View Full Version : Why does everyone say...

07-26-2002, 11:24 AM
That mags chop too much paint. I am currently between mags, but in the past, I have owned: A mag, another Mag, and RT and I never chopped paint (my RT kicked *** by the way). Do I just not shoot fast enough? Or am I just not spastic enough on the trigger?
I see all the guys at my field breaking paint in their Angels ALL the time, yet "mags chop too much". I don't get it.
Oh, and for the record, IMHO, the average paintball player (and even most above average ones) cannot shoot 13-14 balls per second in reality (I'm sure in their own minds, they are achieving new BPS records, if only their loader was faster!).
Just some thoughts.


PS What's the latest and greatest in Emags? I'm about to get a new gun, and was looking at Cockers (did he just say cocker on the Mag forum...Gasp!), but the SFL looks pretty sexy, and I could use all the cocker barrels I have on it. Only thing I don't like, is it doesn't accept a loader without the elbow.

07-26-2002, 11:36 AM
Latest and greatest is the extreme CnC. It's like a SFL that has been carved. Comes with ACE and I believe level 10. :D

07-26-2002, 11:43 AM
I agree. all these cocker jocks and angel ppl at my field are like..."I had a mag and all it did was chop" and I'm like " ya know what...good for you. I have an e-mag and it doesn't chop on full auto at 20bps so I'm guessing you *EDIT* DO NOT CURSE, THIS IS A WARNING, THIS TIME...Army it up some how"

but....you right. and the latest and greatest e-mag is..... the one with an emagnum board in it.

07-26-2002, 11:55 AM
I guess I should have been more specific:
What is the latest and greatest body? I don't play with anything but Semi, so a multitude of options on a board is worthless to me. I would like to stick with cocker threads (are there any bodies besides SFL), and I want a LIGHT body. Also a regular vertical feed would be nice.

Patron God of Pirates
07-26-2002, 12:00 PM
The C&C extreme Body.

• Takes Cocker threads
• Interchangeable feed port; Angel threaded vert feed, or no profile Warp breach.

07-26-2002, 12:05 PM
Ok guys, I have seen two recommendations for extreme C&C...but no one has told me where I can get one!
Can anyone offer up a link or two on stores/sites where I can check it out.

07-26-2002, 12:30 PM
As far as I know, the Extreme is out but the C&C version is slated for official North American release at the IAO in August.Someone from Belgium, (pandora) has numero uno already.

Lone Gunman
07-26-2002, 03:51 PM
You can preorder the CNC Extreme E-mag at Modified Paintball (http://www.modifiedpaintball.com)

07-26-2002, 08:19 PM
The C&C Extreme with level 10 'gentle bolt', ACE, no rise (they do not currently take angel threaded feed tubes) and milling.




07-27-2002, 06:33 AM
Cool, thanks for the pic Manike. I actually like the low rise feed. That gun is just what I am looking for in an emag.


07-27-2002, 07:10 AM
Nice picture Manike... now I am going to have to hunt you down! ;)

Oh.... My RT Pro does not chop either. ;)

07-27-2002, 07:12 AM
Originally posted by shartley
Nice picture Manike... now I am going to have to hunt you down! ;)

The feelings mutual :D Come play Shatner ball!


07-27-2002, 07:21 AM
Not a chance this year… grrrrr I don’t think I will even be able to make it to the IAO this year either, not even to see the trade show. :( That is what happens when clients throw a monkey wrench into your scheduling. I have not even been able to get out to the Paintball Fields like I had planned……

I AM going out tomorrow though (had that scheduled for 3 months), and plan to make it to the New England AO Day. I know there is slim chance you can make that though. Maybe when they get the National (US) AO Day. Heck, I am sure we will work something out… SOME time. :D

07-27-2002, 07:29 AM
I am trying my hardest to make IAO, but not looking too likely at the moment. Gonna be a hella expensive month :( :)
