View Full Version : HALO: Combat Evolved

07-25-2002, 09:34 PM
Anybody else incredibly obsessed with this game? My dad will not let me have an Xbox, so I hardly ever get to play it though. I do have HALO parties about once a month though, where I get as many people I can to come to my house and we hook a few Xboxs together and play until my dad wakes up to go to work the next morning. I even bought my own controller for it, and I dont even have an Xbox!!! You dont realize how much I love this game!!!

Just had to rant:D :D :D

07-25-2002, 09:38 PM
Yeah its a fun game, especially since everyone can play in on a level at the same time. After beating though several times, I've gotten a little board with it.

07-25-2002, 09:42 PM
Wait till you get 4 xboxs, 16 people, all in one game. It is as much fun to me as paintball is.

07-25-2002, 10:32 PM
microsoft thieves another game from the PC for the console crowd.

BAH, bah I say...

btw, anyone know when HALO's comin out for the PC crowd?:p

07-25-2002, 10:40 PM
Love that game :D

I know a genral date when its comeing out, but i cant tell :(



07-25-2002, 11:30 PM
Wait till you get 4 xboxs, 16 people, all in one game. It is as much fun to me as paintball is.

Only if you add lot's O' beer. We had acouple big LAN parties, try a small level with all rockets, it's a blender.

07-26-2002, 06:29 AM
It is coming out sometime in 2003, thats all I know.

Obsolete - I'm 14, no beer for me;)

07-26-2002, 10:22 AM
HALO for the PC is scheduled to come out in summer of 2003.
It's a little ridiculous that it takes to years to port a game from XBox to PC!!! The game started out as a PC game, it should be easy; especially for Microsoft!!!

There's also talk about prequels to tell the story of where the Master Chief came from and why he(?) was but into the stasis chamber.

07-26-2002, 10:27 AM
Originally posted by ttoad4000t
Love that game :D

I know a genral date when its comeing out, but i cant tell :(



....warming up the hot pokers.....

we have ways of finding these things out.....

07-26-2002, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by slateman

There's also talk about prequels to tell the story of where the Master Chief came from and why he(?) was but into the stasis chamber.

Theres a book out called "HALO: Fall of Reach". I usually hate reading, but that was a great book. It tells the story of Keyes, the Master Chief, how Cortana came to be, gives the history of the human/Covenant war, etc... I read it in 2 days, you really need to read it. It explains the whole story.

07-26-2002, 12:18 PM
lol, 4 xboxes with 16 players? C'mon, you need more people. Try 8 xboxes with the japanese version of halo. You can hook up unlimited players.

07-26-2002, 12:35 PM
Its an ok game but I beat it and my neighbor sucks at dueling so I almost always end up playing fusion frenzy. Once he made me beat the Jet Li game for him:eek: OMG that game is soooooo horrible.

07-26-2002, 03:15 PM
I love Halo! Do any of you play on Xboxconnect.com?

07-26-2002, 03:45 PM
Originally posted by Tubby_Ninja
I love Halo! Do any of you play on Xboxconnect.com?

I do, just having some peoblems with my hub and windows XP
Whats your SN on it?

07-26-2002, 03:54 PM
in fact, they are coming over in a bit before football practice to play some halo hehe.

We used to have 2 xbox's, one was my brothers, he graduated and moved to phoenix, so we only have one now :(

07-26-2002, 10:03 PM
GameSpy XBOX Tunnel has usually about 500 guys playing.

07-26-2002, 11:39 PM
i love halo i go over to my friends just to play it

whats this? you can go online and play halo??? can some one please explain

07-27-2002, 03:23 AM
Well.. I've got about 8 guys over here playing right now. Weve been playin since 8 pm, and its 4:30 am right now. My dad has to wake up in about an hour to go to work too!

07-27-2002, 09:17 AM
Well, download gamespy, then through gamespy download gamespy tunnel, then it will give you several options of how to hook your XBOX up to your computer. However, to play HALO: Combat Evolved you MUST have a broadband connection. Yes, this is new to me too, I will be participating soon, my name on gamespy is TacticalNuke

07-28-2002, 10:34 PM
The reason halo will take so long to get the the PC is because it is being developed by another company, gearbox. They have to hammer out all the hardware compatibility issues that the computer users have to deal with. They also have to work out multi player compatability issues.

07-29-2002, 06:41 AM
Any clue as to how good of a PC you will need?

07-29-2002, 08:16 AM
That depends on how well youy want it to work:D
At 640x480 resolution with the graphics set to minimum then all you'll need will be the sysrq.: probably something like a 500mhz processor, 96 Mb of RAM, and a GeForce2 MX (that's just speculation by me, I really don't know for sure).

But to see it at its full potential you'll need a powerhouse. Something along the lines of a 1ghz CPU, 128 MB of RAM, and a Geforce 3Ti/ATI Radeon 8500.

Halo13: That doesn't make a whole lot of sense because the game was originally for the PC. There shopuldn't be any compatability issues. They were too far along in the project for that. I've heard rumors that the game was almost a third complete when they decided to switch to XBox. ANd don't forget: XBox is pretty much a computer. OK I agree that the multiplayer will take time. It shouldn't take that much but it will take some. A year is more than enough. It took Rockstar less than a year to port GTA3 to the PC and they were in the middle of the takeover of another company and they were into contract negotiations with Sony. They still got the job done. HALO should not be taking this long to port to PC. Not with Microsoft as adriving force behind it.

