View Full Version : crown poit barrel questions?

07-27-2002, 12:22 AM
hey is the cpb a good barrel.i know its ancien but i have still heard some good stuff about it. i have what i guess is the stock barrel, its black and kinda looks like the crown point accept lookks better and has a chrome tip. is that the stock? i just bout my mag a while ago used and i love it and i am tryn to learn as much as possible.
thanx levi:cool:

07-27-2002, 12:29 AM
The Crown point was a kind of failed experiment for AGD. The concept behind it was good, but it didn't work well. I remmber a thread around here where AGD offered people who bought crown points during some sort of sale or whatever compensation because it was a bet or something. Don't Quote me on it though. Sounds like the barrel you have now is an RT/E-Mag stock barrel, much better than the Crown Point and probably better than most of the stuff out there. Keep it.

07-27-2002, 02:46 PM
The crown point barrels are an ancient barrel design. At LEAST as old as 1993. Back in January, Tom was told that the Automags.org Online forums were full of "mag drones" and were biased towards 'mags. (DUH!, everyone's biased, I can give a 5 page lecture on that if you want :)). Anyways, Tom brought out some 11" Crown Point barrels and was selling them for 20 dollars or so. To demonstrate the bias, he gave what I found to be a really funny thread post and watched the replies. People were confused on whether or not it was him, since no one sees him talk like that. Anyways, it really failed as a selling point. He says they only had offers for a dozen or so. The experiment was a semi-success as far as I can see. It showed people that there ARE unbiased opinions here, and that they wanted more proof than Tom's word. It also showed that there were people who hang on Tom's every word. In my opinion however, the results were flawed since Tom does not normally act that way, and many assumed it was a joke I guess.

Me...show me graphs and visual proof (the level 10 videos), and I'll bite.


07-27-2002, 05:55 PM
I have a CPB, and i love mine. best one i've used on a mag yet!