View Full Version : Setup with LVL 10 for 250 fps?

Johnny Bravo
07-24-2002, 04:39 PM
What is the reccomended setup (amount of shims, which spring, etc) to get a reliable 250 fps?

07-24-2002, 05:29 PM
Your carrier size and amount of shims will not change with the velocity you want to operate the gun at. If you're using the longest spring, put in the middle length one and try to chrono it in. If it won't start shooting until past 250fps, or it doesn't shoot reliably at 250, then install the stock short spring. That should get it working well at 250fps.

07-24-2002, 06:10 PM
well here is my setup for the indoor(heck every field i goto) 250 limit.....

middle spring, 1.5, 2 spacers....

with that i got it to go down to 220fps before i started to get problems.... though i should try it with the longest to see if i can still get it down to 250....

but with the middle spring you should have no probs.

07-24-2002, 06:41 PM
no Virus go the other way on the spring. The shortest or stock like black said is the right one for low settings.

07-24-2002, 08:41 PM
i know that... the way i had read everything before is they (the shorter springs) are there to get it down lower if needed.....

i was planing my next time out to try the longest spring for firing around 250... knowing that if i encountered any problems i just go back to the way i am setup now....

07-24-2002, 08:47 PM
Originally posted by virus
i know that... the way i had read everything before is they (the shorter springs) are there to get it down lower if needed.....

i was planing my next time out to try the longest spring for firing around 250... knowing that if i encountered any problems i just go back to the way i am setup now....

Well in fact the marker will not even fire with the longest spring till over 250 and near like 265 - 270 if it does not vent out the back first. But good luck. Sure! try it if you like.