View Full Version : LVL 10 Poll

07-25-2002, 05:35 PM
What is the biggest difference you saw while during play?
The poll isn't very thoughtout I know so I have a question. What does this improve and if there are any problems or pitfalls associated with please mention them. Thank you and please be breif.

07-25-2002, 06:01 PM
Is this a quiz? I think everyone knows the point of lvl 10.

Hint: It's the one that beins with chopping. :rolleyes

07-25-2002, 06:33 PM
chopping... whats that.... i took my p/f off my mirco held a ball 1/2 in and sat there and pulled the trigger till my tank ran dry (started with 2500psi so it took a bit) after words i tried to get someone to bet their marker could do the same thing as i did... and none of the guys there wanted to try it.... i even offered $20 if they could sitll no takers.... and most of those guyz i always would here that gun runs on to low of a pressure to chop a ball....

also the ball that i used only had a slight black mark on it from a little excess oil still on the bolt from the last time i oiled it and that wipe right off and there was no indentation on the ball at all from either the bolt or from where it was hitting the brech opening..... the ones that didnt know any better thought it wouldn't work the whole time cuz my tank was set for 1150psi output to my retro... .they claimed it was a trick and didn't belive what i said about the LvX even with the finger demo.... poor souls.. all high on hype so they cant deal with facts.... such a pity :D

07-26-2002, 06:36 PM
The whole big deal is chopping, and believe me if you set it up right you will never need a squeegee. Other things I noticed were very very very little recoil, it quieted the gun slightly, and I can fire faster. All of these things in one bolt, its amazing. It totally changes the feel of the gun.

07-27-2002, 11:08 AM
Installed my Lv10 earlier this week. Still need to tweak it a bit to use the cut spring, right now I've got the stock bolt spring in there and it's still kinda hard hitting. I need to adjust the velocity pressure at the back to get the cut spring working. I havn't played with it but from the finger test I did I'll have to say it's awesome. Once I get it tweaked I agree, I don't think I'll ever need a squeege again, well 'cept for the Cocker and Timmy :p

Once agian good work Tom!

12-10-2002, 04:44 PM
the only recoil i ever observed on an LX mag was the demo Tom did of the emag on F/A. You can see in the video that when he has a long burst, the gun starts to 'walk' up, and then when lvl 10 kicks in it drops because you can see that he is compensating for the recoil. But then of course, it was doing 20+ BPS...i expected recoil on that one.:)

12-10-2002, 07:23 PM
hey drx975
how many shots do you get with a 47/3000 tank?

12-10-2002, 09:22 PM
Does the Lvl X use more gas than the stock bolt? I only have a 68/3000 and it just lasts for one day...sometimes i have to use my tippmann....Would it make it last only like half the day?