View Full Version : Need info on right or left power feed body

07-26-2002, 10:36 PM
I am interested in purchasing an automag classic main body, with the black teflon coating power feed. I currently own a 68 Classic with the hopper on the left. My question is which of the two bodies is the most popular hopper on the left or hopper on the right? I am right handed if that makes a difference. I would like any info on which body has the best advantage before I spend $120 to buy the teflon coated one. I have not yet used my automag so I'm not sure. Any info will be much appreciated.

[email protected]

07-26-2002, 11:09 PM
If you're right-handed and generally shoot out the right side of your bunker, you'll want the Hopper Left version, meaning that the hopper sits off to the left side when shooting.