View Full Version : AO members!

07-26-2002, 11:08 PM
hey! how do i become an AO member?

07-26-2002, 11:21 PM

Obviously you already are one, or else you wouldn't be able to post here...

07-26-2002, 11:22 PM
j/k guys...i have heard of AO memers getting to test stuff out. how do i get to do that...i love the opportunity to toy w/ my mag and try new thing!:D

07-27-2002, 07:03 AM
Originally posted by oslorat
j/k guys...i have heard of AO memers getting to test stuff out. how do i get to do that...i love the opportunity to toy w/ my mag and try new thing!:D
Many times AGD needs Beta Testers. When they need them, Tom posts here on AO and usually there is a specific number of members asked for. Then the first members to respond/buy the product to be tested are the beta testers. There are also some members that get to test things on a regular basis that are NOT AO beta testers, I believe they are contacted by Tom or his staff personally for this.

So, either you will be asked in person to become a tester, OR it will be posted here on AO and if you are fast enough, you can become one. It is yet another great reason to keep reading AO! That and the contests that pop up now and again. :D (Oh, and of course the great information too!)

07-27-2002, 09:50 AM
lol i want to be a product reviewer for all products? how can i do that? :)

07-27-2002, 12:08 PM
Originally posted by FutureMagOwner
lol i want to be a product reviewer for all products? how can i do that? :)

Have lots of money and but them as soon as they come out :)

Some people on AO also get to beta test because they are sponsored or involved with AGD/AGDE.

For example Manny (Ricerocket) plays Pro for Aftershock and plays in very demanding conditions so he was one of the first to try out level 10.

I helped do some modelling and milling designs for the extremes so I got one of the first level 10 kits in the UK and first dibs on a C&C extreme which I just picked up yesterday.

The AGD sponsored teams which quite a few members play for were first to get stuck into the level 10 kits.

The moral of the story? Stick around and help out :)
