View Full Version : Can anyone from AGD answer this? - SFL Level 10 Upgrades

07-24-2002, 07:38 PM
Now that level 10 is available in the online store, can those of us who have SFL E-Mags send them into AGD to get the free level 10 upgrade installed? I'd love to have mine installed prior to the big Shatnerball game. I've already bought one for my RT Pro and want my SFL to have the same no chop technology.

Also, when will the ACE and Warp modules be available to those of us in the US? I haven't seen any info on this in a while. Thanks in advance for any updates

Load SM5
07-24-2002, 07:48 PM
It's a free upgrade if you have the superbolt (or what's left of it ;) ). You don't need to send the gun in but you do need to RA the bolt back in befoire they will send it to you. Contact Marcia to get the number. I don't know what the turnaround time is at this point, as I'm still waiting for mine.

The ACE is still being worked on but I don't know what it's current status is. Same goes for warp breeches.

07-24-2002, 07:52 PM

I know the level 10 is free, but I don't have a superbolt anymore because it broke the first day I had my SFL. I ended up with a longnose RT Bolt because at the time there were no Superbolts around to replace the original with. Where does that leave me?

Also, if the ACE and Warp Breaches are still being worked why are they available from AGDE? Not trying to be a pain but the ACE and Warp breach are why I bought the SFL to begin with and hoping that since the Extreeme is being released at IAO the Warp Breach and ACE aren't too far off.

See you at Shatnerball

Load SM5
07-24-2002, 07:58 PM
Did you trash the superbolt parts or send them back in to AGD?

07-24-2002, 08:00 PM
I sent the entire Superbolt back to AGD in exchange for the Longnose foamiless RT bolt.

Load SM5
07-24-2002, 08:02 PM
Hmmm. Well, I guess we wait and see what Tom says. You've got me curious now.

Definately see you at Shatnerball.:cool:

07-24-2002, 09:01 PM
Well call the office and talk to Marcia. If in fact we traded your bolt back for a standard bolt we will give you the discount.

We are desperately working on the new ACE board and trying to have a few so we can have CnC's at Am Open. We are going to have to hand build these first ones to have them ready. Sometime after that we will have real boards and update all the SFL's. Inside info, they are going to have on/off switches built in.