View Full Version : angel air worth it?

07-25-2002, 03:42 PM
now before you just reply and say it is way overpriced, i know it is, my question is different. i really like the angel air reg. in my new APG it says that the reg is availiable by itself. would it be worth it to buy just a 45/45 tank and then put an angel air reg on it? would it even work if the tank was say, a pmi etc.? and lastly, does anyone know where i can buy just the reg? thanks

07-25-2002, 04:09 PM
I didn't know they sell the reg by itself. I would think if you just put your own together(Angel reg. and PMI tank) It would be as good. But it might work fine. Personaly I'd go with a flatline or a Max Flo.

07-25-2002, 04:17 PM
ya i was just using the PMI as an example. i dont know for sure if they sell just the regs. i have the newest APG (suscriber) and the new angel air add, says "now availiable" REG ONLY. sounds good to me:)

07-25-2002, 04:52 PM
This reminds me of an old quote
"If i wanted an angel air I'd glue a gameboy to my tank"

It's basically a gimmic and there are much better more consistant and higher flow tanks out there for less.

07-25-2002, 05:03 PM
I run my AIR on a P.E. bottle. No problems or complaints.

One excellent selling point to the AIR is the ability to single regulate a marker without spiking of pressure at sub 1000psi bottle pressure.

07-25-2002, 05:15 PM
The ones that I've been around are always breaking. I don't know if it's user error or what, but they don't seem to be as good as the other tanks out there.

07-25-2002, 05:57 PM
yea its possible. theirs few i places I've seen that seel just tanks and no reg and I'm sure if you contact WDP and ask tell them you want to buy just a reg...they'll sell you one. the ting is...most of the price is in the reg....not the tank. I THINK usually like 3/4 of the price is the reg. or atleast i read that somewhere.

07-25-2002, 07:47 PM
You can buy just the AIR tanks from PBGEAR for 200, or talk to RipWiz

07-25-2002, 08:38 PM
well i just want the reg, not the tank. and i know there are better tanks, but better regs? i dunno maybe. or maybe i will just buy a regular 45/45 tank and not worry about it:p

07-25-2002, 09:42 PM
i got my AIR when it was at the original msrp of $525 and at that time i thought it was pretty pricy, but i just got my angel and was all excited to get a tank to go with it and didn't care. mind you this was at world cup 2000, since then i haven't had any real problems up until mardi gras 2002. it wouldn't fill then it wouldn't stop leaking, i visited the tech tent a total of 5 times. for a while it stopped leaking, then it up and started leaking again. finally i sent it back to the motherland of wdp and its fixed for now.

07-26-2002, 01:51 AM
Reply if you're going to buy it, buy the full system, it'll be cheaper unless you already have a 4500 preset tank that you're going to scavenge the tank from.

Is the Angel Air worth it, hell no. Any good single reg system, like the AA Armageddon/Apocalypse or Flatline is it's equal, in addition, most good systems come with an on/off, which is a little more usefull than a digital gauge, as well as using standard rails or drop mounts and not needing batteries. Or for a little more than a good single-reg system, but still less than an AIR, you could buy the best system on the market, teh Dual-regged Max-Flo, which flow's better tha an Air, is more consistent, easier to work with, lighter, has an On/Off, and operates better at low output pressures(sub-400 psi) and high output pressures(over 800psi), oh, and with a Flow, you don't need an inline reg.

The Air is a passable single-reg system, which emphasises toys over useful features, and costs way too much, it's performace is good for a single-reg system, but it's feature-set is very lacking.

07-26-2002, 02:27 AM
its a POS. nuff said.

07-26-2002, 02:58 AM
Its not a bad system but as has been said there are cheaper ones out there. I used to run mine single regged into my Angel, the pressure did used to creep one way or another I think it was down ( I never came of the field hot thats for sure lol!).

The thing's that used to annoy me about it were,

Have to turn the output pressure to 0 to avoid leaking when left overnight.
No on off.
Leak whilst filling even when done slowly once it got over 1000 had to cycle the marker, not the best when you have paint in the hopper!

I sold mine and got a 4500 flatline instead!


07-26-2002, 08:04 AM
thanks for all the input guys. i think i will just get a regular 45/45 tank. maybe a system x or something like it. thanks:)

07-26-2002, 08:44 AM
Originally posted by liigod
its a POS. nuff said.


right....such an educated statement.

It's an excellent tank. Mine has never let me down, and WDP wouldn't make something thats junk, just as AGD wouldnt. It's right up there with the flatline, conquest, max flo, armeggedons etc.
With that being said, whether it's worth it to you or not, is totally up to you.

07-26-2002, 09:13 AM
Originally posted by liigod
its a POS. nuff said.

liigod, I was wondering if you play paintball, because according to you everything sucks. What equipment do you use? I know its not a mag, because according to you they are blenders, umm and there is a miriad of other things that you have bashed with your famous one liners:rolleyes: . So I was just curious as to what equipment you use.