View Full Version : What ever happened to that cool warp feed body?

07-27-2002, 11:23 AM
I’m 75% sure that AGD was developing this type of warp feed setup but I wasn’t quite sure. I couldn’t find a picture so I drew one from memory. The setup kind of looked like the sketch, although I’m sure the proportions were different. The pictures marked top and left are what I imagined it to be; the picture marked back is a more stylized version. So my question: What ever happened to this warp feed setup? I thought it was a good design and I was ready to buy it (just like I’m ready to buy the no-rise for the “classic” Emag main body). Will it ever come out or was it one of those what-if-we-did-this type things?

07-27-2002, 12:03 PM
Kinda looks like just a regular warp body to me.

Is this what you remember seeing?

07-27-2002, 12:05 PM

That would be it, that was just a prototype to the extremes side feed i think and they wont need to be produced cause the ace is built into the extreme rather than outside the gun

07-27-2002, 12:12 PM
nutz, thats what I'm thinking about. TO bad its not in produciton. Chances are I won't get that extreme upgrade, I'll either mill my own body or stick with my SS one.

07-27-2002, 01:04 PM
Well..TK did help Bob Long with one for his warp fed Timmy..

07-27-2002, 05:02 PM
I guess its not financially sound to produce that setup allong with all the other, basically similar, setups that are out now. To bad though. I hope the no-rise bodies make it into production.

07-27-2002, 05:29 PM
Is this what you were refering to?


07-27-2002, 10:36 PM
betamax, way slow, look up a couple post.....