View Full Version : I am a mag owner but i have a Spyder Question.

Jason Reed
07-27-2002, 10:47 AM
I bought a 2 year old spyder and was wondering if there are any upgrades still available for it. it is in perfection condition and has only been shoot twice.

07-27-2002, 10:53 AM
Could I ask why you did this?:confused:

07-27-2002, 11:27 AM
I'm 99.9999% sure that you could use any upgrade avalable today on your spyder. Its not like they've drasticaly changed over the last two years.... or ever for that matter... which I guess is good... and its kind of a tribute to their design... yea... .......

07-27-2002, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by freek133
Could I ask why you did this?:confused:
Um.... maybe because for the bang for your buck they are actually pretty decent markers?

I own an RT Pro, but my Wife and Son both shoot Spyders. You can do quite a lot to them, and they do the job quite well.

Jason Reed
As was stated, I don't see why not. I am not a marker guru, but I don't see why you could not upgrade it.... they actually were designed to be upgraded. Smart move on their part.

07-27-2002, 01:15 PM
Thats the nice thing about some markers. You can modify/butcher to your hearts content. I just finnished butchering errrr, modifying my son's old SE some more. I hope he'll let me start cutting the body?

Jason Reed
07-27-2002, 03:38 PM
I think it is just a classic spyder, but i am not sure. i know i want a double trigger and foregrip. it already has a custom bolt. i was wondering what i should put on it.

07-27-2002, 04:12 PM
Get one of them new electronic grips that kingman make for spyders i think there called sprints or spirits or summin like that.

07-27-2002, 04:21 PM
Actually, Kingman did change the Spyder somewhat (don't know how long ago). The old ones had a bigger striker, and screws holding the velocity adjuster and back block to the body. Also, if it's a newer compact style, you should be fine if you ever need to get a vertical adapter. I have an old Compact P, and I need to replace the vertical adapter (stripped screw holes). My choices are to drill the new vert. adapter for the old 2 hole mounting system, or drill the body (probably what I'm gonna do) so it takes the newer 1 hole mounting system. Just some info on Spyders that might be useful to you.

07-28-2002, 10:31 AM
You might also want to search out the Kingman site. Plenty of stuff on them there. And plenty of modifications out there for them. KingmanUSA I think.
And also look up our good buddy and long time AO member OtterSC who is a moderator over there at Kingmans site plus maintians his own little site with some helpfull info on it.

07-28-2002, 10:51 AM
a good regulator could always help, so maybe a palmer stabalizer. And, I would also suggest getting an electronic trigger for it too. I presonally don't really like the ESP trigger, but that's just me. A new barrel? The possibilites are unlimited.

07-28-2002, 11:17 AM
I think like Coaster's pointed out, a regulator would be one of your best bets.

The Palmer's a great one.

Also, go on to this link -


It's a FAQ made by the mod on the Pbnation Spyder forum. The mod there is also a member of AO. Go through every post, from start to end - pretty much everything you need to know about spyders; including worthwhile upgrades as you're looking for.

07-28-2002, 04:25 PM
if you have the stock bolt, pop out the venturi, now you have a cheap but high flow bolt. get a d/l or 32* high flow valve and valve pin. a nice 2xtrigger with a mad man springkit if your going mechanical, as well as a 32*springkit. the 32*kit is best as to the weaker weak spring, but the madman has nice trigger springs which are extreamly smooth and light, in conjuntion with a 32*light main and valve, you'll have an awsome trigger pull. you should also check out www.ottersccustom.com (http://) for some great home mods to do to ur spyder. doing most of what i said will give u a nice low pressure set-up, along with a good regulator, and on that site you'll find even more lp mods you can do. i know alot of ppl say lp is gimmick, but go play a game with a stock spyder, than set it up for lp, they usully go down to about 275-350 easy, and try to tell me you saw absolutly no preformance gain.