View Full Version : Consistance + or - 1..... HOW????

07-27-2002, 04:16 PM
What kind of consistancy are you guys getting with your Retro Valves.... or Classics or that matter. I want to get my marker shooting + or - 3 at most.... like my cocker did. Is it the tank..... I have a PMI 88 45000 and a PMI 68 3000 should I get a new tank? Can you guys tell me what you're getting out of a 10 shot group.... what are 5 random reading you're getting. Thanks guys... I just need to know..

07-27-2002, 04:17 PM
match your paint to your barrel.

Lone Gunman
07-27-2002, 05:31 PM
Have a good reg seat too.

Mav D MagMan
07-27-2002, 06:48 PM
Use paint that is consistent in its quality, however even with good paint in a good barrel you will still loose or gain a few fps here and there due to differences in the paintballs.


07-27-2002, 07:23 PM
I get +2 -2 with my Micromag Classic Valve and Nitro Duck Preset 68ci 3000ps tank :)

07-27-2002, 07:27 PM
today with my classic mag, lv 10, old school crown point barrel ,68/3k preset nitro duck tank and at least 12 month old Nitro duck field paint i was 278 282 280 273 275 and some how 269... and i think my reg seat is going.

07-27-2002, 09:19 PM
My question more lies on the line of what kind of consistance should a retro mag be getting. What is a resonable number that you guys are getting out of your Mags. Especially with the Level 10's which I have. I need to trouble shoot this issue. Paint and barrel aren't an issue. I've always matched before I use any paint. Thank guys.

07-27-2002, 11:15 PM
Today when i was using my retro setup i was getting reading like 265,290,285. That's with all new seals and a maxflow setup. I was using my 14inch boomstick with fresh marbs which seems to be a great match for that barrel. When you say the reg seat is going does that mean the seal or the actual reg seat? I know this gun has the potential to be more consitant and would like to know how.

07-27-2002, 11:34 PM
I get +-2 shooting an RT pro with stock barrel, PMI 68/4500, and Marbs. Paint match makes all the difference. My friends Angel was getting +-15 FPS one day on old Big Ball, and +-1 or 2 on tourney marbs the next. He has a freak.

Remember to oil the mag every day you play. That made a BIG difference for me.

07-28-2002, 12:06 AM
Check you barrel see if it is catching on the bolt. If it is thats your problem. Check for wear spots on your barrel. If there is an area of wear that means the bolt may be catching leading to consistency issues.

Normally consistency should not deviate more than 10 FPS in any condidtion. If you have a really good setup +/- 5 fps is the norm.

07-28-2002, 12:38 AM
good quality paint
good paint to barrel match
keep everything well lubed with a good quality oil
reasonably new reg seat
and everything worn in properly**

**everytime you change a part and to a lesser degree every time you disassemble the valve the gun needs to be fired 50-100 times before
you'll get peak consistancy out of it. When you first get the gun don't
even bother testing the consistancy until you've fired 1000 or so rounds.
This is true of any gun, not just mags. For that matter its true of any
mechanical system, just like breaking in a new car.

07-28-2002, 12:55 AM
One thing I've found that does help, if you've matched the paint to barrel, etc., is to make sure you attempt to pull the trigger exactly the same way for each shot. Meaning, don't release it and pull it slower one time, then slam it the next. My Retro easily got within +/- 2 FPS. (It's a little finiky w/LX, but that'll just take some breaking in.)

07-28-2002, 02:03 AM
So is it really possible to get your mags to shoot + or - 1 or 2? It seems like some people can and some can't... thanks for your replys guys. I want to make a poll and see how many people can get their mags shooting with that type of consistancy.

Kaiser Bob
07-28-2002, 03:12 AM
your standard Radar-chron isnt accurate enough to claim +/- 1 or 2 fps anyway, so if you are getting that its a combo of consistancy and luck more or less.

07-28-2002, 09:02 PM
not true, your avarage radar-chron may not be accurate to measure down to 1 fps, BUT, it is consistant enough to measure a deviation of 1 fps.

with my mayhem today i once again proved that good, consistant paint and a good match is invaluable. i was shooting some not-so-great TC (that was generallyy dimpled and loose) and was shooting 267, 255, 259, 278 etc...
when i switched to some new big-ball that fit my barrel it was 295, 296, 295, 295, 294. i tried chronoing to the limit and took random readings of 298, 299, 298, 297, 299. only once did i have an odd-ball reading of 300, out of maybe 20 chrono shots.

i would expect that in a mag a good lube job would help almost as much as good paint.