07-29-2002, 08:18 AM
Originally posted by AngelBoy

Theres a book out called "HALO: Fall of Reach". I usually hate reading, but that was a great book. It tells the story of Keyes, the Master Chief, how Cortana came to be, gives the history of the human/Covenant war, etc... I read it in 2 days, you really need to read it. It explains the whole story.

Where can you go about finding this book at? I am interested in reading it.

I am hooked on Halo. Who else loves blasting someone coming at you in a truck with a rocket launcher and watching them fly through the air. :D :eek:

07-29-2002, 08:29 AM
Originally posted by Tubby_Ninja
I love Halo! Do any of you play on Xboxconnect.com?

I tend to play on GameSpy.

All you have to do is have your computer run the tunnel software on your broadband connection and have your XBOX plugged into your LAN as well.

07-29-2002, 10:52 AM
slateman, your right. The Xbox is pretty much a computer, but one thing you have to considder is the fact that all Xboxes are the same. What the people at gearbox have to do is re-tool the game to make it work with millions of different systems. Its hard to explain whout getting technical but I'll try to sum it up in a few sentances: There are two different ways you can code a game, one way is to write the code so it will use the hardware compleately. All the companies that make consol games write their code for hardware. Its really easy to do because all the consol systems are the same and they don't have to worry about compatability issues. If you write a game for hardware, it will always look awsom because its taking compleate advantage of the hardware. They acn run very fast because there is no middle man (operting system) blocking the way. All computer games are written for software. Think of Windows/linix/OS X as a sort of "gate keeper." Games code must be written to get past the gate keeper and access the CPU, which in turn will allow it to access the rest of the computer system parts like ram and video cards and what not. The OS in the computer keeps an eye on the game to make sure there is nothing funkey going on with the code, making sure the game doesn't ovetax the computer. Games written for software will never take full advantage of the comuter hardware because they have to pander to the lowes common demoniator. Also, Games are written for software because its just easyer to make a game that will run on Windows instead of 30 different versons of the same game that need a pentium 2, 3, 4, celeron, or an AMD CPU. Then you have to figure in all the different video cards on the market, and the sound cards. If games could be written for hardware on the computer, games that look even better than Halo could have been produced 3 years ago. So basically gearbox has to gut Halo and make it compatable with an OS instead of hardware. They also have to screw with detail setting and stuff like that. The production of Halo for the PC was also held back be Microsoft. Halo was their flagship Xbox game and releasing it on the PC would hamer sales. Be making a huge span of time between Xbox and PC, they will probably sell twice as many copies. People with a PC will instantly buy it because of the press it got from before, and the people who have an Xbox and a PC will proably buy it because of all the new features it will have.

On your other point, your were right also. Halo was almost compleate when Microsoft got their hands on it. One thing you missed was that Halo was a compleatly different game when it was first being produced. It was origanly intended to be a team based munti-player only game like Tribes. Microsoft made Bungie turn Halo into a single payer game with a little munti player on the side. Hopefully when it comes out for the computer, Halo will be Munti-player with single player on the side.

As far as system requirements go the box will say you'll need altleast a 700-1000 mhz CPU, a geforce 2 or Direct X 8.1 cplatable graphics card, and 256 megs of ram, windows 98, ME, 2000, XP to actually play the game. I have a 2ghz pentium 4 with a 4400 geforce 4, windows XP, and 526 megs of DDR ram and I'll probably get arround 30-37fps at 1024x768 with ever detail setting turned up.

(and no, my name has nothing to do with the game. I was using the name halo13 before the game Halo was even thought up)

07-29-2002, 12:08 PM
Pito: I got mine at Books-A-Million at Knoxville. If you cant find it just tell me and I'll send you my copy.

07-29-2002, 04:51 PM
I agree with you halo13. But I don't think that the reason for the wait is because they have to rewrite code to fit different computers. They were already well into making the game for PC, they would have done all that already (if they were as far along as they said they were). I think one of the problems is the multiplayer.

HALO was made for XBox. XBox runs on broadband or LAN. That's all well and good, but when you make it for PC it has to be dial-up compatible. You have slim down the amount of data you have to send and recieve. Having things like maps and items already installed helps, but it only goes so far. Then ther's the amount of players. XBox can only handle up to 16 (I think. I don't have one but a couple of friends do). This is nothing when compared to internet gaming. I was palying MOH:AA the other day and there was an 30-40 players a game. Gearbox is going to have to fix that and that takes time.

But the biggest reason why HALO isn't out for the PC yet is what you mentioned at the end of your first paragraph.

"The production of Halo for the PC was also held back be Microsoft. Halo was their flagship Xbox game and releasing it on the PC would hamer sales. Be making a huge span of time between Xbox and PC, they will probably sell twice as many copies."

Shocker!!! Microsoft wants to make as much profit as possible. What are ya gonna do? (shrugs shoulders)

Oh Well.

Mega Man
07-30-2002, 09:27 PM
man you guys talk to big of words....anyways back to the main subject of the thread,I LOVE HALO!!!!!!!!!!!! this game rocks, I dont own an X-Box but my friend does and we go over to his house and have Halo parties all the time too! We usually stay up real late chatting on the internet, playing halo on xbox and listening to Tenastious D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woot!, well I'm done...:D

07-31-2002, 07:15 AM
Originally posted by Mag_Man_2000
man you guys talk to big of words....

Then i will simplify our posts for you:

Microsoft is screwing us over...AGAIN!!!!!

It's fun to blame everything on Microsoft:D :D