000 should stay for a while. It's a great tank for people relying on SCUBA's and its a good priced tank too. I'd buy one right now if they had them.