Kaiser Bob
07-28-2002, 09:29 PM
IIRC your average chronographs have something like an 8% margin of error, which translates to some inaccuracy in measuring deviation.

07-28-2002, 09:54 PM
How much effect does everyone else have with the retro if you don't shoot consistantly. I get in excess of 30 fps lower on the first shot, and if I shoot inconsistant, lucky to get within +- 7 at the chrono. Of course, it goes +- 2 or 3 when I make sure to pull evenly.

07-29-2002, 09:33 AM
KB - 8% inaccuracy is within 24 fps, maybe you thinking .8% (2.4 fps)? or even .08% (.24 fps)?

07-29-2002, 10:06 AM
I believe the hand held chrono makers claim it to read the velocity to within 3% of the actual velocity. But they are certainly capable of repeatability within 1fps. It's just that each value may be within 3% of the actual velocity of the projectile. But with any chrono that 3% appears to be fixed over all readings.

So if you get two readings such as 299 and 300 the shots velocities were within 1 fps of each other but may have been from 290 to 309 in real life.

Hand held chrono's in a calibrated test actually read within 1fps of each other at the outside.


07-29-2002, 09:11 PM
thanks manike, thats what i was getting at. they are consistant enough to measure deviations, just the actual values may be higher or lower, but the same distance apart.

i have so much trouble explaining things in writing. :rolleyes:

07-29-2002, 09:16 PM
have a very consistent tank, have a good barrel paint match, make sure your orings in EVERYTHING are good and not worn down, dont break paint so it doesn't clog up the barrel and mess its path up

07-30-2002, 01:39 PM
the paint to barrel match must be it for me.

i shoot field paint, PMI premium through a bigshot barrel. while chronoing with my mag and flatline setup i am like +-6
FPS. sometimes more.

as always first shot doesnt count as air is slightly building up and all the shots must be the same. as in always pull the trigger the same way. i find that you are more consistent when you do that.


07-30-2002, 02:36 PM
another quick question.

if the ball roles down the barrel while holding the barrel verticl, is the bore of the barrel to big.

the bigshot is .689 while the auto spirit is .686
any ideas on that?

i love my big shot barrel wouldnt hesitate about getting the autospirit just as long as it gives better performance. only problem is with the new extreme bodys comming out and a new barrel.


07-30-2002, 03:35 PM
yup, too big. i was having trouble with my stock barrel once, the paint was sliding (not rolling) down the barrel. with a different barrel that fit the paint better (excel) i got 30 fps increase in velocity and tightened up my consistancy to my now usual ± 1.

07-30-2002, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by felony
another quick question.

if the ball roles down the barrel while holding the barrel verticl, is the bore of the barrel to big.

the bigshot is .689 while the auto spirit is .686
any ideas on that?

i love my big shot barrel wouldnt hesitate about getting the autospirit just as long as it gives better performance. only problem is with the new extreme bodys comming out and a new barrel.


I have the AutoSpirit, but often hesitate to use it. Even with All-Stars I often find myself not being able to blow the ball down the barrel. The balls are so tight in the barrel, that I have to use a straight-shot and gently push it out. Even with 'fresh' paint, I've had problems. I've yet to have a barrel break with it, but I do know when I have to use a straight-shot to push it out... Well, it's too tight.

I revert back to the Rt Pro stock barrel at that point.

07-31-2002, 03:01 AM
I had a really hard time getting things consistent for a while and got really discouraged. Even with really good maintenance I had wild +/- results.

I have an ebay mag, and when I got it I swapped out all the junk aftermarket bolts, regs etc. In doing so I didn't realize that I'd put things out of balance. The previous owner had installed a power tube spacer which might have been perfect for the aftermarket bolt that he had been using, but wasn't perfect for the standard bolt I replaced it with.

My shots were really inconsistent, and the trigger pull felt inconsistent. I didn't realize about the trigger until I fired someone elses mag. I did some research and bought a power tube spacer kit and it made an INCREDIBLE difference to both the feel of the trigger ( a really crisp pull ) and the consistency of shot.

Of course, this is only going to work for you if you currently have an incorrect spacer.
